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"HONGZ" stands for HO scale, N scale, G scale, and Z scale.

Post your non-O scale stuff here!

Re: "stumbled across this on Youtube". 

well worth a look ! - incredible modeling.  I would require at least 2047 lifetimes to accomplish what Dr. Nicholas Muff has achieved.  Remarkable.  Have been familiar with his name for a while as he did some very nice drawings of a Chicago Great Western 2-10-4 and caboose in Mainline Modeler Magazine, as well as drawings of Kansas City Southern 2-10-4's in Railroad Model Craftsman (I believe).

Last edited by mark s

NCE decoder 'light it'.   

Some testing.

Soldered two input wires to connect to the track.

There is one hot and 3 grounds for white/green/red.

Checking the output voltage is 4.5 volts.

decoder light it 02

A default LED on the decoder lights.

Cutting at the 'X' disables this LED so outside white LED's can be used.

decoder light it 03

The white and green are able to power 5 red LED's (didn't try more).

This will be good for 'cabeese' marker lights.

decoder light it 04

Also, able to power 5 white LED's: again, didn't check if can light more but I'm guessing it can.

decoder light it 05

I was hoping the decoder would power the LED strips I bought last year but nada.

I had to use another circuit that produced 7 volts (10 but resistor added) to light the strips.

On the decoder, the max voltage was 4.5 volts from the white and green and nothing from the red.

The manual says I can increase the brightness via CV140/1/2 for white/green/red respectively.  I set all of them to 255 (max) and no change; and the red gives out no current (as it did, originally).  

Also, I tried just a 3 LED strip.

Bummer, looks like the decoder is about 2.5 volts too low for the strip lighting. 

I just tried connecting the LED strips directly to the DCC track.  The LED strips are rated at 12 volts: putting a resistor in series and connected directly to DCC works.  I just won't be able to control them via DCC.  I'll use the decoders just for the 'cabeese'.   There are a lot of variations of type of lighting so can be useful for buildings.

decoder light it 06


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  • decoder light it 03
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  • decoder light it 05
  • decoder light it 06
Last edited by samparfitt

NMRA MCR Div 7 meeting.

Our annual 'Christmas food and bring pictures' show meeting.

nmra div 7 meeting

Our usual see two layouts after the meeting.  

One railroader's layout was unavailable.

Jerry's superb Reading layout.

His house is ready for the holidays.

jerry's layout 01jerry's layout 02jerry's layout 03jerry's layout 04jerry's layout 05jerry's layout 06jerry's layout 07jerry's layout 08jerry's layout 09jerry's layout 10jerry's layout 11jerry's layout 12jerry's layout 13jerry's layout 14jerry's layout 15jerry's layout 16jerry's layout 17jerry's layout 18jerry's layout 19jerry's layout 20jerry's layout 21jerry's layout 22jerry's layout 23jerry's layout 24jerry's layout 25jerry's layout 26jerry's layout 27jerry's layout 28jerry's layout 29jerry's layout 30jerry's layout 31jerry's layout 32

Not often when you can use your neighbor's barn for modeling purposes!

jerry's layout 33

Jerry is building for someone a 1/4 scale rocking beam ferry.  Been working on it for a year and should be done next year.

Not sure where he finds time.  Been working on my layout since 1979 and will keep busy until I croak. 


jerry's layout 34

The beam is motorized.


jerry's layout 35

Jerry is in the center.

jerry's layout 36

I wasn't aware that we were having an 'ugly sweater' contest but he won!

As Johnny would answer: it was so ugly that my camera was blurred.

It was so ugly that this web's software took awhile to upload it: which has never happened before!


ugly sweater 01


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  • ugly sweater 01
Last edited by samparfitt

UP 4-12-2 bald face nine with double walschaerts decoder install. 

Again, TCS 1517 WOW101 steam with KA.

I painted and lighted this engine a few years ago along with a lot of lead weight.

I didn't want the hassles of trying to remove all the weight for the running lights so I ran them along the outside of the boiler until I got to the fire box and drilled some holes in it.

