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"HONGZ" stands for HO scale, N scale, G scale, and Z scale.

Post your non-O scale stuff here!

samparfitt posted:


I use scalecoat I paint for the last 45 years.  I bake in a toaster oven for 2 hours at 200 degrees.




I typically use Tru-Color paint (because they have decent sized selection of Northwest Railroad colors. But those are Acrylic based paints, I know scalecoat paint is an enamel based paint, which is perfect for painting brass.

Last edited by Bruk

New delivery:

Walthers platinum series SP caboose.


SP caboose walthers wood 06

All the hand rails, already added.

SP caboose walthers wood 07

I bought the above one because I butchered up the previous SP caboose by not shaking the 'rattle can' enough and ruined the roof of the caboose.  This model required the metal hand rails to be drilled/added.  I used thin CA glue but left some shinny areas so I sprayed it with dull coat.  

I tried alcohol, turpentine but no luck getting the dull coat off.  Being a plastic part, no way could I used lacquer thinner or acetone to remove the dull coat. 

So, until I get around to sanding it off, I just bought another SP caboose.  At least it's only on the roof and not the rest of the caboose.   Since a lot of cabeese had tar/paper added to the roofs, it would probably look more 'scale' painting the roof 'as is', leaving all those cracks, etc!  Hard to find pictures of roofs of rolling stock: not exactly an easy item to photograph. 

SP caboose walthers wood 08


Images (3)
  • SP caboose walthers wood 06
  • SP caboose walthers wood 07
  • SP caboose walthers wood 08
Last edited by samparfitt

Thanks Radcam,

The brake fluid is slowly removing the acrylic paint without damage to the plastic.

SP caboose walthers wood 09


Track gauging.

The UP 4-12-2's drivers were falling between the rails and right inside the tunnel where it is hard to get at since the logging railroad is right above it!  Of course, dozens of other steam engines and hundreds of freight cars have no problems traversing this track!

The gauge is OK for 'normal' width wheels but the driver tire width on the 4-12-2 must be just a bit narrow.

Wasn't easy pulling the spikes out and moving one rail in only about a 1/64 of an inch.  The overhead catenary is also there!



The engine was also shorting out on one turnout so some adjustments were made.

The driver retaining plate was removed so the center blind driver could be replaced with the spare flanged driver.  The side rods and gear box had to be removed.  This was done as I noticed the blind driver, sometimes, would move too far off center and catch the inside of the rails. 

UP 4-12-2 Key 60

As can be seen in this picture, there is a lot of side slop.  I'm guessing Key did this to help go around sharper curves.  I think too much 'side play' causes the engine to 'side track' and cause derailments.  Some Kadee red insulated washers were put on each side of each axle to remove the side slop. 

UP 4-12-2 Key 61

Cut a slot in each Kadee washers to, easily, slide them over each axle. 


UP 4-12-2 Key 62

Everything is working better.  No short on the one turnout and no 'climbing' of the drivers over the rails. 

UP 4-12-2 Key 63

The gauge was a little wide, also, in this spot.

UP 4-12-2 Key 64

One would think, with an 8' radius, there would be no problems!

Logic would dictate that it seems the max gauge and some side slop in the drivers would be good for preventing derailments:  Au contraire mon ami.

Also, like the full size, the articulateds usually negotiate curves better than large coupled driver engines. 

UP 4-12-2 Key 65

This picture shows 'normal' tire width (right in picture) versus a narrow tire width (left).  Not a big difference but can cause derailment problems.  


wheel tire width 01




Images (10)
  • SP caboose walthers wood 09
  • GNRR723
  • GNRR724
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 60
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 61
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 62
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 63
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 64
  • UP 4-12-2 Key 65
  • wheel tire width 01
Last edited by samparfitt

GN operating session.

Twice as many showed up than I was expecting.  

The session starts at 7 pm but we were to get 2-6 inches of snow from 8 PM until 4 PM so I emailed that the 'doors' will be open for tonight and another ops will be done next Saturday.  

I wasn't expecting anyone but two brave souls showed up so we had a good time until about 10:30 PM.

Another surprise: Leaving at 10:30, there was only a dusting of snow on the ground.  

First things first: we had pizza.

GNRW operating session Jan 19 01

Joe brought his twin stack triple unit container cars.

GNRW operating session Jan 19 02

Got all the double containers loaded.

GNRW operating session Jan 19 03

Two large diesels that are really heavy:  I weighed them and 2 pounds each.


GNRW operating session Jan 19 04

Ready to leave Seattle's freight yard.

GNRW operating session Jan 19 05GNRW operating session Jan 19 06

Slight problem: The railroad was made for 1938 'standards' so the double stacks weren't about to get into the first tunnel!  Joe backed up to the yard and we made them single stacks!


GNRW operating session Jan 19 07

Three way meet at one siding.  A GN R-2 2-8-8-2 freight and...... 

GNRW operating session Jan 19 08

....a PRR T-1 4-4-4-4, both west bound...

GNRW operating session Jan 19 09GNRW operating session Jan 19 10

...waiting for the eastbound double, er, single stack freight to pass.


GNRW operating session Jan 19 11GNRW operating session Jan 19 12

Jor getting the PRR T-1 from the roundhouse, going to connect to his train. 

GNRW operating session Jan 19 13GNRW operating session Jan 19 14


Images (14)
  • GNRW operating session Jan 19 01
  • GNRW operating session Jan 19 02
  • GNRW operating session Jan 19 03
  • GNRW operating session Jan 19 04
  • GNRW operating session Jan 19 05
  • GNRW operating session Jan 19 06
  • GNRW operating session Jan 19 07
  • GNRW operating session Jan 19 08
  • GNRW operating session Jan 19 09
  • GNRW operating session Jan 19 10
  • GNRW operating session Jan 19 11
  • GNRW operating session Jan 19 12
  • GNRW operating session Jan 19 13
  • GNRW operating session Jan 19 14
Last edited by samparfitt

Block signalling on the GN :  

Phase 1:

A fellow railroader is the 'brains' to this, I'm just the minion.

