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"HONGZ" stands for HO scale, N scale, G scale, and Z scale.

Post your non-O scale stuff here!

SP AC-1 2-8-8-2 (CONT):

Decoder install:   

Soldered the other side of the connectors for the wires that route through the boiler.

SP AC-1 2-8-8-2 Westside 65

Soldered the tender light and sugar cube speaker in the tender.

SP AC-1 2-8-8-2 Westside 66

Stuffed all the wires in the tender and 'closed it up'.

SP AC-1 2-8-8-2 Westside 67

Marker and headlight glued in.

SP AC-1 2-8-8-2 Westside 68

Two of the four running board lights glued in the boiler.

SP AC-1 2-8-8-2 Westside 69


Images (5)
  • SP AC-1 2-8-8-2 Westside 65
  • SP AC-1 2-8-8-2 Westside 66
  • SP AC-1 2-8-8-2 Westside 67
  • SP AC-1 2-8-8-2 Westside 68
  • SP AC-1 2-8-8-2 Westside 69
Last edited by samparfitt

Two items:

SP AC-1 2-8-8-2 (cont)

Wires routed through front of boiler.  Being a cab forward, a little different in routing the wire at the opposite end.

SP AC-1 2-8-8-2 Westside 70

Two supplied weights added and decoder wires routed to front of boiler.

SP AC-1 2-8-8-2 Westside 71

LED's installed in cab.  Two for marker lights, one for headlight and two cab lights on the roof.  Used some 1/16" diameter heat shrink tubing to route the wires.  Supplied 'glass' windows installed.

SP AC-1 2-8-8-2 Westside 72

Worked on the Bachmann tree branches (bushes).

Four different colors of 'leaves' and hair spray.


Leaf flake used.


Put some in foam to process and did the others individually.  Had to spread out the limbs as they get pressed flat in the package.







Tools used to 'plant' the shrubs, trees.



Images (15)
  • SP AC-1 2-8-8-2 Westside 70
  • SP AC-1 2-8-8-2 Westside 71
  • SP AC-1 2-8-8-2 Westside 72
  • GNRR10550
  • GNRR10561
  • GNRR10551
  • GNRR10552
  • GNRR10553
  • GNRR10554
  • GNRR10555
  • GNRR10556
  • GNRR10557
  • GNRR10558
  • GNRR10559
  • GNRR10560
Last edited by samparfitt

BLI PRR K-4 streamlined 4-6-2 repair.

After about an hour of run time, the engine stopped running.  In the past I had my BLI UP 2-tone challenger 4-6-6-4 stop running.  The challenger would, immediately, go into full throttle when the engine number was addressed.  I figured the decoder was bad.  I emailed BLI and they sent me an RA# and they replaced the motor and decoder free but it took 12 weeks.

The sound and smoke was working on the K-4 so I turned off the smoke and sound so I could hear if the motor was running.

The motor was running so I figured it has to be in the linkage so I dismantled the engine.  I've never dismantled a BLI steam engine but figured it should be similar to brass steam.

I found that the universal was loose that attaches to the motor shaft.

The universal is housed in a circular piece of plastic.

PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 18

I'm guessing the circular piece of plastic is suppose to force fit (saw no glue residue) into the female end of the brass fly wheel but it only fit loosely.

PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 19

I took some thin CA and put some on a toothpick to control the amount of glue being applied and let the CA wick between the circular part and the fly wheel.   The motor is mounted on a sturdy metal frame (aluminum color).

PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 20

Easy access to secure the motor frame to the engine's frame with two holes (last driver) for the screws.

The worm drive is in the background.  Initially, I thought the worm was loose on the shaft but that turned out to be untrue.

Also, I took the driver retaining plate off (two phillip screws) and checked the main gear on the driver and no movement on the shaft so that was OK.

PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 21

The worm gear sets in a metal enclosure and a piece of U shaped plastic snaps onto the metal enclosure to secure it.

PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 22

Initial test to see if my 'fix' was good.

PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 23

I plugged in the connector (far right) that leads to the boiler shell.

PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 24

The boiler shell has the smoke unit and the LED's for headlight, marker lights and number boards.  That center shaft secures the front of the engine.

PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 26

One phillips to hold the front together.

PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 27

Two screws holds the back together (far left set).  Of course I started at the right and then the middle before finding the correct ones to remove.

PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 28

Lead and trailing trucks reattached.

PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 29

There is a connector that can be removed to remove the tender but I did not remove it.  BLI has been sending engines with engine and tender attached in the shipping box: I'm guessing some people can't attach them correctly and have bent the pins so BLI has eliminated that step!

PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 30

It runs again.  Of course a 'road trip' will be needed to insure my fix is good.  At the worse, I'll need to do a better job of 'gluing'!

PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 31


Images (14)
  • PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 18
  • PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 19
  • PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 20
  • PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 21
  • PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 22
  • PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 23
  • PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 24
  • PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 25
  • PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 26
  • PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 27
  • PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 28
  • PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 29
  • PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 30
  • PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 31
Last edited by samparfitt

This is a great thread for a lot of reasons. Beautiful layout, plus you are showing many different aspects/projects. Not just loco repair/upgrade, but electrical and scenery...stuff we all have to do, but don't often share.

It's partially responsible for my current itch to do some HO modeling again. It's the scale I first had when I got into the hobby, so going back to it seems strangely familiar...and fun.

Please keep posting.

Mark in Oregon

I've been lucky.   

Growing up in Cleveland, there was a big modeling community there. 

In 1979, I got transferred to Cincinnati, Ohio and, again, a big railroad community.  Our NMRA div 5 is very large at around 250 members with excellent monthly meetings and around 70 registered layouts in the division.


A very nice N&W flick from the 40's/50's.

WOW and they're all articulateds

Last edited by samparfitt
@samparfitt posted:

New delivery.  I did manage to find some Weston figures on ebay getting the whole lot for only about 30 bucks.  Weston has none in stock and most sellers want an 'arm and leg' for them.  I like the Weston figures.

pennsy J-1 2-10-4 53

Re: Weston figures: you and me both.

So YOU got that lot; good on ya.  Interesting how sometimes the old standbys are still the "best"... 

Mark in Oregon

Several items:

1) UP 4-6-6-4 challenger by Tenshodo with TCS 1517 decoder and lots of LED's.

Chumstick Canyon trestle.

UP 4-6-6-4 Tenshodo 79


UP 4-6-6-4 Tenshodo 80

Seattle's freight/passenger yard throat.

UP 4-6-6-4 Tenshodo 81

2) This car was shorting.  The intermountain all metal wheels sides were contacting the metal trucks so replaced with brass axle with plastic wheels.

UP 4-6-6-4 Tenshodo 82

3)  The PRR K-4 4-6-2 by BLI seems fixed that had the bad universal joint between the motor and gear box.  Ran a 15 car train both east and west on the mainline (850' should 'do it').

Skykomish.  This picture shows off my new shrubs that I 'planted' along the 'right of way'!

PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 32


PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 33

PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 34

Chumwater Canyon trestle.

PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 35

Nice connecting hose detail on the engine and nomenclature.

PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 36

4)  This Miller sign went bad on me.  Emailed Miller Signs and they said to just put the sign in an envelope and they sent me a new one.  Nice service.

miller sign 01

5)  PRR S-2 6-8-6 turbine.  Model is by Alco models.

Wanted to get some resemblance of a turbine sound for this engine. From what I've read and videos of BLI's S-2 and Lionel's S-2, it makes a 'swishing' sound versus what I have on the scaletrains UP 8500 turbine and the C&O M-1 turbine.  Another modeler suggested using 'blowdown' function.



Leaving Hillyard:

View of driver mechanism (no pistons).

PRR S-2 6-8-6 alco 64

Went into decoderpro via SPROG and screen 'volume groups'.

PRR S-2 6-8-6 alco 65

'Blow down' had a setting of 6 and it was very loud.  I had to, first, change it to zero to turn it off and then set it to 20 to get a respectable volume ( at least for me).   Not sure why I had to turn it off, first, to get the volume to change!

PRR S-2 6-8-6 alco 66

Then I clicked on 'throttle', clicked on the asterisk to get next set of functions (ie 11-19) and clicked on 'blow down' to check how the volume sounded.  I had to try several different volumes until I found one I liked.   The videos will show that.