UP 4-12-2 Key 49

The head light, marker lights and cab lights were all connected under the lead so I also left those 'as is'.

UP 4-12-2 Key 50

Wiring harnesses from tender to running gear and to boiler complete.

UP 4-12-2 Key 51

Again, too much detail on the front of the tender so elongated hole made in tender undercarriage.  Had to make the elongated hole perpendicular to the length of the tender because the tray for the auger is right in the middle of the tender.

As with the Big Boy, two 00-90 screws were drilled/tapped with a piece of plastic to keep the wires from interfering with the front truck.

Still need to hook up the speaker, etc in the tender. 

UP 4-12-2 Key 52


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  • UP 4-12-2 Key 49
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 50
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 51
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 52
Last edited by samparfitt

New delivery.

Thought each of the interchange engines should have their respective company caboose instead of GN on the 'tail end'.

Forty years ago, when I wanted a nice GN caboose, I had to buy brass.

Now, they make some nice plastic ones, and a lot cheaper than present day brass 'cabeese'.  Interesting, a lot of the brass steam is pretty cheap but rolling stock is, proportional, a lot more expensive.

I've got tomar marker lights so I want to add working lights to these 'cabeese' using LED's and the NCE 'light it' decoders.

1.  PRR N8 caboose by Bowser.  I like those antenna's on the roof so I got one of those.  A very nicely detailed caboose.  Had to get the 'buckeye region' one

PRR N8 caboose 01PRR N8 caboose 02PRR N8 caboose 03

UP caboose by Atlas.

Again, a very nice model.

UP caboose atlas 01

The ladders are a little thick.

UP caboose atlas 02UP caboose atlas 03

C&O wood caboose by Walthers.

C&O caboose walthers wood 01

Comes with a lot of detail parts to be added.

C&O caboose walthers wood 02C&O caboose walthers wood 03C&O caboose walthers wood 04

Another local railroader says the C&O steam era are red so I've got to paint this one.  At least the parts are off so painting should be easier.  Ordered some micoscale decals.

Found this picture for modeling purposes.

caboose 01


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  • PRR N8 caboose 01
  • PRR N8 caboose 02
  • PRR N8 caboose 03
  • UP caboose atlas 01
  • UP caboose atlas 02
  • UP caboose atlas 03
  • C&O caboose walthers wood 01
  • C&O caboose walthers wood 02
  • C&O caboose walthers wood 03
  • C&O caboose walthers wood 04
  • caboose 01
Last edited by samparfitt

Cincinnati model railroad club.

Yesterday, I went to this O gauge layout and did some 'train running'.

A double layered layout that is built around a  U shaped isle.

One isle. 

O gauge layout 15

The U part

O gauge layout 16

Other isle.

O gauge layout 17

Got to run a C&O allegheny. 

O gauge layout 18O gauge layout 19O gauge layout 20

the helix to get from one level to the other.

O gauge layout 21

Also ran a NYC mohawk. 

O gauge layout 22O gauge layout 23O gauge layout 24O gauge layout 25O gauge layout 26O gauge layout 27

Two staging yards: lower.

O gauge layout 28


O gauge layout 29O gauge layout 30

Some MTH 2-rail N&W J and C&O diesels.

O gauge layout 31O gauge layout 32

Work area.

O gauge layout 33


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Last edited by samparfitt

New delivery (actually an old delivery)!   

Got the MTH Milwaukee EP-2 back from the MTH repair facility.

Quick service: mailed it Nov 21 so only took 3 weeks and a day.

As previously mentioned, I was worried they wouldn't have parts for a several year old engine but no problem on this engine.

They had to replace the motor and decoder.  The motor was bad and caused the decoder to fail.

Robert at MTH was very helpful.  He suggested using the manual couplers versus the automatic ones because, if the metal air hose touches the rails (ie turnout) it could cause a short to the decoder and cause it to fail.

I just purchased this engine from Trainz.  They said to send them the proof of receipt and they'll reimburse me.  Nice of them.