He drew up where the signals should be.

When I switched from DC to DCC, I merged common blocks under one district.  There are 8 districts.  The blocks are labeled as B and, starting at 100, the first digit is the district and the last digit is the block, ie B 100, B 101, B 200, B 201, B 202, etc.

Signals are labeled as SW XX, starting at SW 01 through SW 23.  The signals are located at the ends of all blocks.  Some signals are double mast to indicate which direction to take at a turnout.  Yard details are not illustrated. 

The signaling system is suppose to detect current through the wire to activate the signal lights.  The block wires will be used to detect the current. 

The mainline is 400' long.  With normal train length of 25-45 cars, the blocks and sidings are set up to handle these train lengths.   The layout is strictly point to point with an interchange/staging yard at one end.

track schematic 13

Got 20 and another 17 in transit.  I will have to 'kit bash' for the double signals. 

signals LED 3 lights 01

LED operated.

signals LED 3 lights 02


Images (3)
  • track schematic 13
  • signals LED 3 lights 01
  • signals LED 3 lights 02
Last edited by samparfitt

Initial testing;

Joe brought over some CB's to test if our 'his' theory was workable.

The CB's sensitivity to current is adjustable.

track schematic 14

Coils (black devices) have a block wire running through it to detect when an engine is in that block.  We were using just the caboose with LED's so the sensitivity had to be set pretty low.  With each block tested about 50' long plus multiple connection of wires to each block, some 'stray' amperage may occur so the CB had to be adjusted to eliminate it. 

track schematic 15

We tested two blocks and the appropriate LED's came on/off when the caboose was in each block.  Also, tested with an engine.   

An order was placed for just the minimum to test to insure that all is working correctly before ordering everything needed for the entire railroad.  The items ordered have variable rheostats to adjust sensitivity manually instead of via the PC. 

track schematic 16


Images (3)
  • track schematic 14
  • track schematic 15
  • track schematic 16

New delivery:

Four packages from USPS  

decoders etc 01

Four TCS PSX-4 circuit breakers (CB). Will be used to separate the two roundhouses and two double track leads to the two main yards to have their own CB's.


Normally closed SPST toggles to reset the TCS CB's.

Got a couple of the new TCS high bass speakers to test them. They're pretty large so will only go into a large tender.


TCS high bass speakers 01

Three more steam W/KA and two electric W/KA decoders.


decoder wow 101 1517 sound,KA 02

Never seem to have enough throttle holders!

throttle holders 01

Finally found a NYC caboose.   'They' advertised it as a Kato and, I'm not familiar with Kato but I don't think Kato ever made a brass caboose.  It says made in Japan on the underside.  I'm guessing it's by Trains.  Very rough paint but easy to strip and re-paint.  

NYC trains brass caboose 01

Two replacement Circuit boards for the Walther's 130' turntables.  The original CB's were not recognizing any number above 7.  Took a little over a month to get the replacements to when I sent in the originals. 


turntable walthers 130 foot Seattle 18


Images (7)
  • decoders etc 01
  • TCS PSX-4 CB 01
  • TCS high bass speakers 01
  • decoder wow 101 1517 sound,KA 02
  • throttle holders 01
  • NYC trains brass caboose 01
  • turntable walthers 130 foot Seattle 18
Last edited by samparfitt

Always something to fix!

The cold, low humidity air creating havoc:

That road has been there for at least 3 decades but the sub plywood shrunk enough with this low humidity!


Engine shorting at one spot which took a good hour to diagnose.

Thought for sure the air hose touching the rail was the problem; nada.  Just happened to be at the 'right' spot.


Thought the complex cross over must be causing the short: nix again.


Finally, tried another engine and it ran fine but it took awhile to find the brass bolt holding the front trucks to the frame was just a little too long and touched the turnout rail but only at this spot.  Filed a very small amount off and all's good.

Earlier, I thought, maybe, the insulated side drivers were shorting.


While diagnosing the problem, the next DCC district was also shorting out.  With the low humidity, two rail ends were touching.  Should have insulation at all 'break' points but, obviously, I missed this one.   


Left engine ran fine through the double crossover while the right one was shorting.


Nice to be able to run one non DCC engine by using engine number 00: now I can run any engine (DCC or DC) without having to convert all of them to DCC: granted only one at a time though. 







Images (7)
  • GNRR725
  • GNRR726
  • GNRR727
  • GNRR728
  • GNRR729
  • GNRR730
  • GNRR731

New delivery and testing electrics pulling trains through the cascade tunnel.

signals RR-cirkits CB 01

Surprised as it appears I got a short between the couplers when connecting to the front of the steam engine.  With a kadee plastic box, it should be insulated.  I turned the engine 180 degrees and didn't see any spark.

Got separate throttles for the electrics so a little cumbersome holding/operating two throttles. 



Electric uncoupled and went across the 'cross over' and back to the 'electric' siding.



Images (3)
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 01
  • GNRR732
  • GNRR733
Last edited by samparfitt

GNRW operating session.

Weather wise: much better this Saturday of no snow versus last Saturday of snow but didn't accumulate until after 10:30 PM with about 4" by Sunday morning. 

After pizza, we 'ran trains'  


GN R-2 2-8-8-2 heading east, at Wilmar.

GNRW operating session Jan 26 02

Joe brought his 'rolling thunder' amplifier and full size speakers really brings out the base of the whistle and chuffing (beverage bottle not part of system!).