PRR S-2 6-8-6 alco 67

For Digitrax, getting to the next set of functions is easy.  Hold down the 'FUNC' key while pressing 1 and then I pressed F8 for F18 function (for TCS 1517 decoder).  One negative is, if the engine is put in reverse, F18 has to be reset again when in forward.   The 'chuffing' sound volume was reduced to zero.

PRR S-2 6-8-6 alco 68

Cab interior. I had to paint the throttles!

PRR S-2 6-8-6 alco 69

6) The LCC signal system by RR-Cirkits is pretty sophisticated.  Besides giving the correct color signals for the next 4 blocks, when the train passes the opposite direction signal changes to green in case the engineer wants to back up.

signals RR-cirkits CB 99


Images (17)
  • UP 4-6-6-4 Tenshodo 79
  • UP 4-6-6-4 Tenshodo 80
  • UP 4-6-6-4 Tenshodo 81
  • UP 4-6-6-4 Tenshodo 82
  • PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 32
  • PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 33
  • PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 34
  • PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 35
  • PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 36
  • miller sign 01
  • PRR S-2 6-8-6 alco 64
  • PRR S-2 6-8-6 alco 65
  • PRR S-2 6-8-6 alco 66
  • PRR S-2 6-8-6 alco 67
  • PRR S-2 6-8-6 alco 68
  • PRR S-2 6-8-6 alco 69
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 99
Last edited by samparfitt

More shrubs added: 

These are by Bachmann. Come about 60 per package.

Extra different colored foliage was added.  Need to spread out the limbs.  Wire is used in Bachmann's process.


Track leading to the ore dock.


Main throat track leading to Seattle.


Seattle's roundhouse.






Swan lake logging railroad.


St. Paul's roundhouse.  There's always something that can be added to any layout.



Images (10)
  • GNRR10562
  • GNRR10563
  • GNRR10564
  • GNRR10565
  • GNRR10566
  • GNRR10567
  • GNRR10568
  • GNRR10569
  • GNRR10570
  • GNRR10571
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Railroader stopped by to diagnose some engines.

He had a nice carrying case.

case train prr 01

case train prr 02

PRR F-7: Downloaded new address but couldn't get the horn to be louder.  Not familiar with this decoder and SPROG didn't show any horn variable.   Probably a CV but didn't know which one was for the horn.  At least the engine runs.

Also, we down loaded the new address for a PRR H-'something': a diesel so I don't remember what it was.

PRR F-7 01

PRR S-2 6-8-6.

Front pilot needed some resistance soldering.

PRR S-2 6-8-6 01

Nice engine.  Has sprung trailing and leading trucks.

PRR S-2 6-8-6 02

PRR S-2 6-8-6 03

No decoder so we did a short test run using address zero.

PRR S-2 6-8-6 04

Being PRR, Alan ran the PRR K-4 streamlined steamer from BLI.

PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 37

PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 38


Images (9)
  • case train prr 01
  • case train prr 02
  • PRR F-7 01
  • PRR S-2 6-8-6 01
  • PRR S-2 6-8-6 02
  • PRR S-2 6-8-6 03
  • PRR S-2 6-8-6 04
  • PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 37
  • PRR K-4 steamlined BLI 38

Railroader visit.

We resistance soldered the motor mount to the engine frame on his Tenshodo SF 4-6-4.

Steve's engines 01

His 2009 BLI SF 4-8-4 only came with a sound decoder and it has an address of 03.  Via decoderpro, we tried to change the address to the engine's address but nada.  He added a motor decoder and no problem on doing an address update for the motor decoder.

Steve's engines 02

Decoderpro screen for address.

Steve's engines 03

When the previous screen update said OK, indicating the address took but it didn't accept the new address.  Next we went into the CV's and changed CV 17, 18 and 29 to what the 'conversion' APP (program) said for engine number 3587 but that didn't work either.  We tried resetting but, finally, 'gave up'.

Steve's engines 04

The result is two engine addresses are inputted into the throttle:  left throttle controls the motor and the right throttle controls the sound.  He did a 'road test'

Steve's engines 05

I ran the BLI PRR K-4 streamline while he ran the SF 4-8-4.

Steve's engines 06

Next I ran my PFM (united) SF 4-8-4 while he ran his UP challenger 4-6-6-4.