MTH Milwaukee bi-polar 22

MTH provides manual coupler replacement parts in the box.

Next: 'road test'.

As mentioned, previously, I already have two Milwaukee EP-2's but this MTH engine has sound and working pantographs. 



MTH Milwaukee bi-polar 23

This is the only MTH HO engine I have.  I've got about 11 MTH O gauge engines.  They are very nice with cast metal boilers and even the electrics are cast metal superstructures (GN Y-1, W-1) and I've been pleased with their performance and reliability.  

MTH is the only one that makes scale GN engines between MTH and Lionel (not counting 3rd rail sunset).  Lionel likes to slap a decal on the side of theirs and call it GN.

living room floor 01



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  • MTH Milwaukee bi-polar 22
  • MTH Milwaukee bi-polar 23
  • living room floor 01
Last edited by samparfitt

UP 4-12-2 decoder install (cont)

Final assembly.

I had a 'sugar cube' speaker already in this engine so I kept it in the tender.

I had to cut two wires (pink/black) and re-solder them to get under one of the screw plates to hold the bottom of the tender to the top structure. 

UP 4-12-2 Key 53UP 4-12-2 Key 54

The back up light was way too small to drill out for an LED as I feared it would just 'snap off'.

UP 4-12-2 Key 55

Some nice details on the Key engine:

Working 3rd valve.  Unfortunately, the sound decoder doesn't have this type of steam engine.

UP 4-12-2 Key 56

See through walk boards.

UP 4-12-2 Key 57

Functioning smoke box door.

UP 4-12-2 Key 58

The above was the 2nd 4-12-2 bought as it had the 3rd valve; double walsch valve. 

This 4-12-2 was the first one bought with factory paint, coast drive, functioning sand doors, cab hatches and tender hatches, see through walk boards and working greasley valve. 

UP 4-12-2 Key 58A

The 3rd 4-12-2 was the first one made and it was painted a grey boiler: my weakness for multi colored engines!

UP 4-12-2 Key 58B


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  • UP 4-12-2 Key 53
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 54
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 55
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 56
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 57
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 58
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 58A
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 58B

Backdating the walther's C&O 'cabeese' to steam era.  

The Walther's package that I bought is a 'two pack' of cabeese.

Per a local C&O railroader, I need to have a red caboose for the steam era so they need to be painted.

Fortunately there are exploded views of the caboose, how it comes apart and where all the hand rails go.

There are a lot of cabeese models on the market.  I'm trying to get one caboose for each of the interchange railroads that I have.  The latest models have exceptional detail and, when considering the price, are equal to or better than the brass cabeese.   I've been buying the latest cabeese with all their detail for many of the interchange engines but I didn't find much for C&O so I'm forced to do a little 'modeling'. 

C&O caboose walthers wood 05

With the exception of 3 screws holding the interior to the bottom everything just 'pops' in place and vise versa.

Since the caboose will be red with black roof, undercarriage, it's best to paint each part separately to remove the hassle of masking.  Plus, I'm used to painting brass which I bake at 200 degree for 2 hours which eliminates any fear of masking tape removing paint.  I know I can't bake plastic so I'm not sure the paint won't get pulled up from masking tape.  

Primer will be applied first as red (along with yellow) is extremely difficult to get good 'coverage'.


C&O caboose walthers wood 06

They give you all the hand wires.  There are indentations where the holes need to be drilled. 

Since all the clear plastic inserts need to be flush on the inside, insure all wires are NOT protruding inside the walls.

C&O caboose walthers wood 07

Initially, I used a hand drill but too slow plus I broke the bit.

A modeling drill press works great and really speeds up the process.  I used #80 drill bits (which you can buy in bulk of 10 from HD online).  The bit is so small, it's best to put the bit into the chuck with only about a 1/4" exposed.  This reduces any side flexing. 

C&O caboose walthers wood 08

My choice of thin CA to secure the wires.  I like this brand as it gives a very small rod to apply the CA, thus not getting too much on the desired area and not wasting it.  CA can be put onto a flat hard surface and then picked up via a toothpick but I find this too messy, slow and it dries out.  This brand comes with caps to keep the CA from drying up.