GNRW operating session Jan 26 03


Joe's Big Boy is from BLI.  Very detailed; even has marker and number boards lighted.

GNRW operating session Jan 26 05

Big Boy passing through Tye. 

GNRW operating session Jan 26 06

Joe's UP big boy heading east and a GN R-2 2-8-8-2 heading west.


GNRW operating session Jan 26 07

New UP caboose with the new functional marker lights and conductor on back deck. 

GNRW operating session Jan 26 08

GN R-2 at Chumstick canyon.

GNRW operating session Jan 26 09

GN R-2 2-8-8-2 meeting GN Z-6 4-6-6-4 at Tye.

GNRW operating session Jan 26 10

GN R-2 arriving at Seattle's freight yard. 

GNRW operating session Jan 26 11

UP big boy.

GNRW operating session Jan 26 12

Joe brought over how my signalling system is going to work.

GNRW operating session Jan 26 13

John had to run the B&O EM-1 2-8-8-4.

GNRW operating session Jan 26 14

A newly acquired B&O caboose 'followed up' his train.

GNRW operating session Jan 26 15

The Walther's fully automated turntable makes putting the engine 'to bed' easy.


GNRW operating session Jan 26 16


Images (15)
  • GNRW operating session Jan 26 02
  • GNRW operating session Jan 26 03
  • GNRW operating session Jan 26 04
  • GNRW operating session Jan 26 05
  • GNRW operating session Jan 26 06
  • GNRW operating session Jan 26 07
  • GNRW operating session Jan 26 08
  • GNRW operating session Jan 26 09
  • GNRW operating session Jan 26 10
  • GNRW operating session Jan 26 11
  • GNRW operating session Jan 26 12
  • GNRW operating session Jan 26 13
  • GNRW operating session Jan 26 14
  • GNRW operating session Jan 26 15
  • GNRW operating session Jan 26 16
Last edited by samparfitt

Block signalling on the GNRW  phase II:

A fellow modeler is setting all this up for me.  He let me do some of the 'programming' but I could not do this 'from scratch'.  There really isn't any programming involved but more assigning parameters to blocks, switches, etc and the software sets up all the commands needed to execute the signals.  We still have some more work to do but the bulk of this phase is complete. 


I've got 23 blocks that have to be described into the 'tower LCC' by RR-cirkits via the PC.

signals RR-cirkits dispatchers panel 02signals RR-cirkits dispatchers panel 03signals RR-cirkits dispatchers panel 04

The 'edited' of the track diagram indicating names of all turnouts, signal location (and types, ie, single,double head).

signals RR-cirkits dispatchers panel 05

'Unedited' version of the track diagram.  The 'X' is where signals will be and each block will be red/black indicating a train is in that block.

signals RR-cirkits dispatchers panel 06

Current sensors are placed on each wire for each block.

signals RR-cirkits coil sensors 01

The Tower LCC (horizontal circuit board) where the 'track schematic' info is loaded into.  Each tower LCC can handle 16 blocks so I needed two tower LCC's.

The block occupancy detector (BOD-8) (vertical circuit board) can handle 8 blocks so two are in one tower LCC and the third will be in the 2nd tower LCC.  This will be enough to handle my 23 blocks. 

signals RR-cirkits CB 03

The last circuit board needed is the Signal LCC-S.  Each of these can handle four, one 3 signal head mast (ie red/yellow/green).  Since I have about 7 signals with two 3-light heads, I need about 8 of these circuit boards.  

The connecting wire is 6 wire telephone cable to transfer all data. 

We did an initial testing of 5 blocks to insure all is 'good'.  It took 2-3 hours to get the 'bugs' out of my track and the wires going to the blocks.  Running DCC for the last 1.5 yrs, the 8 districts created had 2-4 blocks in each district.  Over time the individual blocks were affecting each other and needed to be isolated.  I had some rail gaps between blocks that were touching each other and I had multiple wires going to some blocks (needed for the old PFM sound system to work properly) that needed some 'diagnostics'.  Each BOD-8 has adjustable 'sensors' that needed 'adjusting', via a screwdriver,  for each block to detect when a train was in that block.

signals RR-cirkits CB 04


Images (8)
  • signals RR-cirkits dispatchers panel 02
  • signals RR-cirkits dispatchers panel 03
  • signals RR-cirkits dispatchers panel 04
  • signals RR-cirkits dispatchers panel 05
  • signals RR-cirkits dispatchers panel 06
  • signals RR-cirkits coil sensors 01
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 03
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 04
Last edited by samparfitt

Block signalling on the GNRW  phase III:

Although Phase II (software) is not completely done, Phase III (hardware) of installing all coil sensors to the Tower LCC's has proceeded.   With the previous initial test of several blocks, 10 more blocks with sensor coils to the Tower LCC's were completed.

The circuit boards were moved to a permanent location.

signals RR-cirkits CB 05

Unlike 40 years ago, I'm a little smarter now (but not much) and labeled both ends of the sensor coil wires.

signals RR-cirkits CB 06  

The variable 'pots' needed adjustment and, per the builder of these circuit boards, some 0.1 UF capacitors were needed across the sensor coil wires.  

One thing I did that I learned back when constructing the layout, only one wire hook up at a time and thoroughly test it before adding more wires.

Besides an engine, I'm using one of the low amp draw lighted cabeese to test the 'system'.  This will keep the block signal as occupied until the entire train has left the block.  The LED's in the cabeese only draws .004 amps so this system is pretty sensitive to low voltage.  NOW, I'm glad I lighted all those cabeese


signals RR-cirkits CB 07


Images (3)
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 05
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 06
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 07
Last edited by samparfitt

Block signalling on the GNRW  phase II/III:

Joe, who is doing the software side (phase II), came over and we tested an engine along all the new, and old, blocks (hardware side: phase III) to insure everything was working properly.