Steve's engines 07

His challenger was by Lionel.

Steve's engines 08

He needed to double head as the challenger had no 'traction' tires whereas the BLI SF 4-8-4 did.

Steve's engines 09

It had around 35 cars.

Steve's engines 10

Steve's engines 11

Steve's engines 12

PFM (upper) and Lionel/BLI lower.

Steve's engines 13


Images (13)
  • Steve's engines 01
  • Steve's engines 02
  • Steve's engines 03
  • Steve's engines 04
  • Steve's engines 05
  • Steve's engines 06
  • Steve's engines 07
  • Steve's engines 08
  • Steve's engines 09
  • Steve's engines 10
  • Steve's engines 11
  • Steve's engines 12
  • Steve's engines 13
Last edited by samparfitt

Just running trains.

Figure, with an operating session this coming Saturday, might as well test the mainline.  A UP 4-12-2 with 21 cars seemed like a good engine to test for any track problems.   The company photographer 'tagged' along.  The engine is by KEY that I painted and installed LED's and a TCS 1517 decoder. The cars are vintage metal Athearn/Varney and wood Silver Streak/Ambroid freight cars.


UP 4-12-2 Key 119

UP 4-12-2 Key 120

UP 4-12-2 Key 121


UP 4-12-2 Key 122

UP 4-12-2 Key 123

UP 4-12-2 Key 124

UP 4-12-2 Key 125

Marias pass.

UP 4-12-2 Key 126

UP 4-12-2 Key 127

UP 4-12-2 Key 128

UP 4-12-2 Key 129


UP 4-12-2 Key 130

Small tender with a 12 wheeler needs lots of water.

UP 4-12-2 Key 131


UP 4-12-2 Key 132

UP 4-12-2 Key 133

UP 4-12-2 Key 134


UP 4-12-2 Key 135

UP 4-12-2 Key 136

UP 4-12-2 Key 137

Chumstick canyon trestle.

UP 4-12-2 Key 138


UP 4-12-2 Key 139

UP 4-12-2 Key 140

UP 4-12-2 Key 141

Basin tunnel.

UP 4-12-2 Key 142

UP 4-12-2 Key 143


UP 4-12-2 Key 144


UP 4-12-2 Key 145UP 4-12-2 Key 146

UP 4-12-2 Key 147

Bypassing St. Paul to interchange.

UP 4-12-2 Key 148


UP 4-12-2 Key 149

Good place to get water!

UP 4-12-2 Key 150


Images (32)
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 119
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 120
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 121
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 122
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 123
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 124
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 125
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 126
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 127
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 128
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 129
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 130
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 131
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 132
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 133
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 134
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 135
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 136
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 137
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 138
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 139
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 140
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 141
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 142
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 143
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 144
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 145
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 146
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 147
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 148
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 149
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 150
Last edited by samparfitt

NMRA MCR DIV 7 December meeting pictures:

Still under covid restrictions, we have our monthly meetings via Zoom.  It works very well and we had 65 join for the meeting.

First the Agenda is presented.

NMRA MCR DIV 7 Dec 2020 meeting 01

Monthly schedule for the year.

NMRA MCR DIV 7 Dec 2020 meeting 02

Members present pictures of their models and prototype for the 'subject of the month' for member voting.

NMRA MCR DIV 7 Dec 2020 meeting 03

Main subject matter presented.

This month Tony Koester presented his Nickel Plate RR. 

NOTE: All pictures deleted due to proprietary material.

Zoom works well as Div 7 didn't have to bring him to Cincinnati as Tony could present his subject matter from the east coast.

Tony did an outstanding job on the presentation as he explained the 'why and how' he built his layout.

Layout plan.  For the most part, he kept his isles wide as most of us aren't getting any thinner!  Notice in the plan that he 'walled off' part of the garage to get a longer mainline run (top of picture).  He made the layout multi deck but no helixes.

Kept turntable relatively close to the isle.  Make your yards large.  Can never have too big of a yard.

He's big on duplicating scenes along the full size railroad.  Full size (top picture) and model (bottom picture).

He found large pipe cleaners (brown stick in picture) and added foliage to make them look like bean crops.  In the 40's and 50's beans were planted in rows.