Once done with the CA, a key to keeping the outlet from clogging up is to squeeze the bottle while upright to push out excess CA left in the outlet.  If you don't you'll need acetone to clean up the thin rod. 

Even with the small application rod, puddles form around the hole so a paper towel is used to remove excess CA.   The CA leaves a shine on the surface but the cabeese will be painted plus dullcoat would also cover the shine. 

C&O caboose walthers wood 09

Stack and support wires added.

C&O caboose walthers wood 10

Half of the cupola hand rails added.  There are not enough of the eye bolts to do both cabeese.  It's going to be difficult to make such small items.

C&O caboose walthers wood 11

Some wire hand foot steps also on the end plates.


C&O caboose walthers wood 12


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  • C&O caboose walthers wood 09
  • C&O caboose walthers wood 10
  • C&O caboose walthers wood 11
  • C&O caboose walthers wood 12
Last edited by samparfitt

C&O cabeese (cont):

I discovered why there was a shortage of eye bolts.  They provided plastic ones for the roof.  I cut one off and, just looking at it, it fell apart.  They are useless so I used some fine electrical wire and tweezers to construct my own.  With the loop of the eye bolt so small, the wire needs to be flexible.

C&O caboose walthers wood 13

Not perfect but better than nothing, which is what I had!

C&O caboose walthers wood 14

Brake wheels added.  I was going to replace the plastic chain across the gate but no one will see it.

C&O caboose walthers wood 15

Had to use my homemade eye bolts on the sides and use the 'good' ones in the corners.

C&O caboose walthers wood 16

Thought it best to remove end 'metal' work with a brand new xacto blade before painting it. 

C&O caboose walthers wood 17

Drilled out holes for the tomar industries lighted marker lights.


C&O caboose walthers wood 18

Both 'cabeese' ready for cleaning with soap, vinegar and water, dry, then prime.

As with the C&O caboose, I could not find any NYC cabeese so one of these will be a NYC caboose as the two look similar (at least to me)!


C&O caboose walthers wood 19


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  • C&O caboose walthers wood 16
  • C&O caboose walthers wood 17
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  • C&O caboose walthers wood 19
Last edited by samparfitt

C&O cabeese (cont)


After washing the parts to remove human prints, plastic shavings and mold release agents, etc, the parts were air blown dry and then left on the heater vent to dry. 

C&O caboose walthers wood 20

Tools of the trade.  A 45 year old binks and scalecoat II paint.  Normally, I use scalecoat but this isn't brass and, although I have scalecoat II, I've never used it (or don't remember).  Anyway, it is suppose to be good for plastic. 


C&O caboose walthers wood 21

It takes several passes in multiple directions to get good coverage.  Several light coats are always better than a few heavy coats. 


C&O caboose walthers wood 22C&O caboose walthers wood 23

All painting is done in the detached shop.  Keeps all the fumes and mess out there.

Some cardboard on the table saw makes a good work bench.


C&O caboose walthers wood 24

70 degrees should be warm enough!  Fortunately, it got into the 40's the last few days so it feels like a 'heat wave'.


C&O caboose walthers wood 25


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  • C&O caboose walthers wood 21
  • C&O caboose walthers wood 22
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  • C&O caboose walthers wood 24
  • C&O caboose walthers wood 25
Last edited by samparfitt

C&O cabeese (cont):

About 14 hours have passed since the grey was added and the paint seems dry enough for the next phase. 

Green and black added.

Normally, I only add one color at a time but this situation lended itself for two colors. 

Masked off areas that will be red to prevent different shades of red, later on, should I get some green or black on 'red' surface areas.

C&O caboose walthers wood 26C&O caboose walthers wood 27C&O caboose walthers wood 28

Green interior added.  I'm partial to burlington green for interiors.  Didn't worry about getting full coverage as will only be seen through small windows.    