As usual for any project like this, some software and hardware changes were needed to have the dispatcher's panel light when the engine was in that respective block.

I had two sets of wires reversed and one block lights up another block but only before one turnout going to the logging railroad but works OK after the turnout.   Kind of strange.  There are two feeds from the main panel to each side of the turnout.  I'm figuring I can just use a jumper wire from one side of the turnout to the other side and eliminate the one problem feed.  Hopefully that works.

I'm glad I bought four more PSX circuit breakers for the yards, etc as I need to isolate the block going into the yard from the turntable area as the turntable is causing the incoming trains to constantly see a red signal, since the turntable area is on the same block as the yard. 

I think I'm really going to like this signalling.

I always thought it would be nice to have but way too complicated and time consuming to implement.  There still is a lot of work to do as I have to install all the BOD's and signals (phase IV).

The signals will save me a lot of time telling engineers if they are clear to enter a block.  After all signals are installed, they can just look at the signal and know if the block ahead is clear.  It will also be easy to just look at the dispatcher's panel and know where all trains are located. 

Plus, it will be cool to see all the signals lighted and working properly.


signals RR-cirkits CB 08

NOTE: click on the file listed below to see the tower LCC configurations.


Last edited by samparfitt

If you can answer this question, you're a better man than me!

The new signalling system gives a false reading for one block that has a turnout in the middle of the block that goes to the logging railroad.

signals RR-cirkits CB 09

The red highlight indicates a train present in this block.  This works correctly when to the right of the turnout.

signals RR-cirkits CB 10

When the train is left of the turnout, another block that is about 100' away is highlighted and the block with the train goes out.

I have two feeds directly from the main control panel to each side of the turnout that feeds this block.  I removed the feed to the left of the turnout (the problem feed) and ran a jumper wire to both sides of the turnout and all works correctly.

signals RR-cirkits CB 11

I pulled out the feeder wire to the left of the turnout and it only goes to the left of the turnout and no where else.  In essence, I replaced two feeders with one plus a jumper wire.  The only thing I can think of is, some how, this problem feeder was touching the other blocks feeder wire, but I've got all the feeders routed together under the layout!  For my old PFM sound system, I used both wires for each rail side and the wire is metal sheathed. 

signals RR-cirkits CB 12


Images (4)
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 09
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 10
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 11
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 12
Last edited by samparfitt

Thanks, Mike.


Block signalling on the GNRW  phase II/III and a little of phase IV.

Another 14 hours 'working on the railroad'.

Nine more block sensors were installed and most of them are tested.  I've got two more to install.

Some more software updates were needed for the newly installed sensors.

signals RR-cirkits CB 13

The 'rats nest' is looking pretty good!  Having labels on each end of the wire helps in diagnostics.  Also, numbering the tower LCC's connecting points helps in installing the correct wires in the correct location.

I put one coil sensor over the hot/ground wires and it appears that neutralized the ability of the coil to sense any current.   All the previous installs were strictly on the 'hot' wire. 


signals RR-cirkits CB 14

Phase IV has started.

Joe hooked up 3 signals.  We're using 6 wire telephone jacks so the connections go pretty fast.  The signal end needs soldering of the 4 wires (black, red, yellow, green),  Fortunately, the cable has the same 4 colors.   The signal circuit boards (CB) will be mounted along the lower edge of the table 'L' girders.  The signal will be inserted into a hole in the layout and a telephone jack will be quickly installed on the other end and inserted into the signal CB.

Joe has a nice 9 volt tester to check that all wires are connected, correctly. 

On the layout, we ran an engine and tested a signal and it changed from green to red and after reaching the 2nd block, changed to yellow, flashing yellow and then green.

signals RR-cirkits CB 15


Images (3)
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 13
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 14
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 15
Last edited by samparfitt

Block signalling on the GNRW  phase II/III/IV.

Only spent a half day 'working on the railroad': 12 hours.  

Started an engine at Seattle and ran along the mainline to check that the 'dispatchers panel' was working correctly (mainline hi lights to red).

Got out of Seattle's yard OK but had trouble at the cascade tunnel.  Found that I had the two blocks and sensors backwards.  That took awhile to re-arrange as, besides the physical changes, have to run the engine plus the caboose, separately, to insure the sensors are working correctly.  That involves adjusting the variable 'pot' and or adding a capacitor across the sensor wires.  

It appears, also, that when multiple feeds go to one block, it's best to run both feed wires through the sensor to get optimum detection.

After getting that fixed, only some capacitors and 'pot' adjustments were needed until I got to the double track leading to St. Paul and the interchange.  Lots of adjustments were needed to get it working properly and I still need to get the leads to ST Paul set up.

Some software changes were also needed at this location since I changed block numbers, etc. 


GN block and signal diagram 02


Tower LCC Node 48 & 3D Configuration (2) file listed below:

This lists:

detector numbers: there are 8 (one per block) per tower LCC (T LCC), I needed 3 for the 22 blocks. 

block #: those I assigned to my blocks.

TLCC node: address of each TLCC.  two on first board 48 and one on 2nd board (3D)

TLCC channel #: What we assigned to each block.

TLCC port: Each board takes two TLCC's so 1/2 for first board and 1 (starting over) on 2nd board.

TLCC line #: these are where each pair of sensor wires are attached.  There are 4 on each side.  I numbered these 1-8 to make it easier to know where to attach the sensor wires.

Output function: this is always 'no function' : Don't know why.

Input function: this is always 'active lo': this allows detection of the low voltage cabeese with lights.