Control panel boxed in with a building.

Shelves don't need to be wide.  8"-16", except where towns are, are sufficient.

Another way to make tall grass.

Photoshop (and other soft wares) to merge prototype pictures into back drops.

Two pictures merged.  Side view of lumber building 'straight on' while street pictures gets 'perspective'.

Full size and model version.

Again, full size and model version.  He duplicated a picture of his dad and siblings.

This is cool.  An interchange: A 4" width backdrop that is about 4" high to hide the interchange track yet easy to access, if need be. Can see the line along the blue backdrop indicating the location.  Some trees used to hide the entrance to the interchange.

Model of the full size.

Merging roads to back drop roads.  Match the road to the back drop and not vise versa.

Making fall leaves on the ground.

Top shelf is narrow and no turnouts to reduce access to a minimum.

Stands to reach top levels.

We have layout tours after the meeting but, for now, they are virtual.  These two are located north of Dayton.

NMRA MCR DIV 7 Dec 2020 meeting 24

NMRA MCR DIV 7 Dec 2020 meeting 25

NMRA MCR DIV 7 Dec 2020 meeting 26

Pictures were cut out and glued to foam board for the 'buildings' for giving 'depth' to the scene.

NMRA MCR DIV 7 Dec 2020 meeting 27

First time I've seen a golf course on an HO layout.

NMRA MCR DIV 7 Dec 2020 meeting 28

Ditto on the transfer table.

NMRA MCR DIV 7 Dec 2020 meeting 29

Nice to see 'full view' pictures to see how the layout is presented.

NMRA MCR DIV 7 Dec 2020 meeting 30

NMRA MCR DIV 7 Dec 2020 meeting 31

NMRA MCR DIV 7 Dec 2020 meeting 32


Images (12)
  • NMRA MCR DIV 7 Dec 2020 meeting 01
  • NMRA MCR DIV 7 Dec 2020 meeting 02
  • NMRA MCR DIV 7 Dec 2020 meeting 03
  • NMRA MCR DIV 7 Dec 2020 meeting 24
  • NMRA MCR DIV 7 Dec 2020 meeting 25
  • NMRA MCR DIV 7 Dec 2020 meeting 26
  • NMRA MCR DIV 7 Dec 2020 meeting 27
  • NMRA MCR DIV 7 Dec 2020 meeting 28
  • NMRA MCR DIV 7 Dec 2020 meeting 29
  • NMRA MCR DIV 7 Dec 2020 meeting 30
  • NMRA MCR DIV 7 Dec 2020 meeting 31
  • NMRA MCR DIV 7 Dec 2020 meeting 32
Last edited by samparfitt

More train running:

Video of Milwaukee functioning pantographs:

Love this kind of stuff.

MTH Milwaukee bi-polar 29

Erie Triplex 2-8-8-8-2 by MTH.


MTH makes great 'smokers'.



Leaving Hillyard:

Erie triplex MTH 10


Images (2)
  • MTH Milwaukee bi-polar 29
  • Erie triplex MTH 10
Last edited by samparfitt

Testing the passenger trains.

An SP AC-5 4-8-8-2 and passenger cars.  The engine is by KEY that I painted, added LED's and installed a TCS 1517 decoder.

Eight of the passenger cars are by MTH and the rest are Broadway Limited.


Leaving Seattle:


Leaving Hillyard:

Leaving the recently built passenger yard (3rd from left).

SP AC-5 4-8-8-2 cab forward key 64

Engine was shorting on the commercial turnouts.  Several weeks ago, I rolled some solder on the axles of the lead truck and the ends were touching the insulated wheels.  Used pliers to squeeze the solder coil on the axle so no side movement.

SP AC-5 4-8-8-2 cab forward key 65

Chumwater canyon trestle.

SP AC-5 4-8-8-2 cab forward key 66


SP AC-5 4-8-8-2 cab forward key 67

SP AC-5 4-8-8-2 cab forward key 68

SP AC-5 4-8-8-2 cab forward key 69

SP AC-5 4-8-8-2 cab forward key 70


SP AC-5 4-8-8-2 cab forward key 71

SP AC-5 4-8-8-2 cab forward key 72

SP AC-5 4-8-8-2 cab forward key 73

Chumwater canyon trestle.