C&O caboose walthers wood 29

Scalecoat II #10 black (gloss) added. Will have to do the main roofs later as the green paint was added to the underside of the roofs.  

C&O caboose walthers wood 30

I always remove the masking tape just after 'clean up'.  The paint surface is dry enough for light handling, not good to leave tape on new paint for a long period of time as it may adhere to the surface and more easily able to clean up any over spray with a toothpick and water. 


C&O caboose walthers wood 31C&O caboose walthers wood 32

I'm using a very fine point tip.  I find on these plastic models, hardly any paint needs to come out for good coverage.  It takes several passes but the paint thickness is very thin so these parts should go together with no problems.  

C&O caboose walthers wood 33

Change gloves often and use fine pointed needle nose tweezers for small objects.  Paint mask doesn't prevent fumes but good for particles, plus in a well ventilated area: 24'X28' and only minor painting.


C&O caboose walthers wood 34


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  • C&O caboose walthers wood 29
  • C&O caboose walthers wood 30
  • C&O caboose walthers wood 31
  • C&O caboose walthers wood 32
  • C&O caboose walthers wood 33
  • C&O caboose walthers wood 34
Last edited by samparfitt

New delivery:

Woodlands just plug and play 'control panel' for LED's in buildings.

stuff dcc wayside bldg, etc 01

Want to use these capacitors to remove LED flicker in the cabeese when installed with the NCE 'light it' decoders.

capacitors ka 01

More trackside details.

Junction boxes, instrument sheds and signal relay buildings. 


trackside bldgs 01

SP wood caboose.

SP caboose walthers wood 01SP caboose walthers wood 02

As with the C&O caboose, extra details needed to be added that come in the box.

SP caboose walthers wood 03

Need to convert a few cab forwards to DCC.


SP cab forwards 01


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  • stuff dcc wayside bldg, etc 01
  • capacitors ka 01
  • trackside bldgs 01
  • SP caboose walthers wood 01
  • SP caboose walthers wood 02
  • SP caboose walthers wood 03
  • SP cab forwards 01

GNRW operating session (3rd sat at 7 PM each month):

I was busier than a one arm paper hanger but I had a good time, especially when there was five trains on the mainline at once.  At times, I could have done a better job at dispatching.

GNRW operating session Dec 15 01

Jim really was having a good time!

GNRW operating session Dec 15 02

With three Bob's, it was easy to remember names but all three kept answering when I called one!

GNRW operating session Dec 15 03GNRW operating session Dec 15 04GNRW operating session Dec 15 05

Bob and his grandson Owen saved me from having to work the roundhouse and switcher duties.

Depending on the size of the 'crew', we can just bypass St. Paul's yard (needs 2 people) and eliminated the electrics (another 2 people) and go straight to the interchange/staging tracks and give the logging railroad the 'day off'.

GNRW operating session Dec 15 06GNRW operating session Dec 15 07

Bob brought his grandson Owen with him (age 12): good to see someone younger than 55!

Pizza was good and the last 'engineer' left at 11 PM.

GNRW operating session Dec 15 08


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  • GNRW operating session Dec 15 01
  • GNRW operating session Dec 15 02
  • GNRW operating session Dec 15 03
  • GNRW operating session Dec 15 04
  • GNRW operating session Dec 15 05
  • GNRW operating session Dec 15 06
  • GNRW operating session Dec 15 07
  • GNRW operating session Dec 15 08
Last edited by samparfitt

C&O cabeese (cont)

Final paint (not counting dull coat).


C&O caboose walthers wood 35

Red applied to 'cabin car' sides and black main roof.

Didn't have any red scalecoat II so had to use scalecoat.  Normally, not good to mix the two but I think I'll be OK with this surface, especially since the coats are very thin. 

C&O caboose walthers wood 36

Tape removed.

C&O caboose walthers wood 37C&O caboose walthers wood 38

Next, yellow highlight paint for the hand rails, decals and dull coat before assembly.  