Producer event 1/2: these are important: they are copied from the configuration tower LCC table  'producer column' and pasted into the sensor table, twice, and the last digit is increased by 1 (in hex) with a semi colon between them.

This is all done through JMRI software



GN Signal Blocks & Control Points.ods

Joe was setting this up while I was working on the block wires and sensors.

This is the initial design for triggering the correct signal at each block/turnout.  


Last edited by samparfitt

Block signalling on the GNRW  phase II/III/IV PLUS scenery.

A fellow NMRA railroader came over to improve the looks of my rock cliffs.

Some brown and beige to created some contrast.

scenery 01

Monotone 'before' look.

scenery 02

Much better 'after' look.

scenery 03scenery 04

He hot glues foilage clumps to heavy brown paper and cuts and hot glues those to the rock faces. 

scenery 05

clump foliage.

scenery 06

He thought I had flex track on my railroad.  Nope, it's all campbell's low profile ties hand spiked.  Let's see: 1500' of track: that comes out to 3,000' of rail, about 72,000 ties and about 24,000 spikes plus hand made turnouts.  There's a fine line between insanity and our hobbies!  Things we do when we were young!

Joe came over later in the day and we worked on the signalling system.

We installed the 'turnout' card  and he began setting up the turnout tables. 

signals RR-cirkits CB 16

Only got a few done but, when a turnout switch is thrown, the black line for the turnout moves to either straight or diverging plus the signals will be 'reflected' on the screen as seen along the railroad. 

signals RR-cirkits CB 17

We ran an engine from Seattle to the interchange to check all block detection.

All ran good until the engine stopped at this double turnout with a crossing track.  The crossing track wasn't getting any power. 

signals RR-cirkits CB 18

Couldn't resolve it and the top track has two layers of track under it so forget about checking the wires.


signals RR-cirkits CB 19

Fortunately, 35 years ago (or so), I left a wire schematic of how the wires were routed.  

signals RR-cirkits CB 20

I just cut them off and routed them to a terminal strip and brought two new feeds (ground and hot) from the left side of the track in the easily accessed track in the next room and connected them to their respective hot/ground wires.  The 'old' way should have worked but this definitely worked.

Still a couple more blocks to check plus make the two yards into two new separate power districts; needed so the signalling system doesn't always detect occupancy in the yard throat. 

signals RR-cirkits CB 21


Images (12)
  • scenery 01
  • scenery 02
  • scenery 03
  • scenery 04
  • scenery 05
  • scenery 06
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 16
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 17
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 18
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 19
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 20
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 21
Last edited by samparfitt

Sam your work amazes me everytime I read what your up too! I know I will never reach that level on my layout, but it sure is impressive to read and fallow along your travels! 

Some I Understand and some I don't but it is still fun for me to read! Thank you for sharing with the rest of us!


There's a lot that I don't understand: that's why Joe does the coding and I do the 'grunt' work.


Block signalling on the GNRW  phase II/V.

The software side is a continuous procedure through all the phases. Joe is working on the signaling tables.

I worked on soldering extra long wires to all the signals.  Common 4 wire telephone cable is good and has the same colors as the LED's: black, yellow, red, green. 

signals RR-cirkits CB 22

My roadbed is laminated homosote laid on edge (laminated) so I made mounting blocks out of balsa 1/2" X 1" X 1", drilled a 11/64" hole for the signal shaft and glued it to the side of the roadbed.  I used a dremel bit to grind away the 'rocks'. 

The first test was made with an engine.  After the engine passed the signal, the green changed to red, the signal changed to yellow entering the following block, then flashing yellow for the following block and, finally, green again entering the 4th block. 

signals RR-cirkits CB 23

The 'start up' kit was installed on the wall. 

signals RR-cirkits CB 24

The signal circuit boards (CB) can control 4 signal heads of 3 lights.  Three CB's have been installed.  Eight wire cable, daisy chained, connects all the signal CB's to the main tower LCC.    Joe did the software coding for each signal circuit board. 

signals RR-cirkits CB 25


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  • signals RR-cirkits CB 23
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 24
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 25
Last edited by samparfitt


We're getting there.


Block signalling on the GNRW  phase II/V.

More coding by Joe and signal install by me.

We got six signals working, so far.

Below are each signals in groups of two: before train goes to next block(green) and after entering new block (red).

We used Joe's engine as it goes about 10 times faster than mine and makes testing go much faster. 

At Skykomish (east bound)

A few critters get knocked over during installation!

signals RR-cirkits CB 26signals RR-cirkits CB 27

At Marias pass (east bound).

signals RR-cirkits CB 28signals RR-cirkits CB 29

At Wilmar: East bound.

Had to tear out some scenery for room for the 'guys' to put a new copper water main into the house.

signals RR-cirkits CB 30signals RR-cirkits CB 31

Wilmar (West bound).

signals RR-cirkits CB 32signals RR-cirkits CB 33

Marias Pass (west bound).

signals RR-cirkits CB 34signals RR-cirkits CB 35

Tye (west bound).

signals RR-cirkits CB 36signals RR-cirkits CB 37

Installed two signals inside the cascade tunnel (the laundry room being part of it).

signals RR-cirkits CB 38

Signal installed at Waverly.

signals RR-cirkits CB 39



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  • signals RR-cirkits CB 39

Block signalling on the GNRW  phase II/V.

Didn't do a whole lot as this is 'daughter day' when Monday is the only time off from her business so we go on 'outings' on Mondays.

Six more signal circuit boards came in so they were mounted in their respective places and cat 5 cable was 'daisy chained' to the 9 present on the layout.