SP AC-5 4-8-8-2 cab forward key 74

Very nicely detailed BLI cars.

SP AC-5 4-8-8-2 cab forward key 75

Nice scale diaphragms.

SP AC-5 4-8-8-2 cab forward key 76


SP AC-5 4-8-8-2 cab forward key 77

SP AC-5 4-8-8-2 cab forward key 78

Entering Seattle's main yard throat.

SP AC-5 4-8-8-2 cab forward key 79

The right passenger track bypasses the freight yard on the left.

SP AC-5 4-8-8-2 cab forward key 80

SP AC-5 4-8-8-2 cab forward key 81


Images (18)
  • SP AC-5 4-8-8-2 cab forward key 64
  • SP AC-5 4-8-8-2 cab forward key 65
  • SP AC-5 4-8-8-2 cab forward key 66
  • SP AC-5 4-8-8-2 cab forward key 67
  • SP AC-5 4-8-8-2 cab forward key 68
  • SP AC-5 4-8-8-2 cab forward key 69
  • SP AC-5 4-8-8-2 cab forward key 70
  • SP AC-5 4-8-8-2 cab forward key 71
  • SP AC-5 4-8-8-2 cab forward key 72
  • SP AC-5 4-8-8-2 cab forward key 73
  • SP AC-5 4-8-8-2 cab forward key 74
  • SP AC-5 4-8-8-2 cab forward key 75
  • SP AC-5 4-8-8-2 cab forward key 76
  • SP AC-5 4-8-8-2 cab forward key 77
  • SP AC-5 4-8-8-2 cab forward key 78
  • SP AC-5 4-8-8-2 cab forward key 79
  • SP AC-5 4-8-8-2 cab forward key 80
  • SP AC-5 4-8-8-2 cab forward key 81
Last edited by samparfitt


Thanks for the kind comments.

The GNRW was started in 1979 in a 33'X47' basement.  It's point to point with two very large yards at each end with car capacity of around 500 cars for each yard. The mainline is single track with passing sidings and goes around the basement walls 2.5 times starting at 36" at Seattle and ending at 58" at St. Paul, Minn.  Mainline is 400' long.  Minimum radius is 48" with all #10 turnouts, including the yards.  There's about 1500' of track, all hand laid on wood ties, including the turnouts.  The exception is the recently installed passenger yard where I used all commercial track (getting lazing in my old age!).

The ore dock is 12' long and holds about 120 ore cars.

The laundry room (right center blank area in picture below) has a 3 track 8' diameter interchange/return loop in it.

The upper right room has the new 12 track passenger yard in it.

Below the steps is the logging railroad and has one track interfacing with the GNRW.  The Swan River logging railroad has a 4 track yard, 'john Allens' time saver and two 'switch backs' to go into the valley where there is a small town with a 'run around' plus a 2 track yard where logs are loaded on the log cars.

Much has been done to the layout in the last several years.  Besides more engines and freight and passenger cars, conversion was done to DCC with about 50 engines converted, so far.  Each engine gets painted(if not already done), LED's installed and TCS 1517 decoders used.    A complete signaling system via LCC has been installed. The signaling system interfaces with the PC where the dispatcher can monitor and see where all trains are on the layout and shows the condition of each signal.  The dispatcher can control all turnouts on the mainline.  The turnouts in the yards are controlled by old 'car vent' chokes.   Several hundred new trees and vegetation has, also, been done in the last few years.  Being 41 years old, the scenery needed to be 'refreshed', although the 41 years has done a nice job of weathering the track!

Mission Statement:  Main theme of my railroad (besides modeling the Great Northern Railway): when building the railroad, I wanted to model mainline running with big time steam and 'scale like' trains of 25-45 cars on single track mainline with passing sidings.

One thing I'm glad I did was leave lots of isle space with the area right of the ore dock being where chairs are located for the 'crew' to rest and eat.  Operating sessions are on the 3rd Saturday of the month.

The 'basic' track plan.



Images (1)
Last edited by samparfitt
@samparfitt posted:


Thanks for the kind comments....

...with the area right of the ore dock being where chairs are located for the 'crew' to rest and eat.  Operating sessions are on the 3rd Saturday of the month.