C&O caboose walthers wood 39



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  • C&O caboose walthers wood 35
  • C&O caboose walthers wood 36
  • C&O caboose walthers wood 37
  • C&O caboose walthers wood 38
  • C&O caboose walthers wood 39

New delivery.

Early Christmas

Six packages arrived today.

new delivery 01

The functional marker lights for the 'cabeese'.


caboose marker lights 01

Athearn Burlington caboose for the O-5 and O-5B 4-8-4 northerns.

No box but must of been mostly a display.  Athearn's early basic caboose but metal wheels and kadees have been added.

Burlington caboose 01Burlington caboose 02Burlington caboose 03

Walther's very detailed SF caboose for two 4-8-4 northerns, a 2-10-4 and the 2-10-10-2.

New in the box. 

sf caboose walthers platinum 01sf caboose walthers platinum 02sf caboose walthers platinum 03

D&RGW caboose for the L-105 4-6-6-4, L-131 2-8-8-2 and M-68 4-8-4 northern.  A more detailed version by Athearn versus their early kits.

Has metal wheels and kadee compatible couplers. New in the box.


D&RGW caboose Athearn 01


D&RGW caboose Athearn 02D&RGW caboose Athearn 03

NP caboose for the A, A-2, A-4, A-5 northerns, Z-5 2-8-8-4 and Z-8 challenger.

Another very nicely detailed model by roundhouse.

New in the box.

NP caboose roundhouse 01NP caboose roundhouse 02NP caboose roundhouse 03

Neighborhood helpers.

neighborhood helpers 01

PRR Q-2  duplex 4-4-6-4 by Westside.

Made in 1970.  A rigid wheel base on the drivers.  Not much usage probably due to a large radius needed (guessing 30-34").  Pretty nice paint job by previous owner.  

I put in a low bid not expecting to get it but, for $280 (including shipping), I'll take it!

PRR Q-2 4-4-6-4 Westside 01

Basic backhead detail with an open frame motor.


PRR Q-2 4-4-6-4 Westside 02PRR Q-2 4-4-6-4 Westside 03PRR Q-2 4-4-6-4 Westside 04PRR Q-2 4-4-6-4 Westside 05PRR Q-2 4-4-6-4 Westside 06PRR Q-2 4-4-6-4 Westside 07PRR Q-2 4-4-6-4 Westside 08PRR Q-2 4-4-6-4 Westside 09


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  • new delivery 01
  • caboose marker lights 01
  • Burlington caboose 01
  • Burlington caboose 02
  • Burlington caboose 03
  • sf caboose walthers platinum 01
  • sf caboose walthers platinum 02
  • sf caboose walthers platinum 03
  • D&RGW caboose Athearn 01
  • D&RGW caboose Athearn 02
  • D&RGW caboose Athearn 03
  • NP caboose roundhouse 01
  • NP caboose roundhouse 02
  • NP caboose roundhouse 03
  • neighborhood helpers 01
  • PRR Q-2 4-4-6-4 Westside 01
  • PRR Q-2 4-4-6-4 Westside 02
  • PRR Q-2 4-4-6-4 Westside 03
  • PRR Q-2 4-4-6-4 Westside 04
  • PRR Q-2 4-4-6-4 Westside 05
  • PRR Q-2 4-4-6-4 Westside 06
  • PRR Q-2 4-4-6-4 Westside 07
  • PRR Q-2 4-4-6-4 Westside 08
  • PRR Q-2 4-4-6-4 Westside 09
Last edited by samparfitt

C&O 'cabeese' (cont)

Decals, final touchups.

Microscale decals.

C&O caboose walthers wood 40

Solvaset applied with a very fine soft brush.  

With wood siding, usually some spots with the decal doesn't set into the grooves so a sharp blade along the wood seams fixes that.

Functional marker lights installed.

C&O caboose walthers wood 41

Hand painted the hand rails and the window 'roofs'

C&O caboose walthers wood 42

Fun putting those small numbers over the door!