Tools of the trade for making connectors on the ends of cat 5/ or 6 (8 wire) cable.

signals RR-cirkits CB 40

The wires have to be separated from each other: 4 sets of wires(2 each) are wrapped together.  I unwind them and use some needle nose pliers to straighten out the bends in the wire. 

signals RR-cirkits CB 41

They are placed in order of orange stripe/orange, blue stripe/blue, green stripe/green and brown stripe/brown although they can be place in any order as long as the other end is the same. 

They are cut to make each exactly the same length. No stripping of insulation is done.

And, don't forget to place the blue, rubber sleeve over the cable, before joining to the connector!

signals RR-cirkits CB 42

Wires slide into the plastic connector(clip side down),  insuring all are still aligned correctly and then a crimper is used until it 'clicks'.

signals RR-cirkits CB 43

Final result.

signals RR-cirkits CB 44

A cable tester is needed to insure continuity between all 8 wires.

signals RR-cirkits CB 45

Signal boards labeled and 'daisy chained' to next signal board. 

I have one more signal board in transit.  Each board can handle four 3 light masts.

I'm only using three of the outputs as too much hassle running wires from the signals a long distance to the signal board, ie: all turnouts need two signals, one with one 3-head and one with two 3-heads thus one signal board for that location. It's cheaper to run wires versus buying extra boards but I chose not to. 

Each signal board has a unique 'node number' (on back of board that the manufacturer installs)  that must be inputted into the software.  Also, each signal is given a unique address/name so the software can find it and make light changes, as needed.  

In this case we have signal board node 04 (last 2 digits of about a 12 digit address), the location (Skykomish) and two signals: one signal with two 3 light mast (SM04, SM04) and one signal with one 3-light mast (SM03); the forth slot not used.  The bottom signal of SM04 is to indicate turnout status. 

I have no two headed signals installed yet as they are in transit from China.  Maybe by the end of this week. 

PS: That L girder and leg was taken from the coal bin (no longer needed) in my first house in 1973, which, at the time was about 75 years old and it has supported three layouts.

signals RR-cirkits CB 46


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  • signals RR-cirkits CB 41
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 42
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 43
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 44
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 45
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 46
Last edited by samparfitt

Block signalling on the GNRW  phase II/V/VI and beta testing.

Last night I worked until 1:30 AM and was too tired to post anything: Today, it's 1:30 AM again but, finally, starting to 'see the end of the tunnel (pun intended)'.

Joe has taught me enough to start 'making me dangerous'.

There were five signals that still needed input into the system.

The config tables has data that needs to be copied over to the signal mast tables.

Config tables data: 

signals RR-cirkits CB 47

Signal mast tables.  Coded instructions for each type of light is copied into these tables. Last night, Joe went home around 10:30 and I stayed up for 4 hours getting the five 'signal mast' tables updated.  I used his existing ones as a guide to do them.

signals RR-cirkits CB 48

Hey, it's tonight's accomplishments!

The 'routing' logic has to be inputted into each 'signal mast' tables.  I was calling up each table and Joe showed me a quick way by just right clicking on the signal on the screen and it gives you options: 'signal mast logic: SM 18'.  In this case signal designation 'SM 18'.


signals RR-cirkits CB 53

Blocks, the next signal 'down the road' plus any affected turnouts are inputted. 

signals RR-cirkits CB 49

Sample of signal mast functioning:

1)  At Shelby, the switch is thrown towards the 'SM 14' signal, plus block 'B 800' is not occupied, so it's GREEN.

signals RR-cirkits CB 50

2)  Turnout is thrown against the signal so it's RED.

signals RR-cirkits CB 51

3)  The block is occupied (RED indicates occupancy) so the signal is, again, RED. Notice that the signal SM11 at Hillyard also changed to RED to stop oncoming trains. 

Fortunately, one can test all this via the 'track plan' on the screen.  Initially, I would make a change and test via an engine (long and tiresome): Joe showed me the easy way via the screen.

Beta testing: 

Ran an engine from Seattle to the interchange and back and all worked well, save one spot (which is a little tricky). All single mast worked great (save one).  As the engine passed the signal, it turned RED, then YELLOW when the 2nd block was reached, flashing YELLOW on the 3rd block and, finally, Green on the 4th block.


 The double head signals 'have arrived at destination country' so maybe those will be at my 'door step' shortly.  All software is coded for them so, in theory, they should test quickly.  They are needed at all turnouts. 


signals RR-cirkits CB 52

Phase VI: Installing the turnouts software and hardware to indicate the position of the turnouts on the 'track plan'.

Fortunately, I have been using some very old Tenshodo switches (toggle type versus a turnout).  One side gives 'juice' to the switch machine, the other side (which I wasn't using) is a set of contacts to indicate direction via a light bulb.  In this case, it will be used to complete a circuit to the software indicating which way the turnout is thrown. 

signals RR-cirkits CB 54

For ease of connecting the wires between the turnouts and software, these circuit board type terminal strips will do 'the job'.

signals RR-cirkits CB 55


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  • signals RR-cirkits CB 55
Last edited by samparfitt

Block signalling on the GNRW  phase II/V/VI and beta testing.

Installing the turnout hardware.

That was too easy and everything worked!

Joe had the software done so, this morning, I connected up the hardware.

Not a whole lot to do.  Already had all the turnout toggles that are located on the control panel (the 40 year old panel) to terminal strips (three black parts in picture).  Only needed to make up wires and connect the turnouts to their respective location on the LCC board.  

signals RR-cirkits CB 56

As each turnout toggle is thrown on the real control board, the turnout indicates such on the virtual control board. 