Thanks for the reply! That's really impressive! I don't actually know much about the Great Northern besides their logo. Did you start with this much track at the beginning? Or did you complete one line from point to point and then add from there?

I would love to see an operating session! I bet they're exciting with such a large space and so much rolling stock to get on the move.

'Stump pullers'

Been testing the mainline with just 20+ freight cars so I got out two big set of engines to test the 40+ freight cars.  The amount of stress seems to go up exponentially with 40+ cars so it's needed to insure track and cars are functioning properly.

UP 8500 HP turbine by Scaletrains.




I always like video recording from this area as lots of wheel noise from the freight cars.

Some of the cars are vintage metal Athearn/Varney and wood Silver Streak/Ambroid freight cars.

Leaving Hillyard:


This is the museum quality production so it has a 'ton' of details.

Twin beam headlight, lighted number boards, clear/green/red marker lights.   Hand applied steps, pin release, etc.

UP 8500 HP turbine 19

See through side screens.

UP 8500 HP turbine 08

Sliding side doors with interiors.

UP 8500 HP turbine 20

UP 8500 HP turbine 21

Functioning doors and lighted steps (night lights).

UP 8500 HP turbine 26

See through walk ways.

UP 8500 HP turbine 25

Rubber hoses between units and light over doors.

UP 8500 HP turbine 27

Each unit has its own decoder including the tender so no decoder wires between units.

UP 8500 HP turbine 23

Contact sensors to make wheel noises when traveling over turnouts.

UP 8500 HP turbine 28

Tons of weight.  Both units powered.  The blades in the turbine well are powered.

UP 8500 HP turbine 29

No trouble pulling 40+ cars uphill.

UP 8500 HP turbine 38


SF PA set A-B-B-A.  By Walthers.

An older video:

All units are powered with sound. Another 'stump puller'.

SF PA,PB both powered DCC 28

SF PA,PB both powered DCC 32

SF PA,PB both powered DCC 02

These have just the basic details but for only 150 bucks each, I purchased them.  Heck, it cost me around $115 just to install a decoder in my steam engines.  I've only got 3 sets of diesels but they are good for testing the mainline.   

SF PA,PB both powered DCC 05


Images (15)
  • UP 8500 HP turbine 19
  • UP 8500 HP turbine 08
  • UP 8500 HP turbine 20
  • UP 8500 HP turbine 21
  • UP 8500 HP turbine 26
  • UP 8500 HP turbine 25
  • UP 8500 HP turbine 27
  • UP 8500 HP turbine 23
  • UP 8500 HP turbine 28
  • UP 8500 HP turbine 29
  • UP 8500 HP turbine 38
  • SF PA,PB both powered DCC 28
  • SF PA,PB both powered DCC 32
  • SF PA,PB both powered DCC 02
  • SF PA,PB both powered DCC 05
Last edited by samparfitt
@BillYo414 posted:

Thanks for the reply! That's really impressive! I don't actually know much about the Great Northern besides their logo. Did you start with this much track at the beginning? Or did you complete one line from point to point and then add from there?

I would love to see an operating session! I bet they're exciting with such a large space and so much rolling stock to get on the move.


I had everything planned out from the beginning for building the layout.  If I remember correctly, I had the bulk of the track done within a couple of years.  If you page back you will see some of the operating sessions posted in this thread.  Anyone visiting the Cincinnati, Ohio area is always welcome to visit.   

The one exception to the planning was the recently install passenger yard.  The original passenger yard was only 2 tracks.  I 'branched off' the 2 tracks to the next room and built a 12 track yard that is about 18'-20' long.

Last edited by samparfitt
@samparfitt posted:


I had everything planned out.... yard was only 2 tracks.  I 'branched off' the 2 tracks to the next room and built a 12 track yard that is about 18'-20' long.

That's really impressive. I'm working on a significantly smaller layout with much less track and I'm on my second redesign. I think I'll change it again once I start laying track. I saw where you said you had recent additions.

I will go back and see what I can see. And we'll see about a Saturday!

@BillYo414 posted:

That's really impressive. I'm working on a significantly smaller layout with much less track and I'm on my second redesign. I think I'll change it again once I start laying track. I saw where you said you had recent additions.