C&O caboose walthers wood 43

More fun putting on the builder's date info.  Had trouble knowing which way was 'up'.  Really doesn't make any difference: can't read it anyway!  Took awhile just to find them on the decal sheet.

C&O caboose walthers wood 44C&O caboose walthers wood 46

End rails.

Final note on paint: never recycle used paint back into the original bottle.  Used paint has been thinned plus there's always contaminates in the spray bottle, minor but it adds up if paint is 'dumped' back into the original bottle after each spray. 

C&O caboose walthers wood 47


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  • C&O caboose walthers wood 43
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  • C&O caboose walthers wood 47
Last edited by samparfitt

SF and SP cabeese.

While the dull coat is drying on the C&O cabeese, might as well start on the others.

I'm finding that the manufacturer's keep 'upping the bar' as next generation cabeese are produced.

This Walthers SP, I had to drill/insert all the handwires whereas the SF caboose already has them done: for me, when I can, I get the latest version to save me a lot of work.  The caboose had to be disassembled to drill out the end hand rails. 

Hand rails on both the SP and SF get white paint.

SP caboose walthers wood 04SP caboose walthers wood 05

All the hand rails were already attached in this platinum SF series caboose, only the black hand rails needed to be painted.

I 'came to the table' to late as most of these cabeese are several years old so I have to take what's being sold on ebay.


sf caboose walthers platinum 04


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  • SP caboose walthers wood 04
  • SP caboose walthers wood 05
  • sf caboose walthers platinum 04
Last edited by samparfitt

C&O caboose (cont)  

Partial assembly.

Good news bad news.

Light test video:;    

Inserted all the clear plastic windows.  Needed a popsicle stick to protect the surface plus keep from crushing the window roof while using some electrical pliers to 'snap' the windows into the holes.  

Had to remove them as the metal weight had to go in, first!

C&O caboose walthers wood 52

Partial plastic cut away for access to marker lights.

C&O caboose walthers wood 53C&O caboose walthers wood 54

Cut away part of the interior so the NCE 'light it' decoder could be installed.


C&O caboose walthers wood 51

Pick up wires soldered to some .020 phosphor bronze wire bent to contact the wheels and secured with a 090 brass screw drilled/tapped into the truck frame.

The wire may be a little too stiff as there is a lot of drag so I may use some thinner brass wire.

Original wheels had to be replaced with Intermountain metal wheels.

C&O caboose walthers wood 60

Hand drilled holes into the undercarriage for the wires.  A little black touch up is necessary.

C&O caboose walthers wood 61

The decoder allows independent control of marker and interior lights.

F0 controls markers and F1 the interior.

All off.

C&O caboose walthers wood 56


C&O caboose walthers wood 57


C&O caboose walthers wood 58

Bad news.

Lights work when caboose isn't moving, they go off and on, mostly off, when in motion.

I was hoping the 'keep alive' capacitors would work but:

I got some 220UF capacitors from soundtrax.
NCE's decoder shows two 330UF capacitors for the hook up.
Initially, I tried just one 220UF but nada.
Then went to two and, finally, three but same results.  
I figured three 220's would equal two 330.
I connect the negative side to the gray stripe on the capacitor and ran neg to pos between each capacitor.
I was testing the capacitors by disconnecting the main wire to the decoder, figuring the capacitors would then discharge to the LED's but they go off, immediately. 
Might have 'out smarted' myself  getting these 220's when I should have bought the 330 that NCE sells for this decoder?

I left off the end railings until I resolve this issue.

C&O caboose walthers wood 59


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  • C&O caboose walthers wood 53
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  • C&O caboose walthers wood 61
  • C&O caboose walthers wood 56
  • C&O caboose walthers wood 57
  • C&O caboose walthers wood 58
  • C&O caboose walthers wood 59
  • C&O caboose walthers wood 51
Last edited by samparfitt

PRR caboose marker lights install. 

Now this works really well and took very little time installing it.

Lights are always on but not a bit of flickering when the caboose is moving.

PRR caboose 04

Creating 'springs' around the axles.

Used some .015" brass although some thinner would be a little more flexible.