Can't believe I'm done for the day and no working until 1:30 AM!  Will get the engine out to test the entire layout, again, but all should be good

Looks like Joe and I (versus me and Joe: remove the Joe and repeat the sentence with 'me' to see how silly the sentence sounds ) started on Jan 23 so it took 17 days to about completion.  Still waiting for the 'double mast' signals to arrive and wire those up.  Software is done so I'm guessing another day or two to complete the project. 

signals RR-cirkits CB 57


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  • signals RR-cirkits CB 56
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 57
Last edited by samparfitt

Initial physical test of the new LCC signaling system installation.


GNRW initial signal test of newly installed signals. Short version. The double mast signals should arrive this week and those will be installed next. Signals are needed in the non-scenic areas as there are turnouts and/or block breaks at those locations. Excuse that tall, ugly guy and the non-scenic views! There's one signal that is too close to the track and needed some adjustment. HMM, still see some cob webs that I need to remove! Also, I will post a longer video showing more of the layout, including all the ugly insides of the tunnels. Being built back in the 80's, before we had small camera's, we didn't worry about how the inside of a tunnel looked!


Last edited by samparfitt

Monthly NMRA MCR Div 7 meeting.

The program presentation was about the 'age of steam roundhouse' given by the architect.  Excellent presentation. Took about 3 years to build and about 20 'mil'.  Wood post driven into ground for support from 30' to 60'.  All oak beams all hand done by Amish and ironwork also all handmade.  Unfortunately, I heard the owner died about 14 months ago. 


roundhouse 01roundhouse 02roundhouse 03

Two layouts visited.

Rick's PRR.

Rick Crumrine PRR 2019 01Rick Crumrine PRR 2019 02Rick Crumrine PRR 2019 03Rick Crumrine PRR 2019 04Rick Crumrine PRR 2019 05Rick Crumrine PRR 2019 06Rick Crumrine PRR 2019 07Rick Crumrine PRR 2019 08Rick Crumrine PRR 2019 09Rick Crumrine PRR 2019 10Rick Crumrine PRR 2019 11Rick Crumrine PRR 2019 12Rick Crumrine PRR 2019 13Rick Crumrine PRR 2019 14Rick Crumrine PRR 2019 15Rick Crumrine PRR 2019 16Rick Crumrine PRR 2019 17Rick Crumrine PRR 2019 18Rick Crumrine PRR 2019 19Rick Crumrine PRR 2019 20Rick Crumrine PRR 2019 21Rick Crumrine PRR 2019 22Rick Crumrine PRR 2019 23Rick Crumrine PRR 2019 24Rick Crumrine PRR 2019 25Rick Crumrine PRR 2019 26Rick Crumrine PRR 2019 27

And Peter's PRR/NYC. 

Peter Weiglin PRR,NYC 2019 01Peter Weiglin PRR,NYC 2019 02Peter Weiglin PRR,NYC 2019 03Peter Weiglin PRR,NYC 2019 04Peter Weiglin PRR,NYC 2019 05Peter Weiglin PRR,NYC 2019 06Peter Weiglin PRR,NYC 2019 07Peter Weiglin PRR,NYC 2019 08Peter Weiglin PRR,NYC 2019 09Peter Weiglin PRR,NYC 2019 10Peter Weiglin PRR,NYC 2019 11

Hand laid  turnouts.

Peter Weiglin PRR,NYC 2019 12

'Double hopper' car!

Peter Weiglin PRR,NYC 2019 13


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  • roundhouse 01
  • roundhouse 02
  • roundhouse 03
  • Rick Crumrine PRR 2019 01
  • Rick Crumrine PRR 2019 02
  • Rick Crumrine PRR 2019 03
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  • Peter Weiglin PRR,NYC 2019 01
  • Peter Weiglin PRR,NYC 2019 02
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Last edited by samparfitt

Block signalling on the GNRW  phase II/V/VI and beta testing.

We ran a train to check all the signals, blocks and turnouts with a few updates made. 

Some new 'reset' buttons were put on the track plan.  At the beginning of an operating session, all signals, blocks and turnouts can be reset.  Logic was inputted in the Cascade tunnel so no Eastbound trains can enter when westbound trains are in the tunnel and vise versa. 

The new 27" monitor, that my son ordered, arrived today. The mini PC will arrive next Monday.

signals RR-cirkits CB 58

Pretty cool how the two screens (laptop and monitor) acts as one screen so part of a display can be on both screens.

signals RR-cirkits CB 59


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  • signals RR-cirkits CB 59

Three parts, today.

Installed another PSX circuit breaker (CB) for the Seattle's roundhouse.  Needed this as, initially, the round house and yard were on one CB so a short in 'one' shut down the other place. 


DCC PSX circuit breaker 16

Reset button for the CB put at a convenient location so don't have to walk back to the main control panel to reset it.

DCC PSX circuit breaker 17

D9 CB controls now controls Seattle's roundhouse. 

DCC PSX circuit breaker 18


New delivery:

Radio shack's nice heat shrink gun.  A friend brought his over so I had to get one.  Very nice and quick.   I checked Radio Shack's online but none available so found it on Amazon!


radio shack heat shrink gun 01

A good valentine's day: 4 packages delivered

signals RR-cirkits CB 61signals RR-cirkits CB 62

Some dwarf signals for the yards.  These are kits.

signals RR-cirkits CB 63

The double mast signals arrived only I ordered the wrong ones: these have flashing yellow LED's.  I drilled out the yellow LED's and will await the new yellow LED's that I just ordered online. 

signals RR-cirkits CB 64

Eighteen single mast signals also arrived.  These were bought before I found the double head signals and I was going to cannibalize one and attach the mast to the other.  Since I'm not waiting for the yellow LED's to arrive, I proceeded, such.