I will go back and see what I can see. And we'll see about a Saturday!

This was my 4th basement layout so that helps a lot in my decision making.

C&O H-8 2-6-6-6 freight drag.

Engine is by MTH with smoke and some cars are vintage metal Athearn/Varney and wood Silver Streak/Ambroid freight cars.

I like the MTH engines (besides the smoke) as the boiler and tender are cast metal and the drivers are sprung.



Havre (East):

Havre (West):

Seattle's turntable.

C&O H-8 2-6-6-6 MTH 39

Chumstick canyon trestle.

C&O H-8 2-6-6-6 MTH 26C&O H-8 2-6-6-6 MTH 33


Images (3)
  • C&O H-8 2-6-6-6 MTH 39
  • C&O H-8 2-6-6-6 MTH 26
  • C&O H-8 2-6-6-6 MTH 33
Last edited by samparfitt

GNRW Dec 19 Saturday night operating sessions.

After pizza, we operated.

Passenger trains were the 'choice of the day'.


PRR S-1 6-4-4-6. Engine was made by GEM models in 1965. Very unusual engine in that it was a factory paint job which was rare in 1965. I installed LED's, a can motor and a TCS 1517 sound decoder. The passenger cars were all by MTH except the observation made by Balboa.

D&RGW F-7's by BLI pulling the Zephyr passenger cars, also by BLI.  Engines are Joe's and the cars are mine.

Alan running the PRR S-1.

GNRW ops sessions Dec 19 2020 01

Joe brought his RDC's.

GNRW ops sessions Dec 19 2020 02

PRR S-1 at Marias pass.

GNRW ops sessions Dec 19 2020 03

PRR S-1 taking water at Hillyard.

GNRW ops sessions Dec 19 2020 04

PRR S-1 at Chumwater canyon trestle.

GNRW ops sessions Dec 19 2020 05

Joe and Alan.

GNRW ops sessions Dec 19 2020 06

Joe getting his F-7's ready.

GNRW ops sessions Dec 19 2020 07

PRR S-1 on Chumwater canyon trestle.

GNRW ops sessions Dec 19 2020 08

PRR S-1 at Havre.

GNRW ops sessions Dec 19 2020 09

One East, one West.

GNRW ops sessions Dec 19 2020 10

Joe's F-7's east of Waverly.

GNRW ops sessions Dec 19 2020 11

D&RGW Zephyr on Chumwater canyon trestle.

GNRW ops sessions Dec 19 2020 12

PRR K-4 4-6-2 streamlined at Skykomish.  Engine by BLI.

GNRW ops sessions Dec 19 2020 13

GNRW ops sessions Dec 19 2020 14

Zephyr train at Marias pass.

GNRW ops sessions Dec 19 2020 15

GNRW ops sessions Dec 19 2020 16

PRR K-4 at Waverly.

GNRW ops sessions Dec 19 2020 17

PRR K-4 on Chumwater canyon trestle (seemed like a good spot to photograph trains!).

Being the week end before Christmas, I figured attendance would be light but, since I enjoy running trains anyway, one or more railroaders to share with, 'makes my day'.

GNRW ops sessions Dec 19 2020 18


Images (18)
  • GNRW ops sessions Dec 19 2020 01
  • GNRW ops sessions Dec 19 2020 02
  • GNRW ops sessions Dec 19 2020 03
  • GNRW ops sessions Dec 19 2020 04
  • GNRW ops sessions Dec 19 2020 05
  • GNRW ops sessions Dec 19 2020 06
  • GNRW ops sessions Dec 19 2020 07
  • GNRW ops sessions Dec 19 2020 08
  • GNRW ops sessions Dec 19 2020 09
  • GNRW ops sessions Dec 19 2020 10
  • GNRW ops sessions Dec 19 2020 11
  • GNRW ops sessions Dec 19 2020 12
  • GNRW ops sessions Dec 19 2020 13
  • GNRW ops sessions Dec 19 2020 14
  • GNRW ops sessions Dec 19 2020 15
  • GNRW ops sessions Dec 19 2020 16
  • GNRW ops sessions Dec 19 2020 17
  • GNRW ops sessions Dec 19 2020 18
Last edited by samparfitt

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