Had to put a 'Z' bend in the wire from the 090 brass screw to the axle.   Just took the wheel off and wrapped the wire around it and then bent a circle for the screw.  The wire isn't tight around the axle but provides enough 'surface area' to always be in contact with the axle.  The wire wants to regain its original shape so no problem tightly wrapping the wire around the axle as the wire will slightly increase its diameter after winding it.  

There is a separate wire for each axle: easier to manage.  One wire may be sufficient but I'll stick with two.

Some decoder wire used: again, had to drill a hole in the floor plus through the frame.


PRR N8 caboose 05

These LED's come with a bridge circuit and resistor so polarity is no problem: DC or DCC.


PRR N8 caboose 06

A Ohio company: 

It appears they have the 0402 LED's:

Just noticed: the 0402's don't have the bridge rectifier.    

The ones I used are larger (UP3) but small enough to fit into the marker light housings. 



PRR N8 caboose 07


Images (4)
  • PRR caboose  04
  • PRR N8 caboose 05
  • PRR N8 caboose 06
  • PRR N8 caboose 07
Last edited by samparfitt

PRR caboose (cont)

roof put back on and conductor added to platform.  Used canopy glue so easy to remove.


New Delivery.

Actually, I picked them up at Menards from an online order.  Order online and they come in nice shipping boxes.

menards buildings 01

My first Menards buildings.  Sash and door and gas station.

Got them mainly because of all the lights and motion devices attached.

The people came free with purchase of items.  Also, got a converter plug for them.

menards buildings 02menards buildings 03

Roof red lights blink and the sign is lighted.


menards buildings 04

menards buildings 05

Reminds me of Andy Griffith show.  Lots of lights, even gas pump globes are lighted.

menards buildings 06

And the shell sign revolves.  Reminds me of the bar when I was about 8.  They had a round coke sign and we loved throwing snowballs at it as it would sound like a big drum. 


menards buildings 07

They are on the interchange/staging tracks to 'dress up' that area a bit.  

menards buildings 08


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Last edited by samparfitt

Burlington caboose. 

This is an early Athearn production.

As with the PRR caboose, I used the LED's with the attached bridge rectifier.

While apart, the end platform, steps and hand rails got painted per what I saw on this caboose via 'google'.

Burlington caboose 05

Only molded in plastic hand rails but a little paint helps them look better.

The top shell pops into the bottom frame with the plastic tabs on each end.

Burlington caboose 06

Put plastic windows in the caboose.  Fortunately, the cupola comes off making it easy to add windows.

Burlington caboose 07

Marker lights and a little paint touch up makes this lowly caboose a little more respectable.  Flagman added to the rear.

I see why these LED's don't flicker as when I turn off the 'juice', it takes a few seconds for the LED's to turn off.  

Burlington caboose 08

I used .010 wire instead of .015 and the .010 is a lot easier to use.  Only problem is finding either one.  Used to get it from Tower and they no longer sell this product.

Walther's sells it but wanted 11 bucks to mail it.  Each car takes about 12" of wire for the trucks. 

Burlington caboose 09

Nothing fancy but the wrapped wire is very effective at transmitting electricity.


Burlington caboose 10


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  • Burlington caboose 05
  • Burlington caboose 06
  • Burlington caboose 07
  • Burlington caboose 08
  • Burlington caboose 09
  • Burlington caboose 10
Last edited by samparfitt

D&RGW Athearn caboose.

Found a new source of 'wrap' wire.  Left over from when I 'strung' my catenary, about 10,000 years ago!  It's about .010, probably 1000' and, best part, it's free!

D&RGW caboose Athearn 04D&RGW caboose Athearn 05

Same treatment as the Burlington caboose, LED's and windows plus another dude on the platform.  Had to replace the plastic wheels with Intermountain. 

D&RGW caboose Athearn 06


Images (3)
  • D&RGW caboose Athearn 04
  • D&RGW caboose Athearn 05
  • D&RGW caboose Athearn 06
Last edited by samparfitt

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