On the cannibalized one, I pulled the wires out of the top of the mast, scored below the signal on the mast and broke the signal free.  I hand rails are brass, as is the mast, so I soldered the signal to the pole.  I then ran a black wire up the pole, soldered the 3 LED wires to the black wire and pulled them through the pole.  

signals RR-cirkits CB 65

Got another power source for the, now, 11 signal LCC's. 

signals RR-cirkits CB 66

The 11th signal LCC is needed because we decided to put 4 double head signals leading into the Seattle's yard and will be mounted on the below pictured signal tower.  

signals RR-cirkits CB 71

Block signalling on the GNRW  phase II/V/VI and beta testing.

The first cannibalized double signal mast.

I was doing this while Joe was testing/updated the software. 

signals RR-cirkits CB 67

Got a lot done, today.

There are now 21 signals installed and about 10 more to go.


signals RR-cirkits CB 68

Initially, I was going to only signal for passing on the right but Joe talked me into signalling for using either passing track. 


signals RR-cirkits CB 69

Gettin' there!

signals RR-cirkits CB 70


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  • DCC PSX circuit breaker 16
  • DCC PSX circuit breaker 17
  • DCC PSX circuit breaker 18
  • radio shack heat shrink gun 01
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 61
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  • signals RR-cirkits CB 71
Last edited by samparfitt

Block signalling on the GNRW  phase II/VI and beta testing.

Needed more wire.

Some common 4 wire at home depot for the single mast signals.

wire 4, telephone 01

I had some heavy duty cat 5 but found this smaller diameter and softer outer sheathing cat 5 at home depot.

wire cat 5 8 strands 01

This sheath cutter works nice, not having to worry about cutting into the wires.

wire sheath cutter 01

The double mast signals requires 7 of the 8 cat 5 wire.  Save green, none of the colored wires matches with the signal colors.  I use solid colors for the top mast and stripped wire for the bottom mast.  I stagger the upper and lower mast solder joints to make the outer diameter small enough to reduce the hole size in the layout.  

signals RR-cirkits CB 72

All those 30 gauge, or so, wire is 'heat shrinked' to protect them. 

signals RR-cirkits CB 73

Got four signals installed.

This one had trouble routing the wire as I happened to have a 2X10 supporting the roadbed right where the signal was.  Had to get my 30" long drill bits. 

signals RR-cirkits CB 74

Far side installed, today.

signals RR-cirkits CB 75

Two double mast signals were installed. 

signals RR-cirkits CB 76

Adding the extra signal at each turnout so bi-directional on either track, the Signal-LCC's are full at all turnout locations.

Still need to make and install double mast signals at Glacier and Shelby. 

signals RR-cirkits CB 77

New arrival: 

Gives me 4 tortoise for the interchange return loop.  The switches in that room don't work well (guessing too much friction with no ties used) so the tortoise should fix it.  The rest of the layout has the old solenoid switches: been working fine for 40 years, no use fixing what's not broke.  

tortoise switch machines 01

Digitrax and PSX circuit breakers don't 'always get along'.

Sometimes, when there's a short due to a wheel off the rails, the digitrax keeps trying to reset every split second so all the circuit breakers going 'hay wire'.

Larry Maier suggested: 

1. his first suggestion was change OPSW 18 to C
   Following the digitrax manual on page 43, I change 18 from t to c which extends the booster's time delay for short circuit shutdown.
2. His second option is change CV49=2 in the PBX circuit breakers changing normal 3.8 amps to 2.5 amps.
   If option 1 doesn't work (we'll find out Saturday), then I'll implement option 2. 


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  • wire 4, telephone 01
  • wire cat 5 8 strands 01
  • wire sheath cutter 01
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 72
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 73
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 74
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 75
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 76
  • tortoise switch machines 01
  • signals RR-cirkits CB 77
Last edited by samparfitt

GNRW signal documentation:

Assembled by Joe Ross.

Click on the below attachments.

These are 'power point' so click each time to advance the page and last click is the exit.

On my screen, the power point is posted at the bottom of the screen which also has to be 'clicked on'.





Last edited by samparfitt

Feb 16 GNRW operating session.

The good and the bad.

This was the good:

Good friends.

The signalling system worked great.

GNRW operating session Feb 16, 2019 01

A GN R-2 stopping for water.

GNRW operating session Feb 16, 2019 02GNRW operating session Feb 16, 2019 03

The bad.

Probably the worst ops sessions that I can remember.  All kinds of derailments causing shorts and finding the problem derailed car among 2-4 trains on the mainline.  Still having trouble with one district short bothering other districts.

And, then the entire DCC system shut down.  The Digitrax power system said there was a short and nothing moved.  Fortunately, two friends found the trouble which impressed me as it only took them about 10 minutes looking through my 'rats nest'.  Turns out the Seattle's turntable area was causing the entire system to shut down.  I have to take blame for that as, earlier in the week, I hooked up a new PSX circuit breaker (CB) for the turntable (TT) area.  Earlier today, when testing the layout, I noticed the yard CB interfering with the TT CB and vise versa so I disconnected the TT CB from the system (obviously not).  Weird as it took about 1.5 hrs before the entire system shut down: must of been some turnout, etc thrown that caused it.  I'll work on that next week.

Before each session, I usually run several trains to insure all is well but, with installing the signalling system, I cut short the usual PM, and paid the 'price'.   While installing the signals, all that drilling holes and grinding plaster into fine dust that spread on rails didn't help my cause, either!

One nice view, after turning off all the main lights, the signals shining in the dark looked good.

GNRW operating session Feb 16, 2019 04


Images (4)
  • GNRW operating session Feb 16, 2019 01
  • GNRW operating session Feb 16, 2019 02
  • GNRW operating session Feb 16, 2019 03
  • GNRW operating session Feb 16, 2019 04
Last edited by samparfitt

New deliveries:

Only needed the yellow LED's to fix the double mast signals that I, mistakenly, bought with a lower flashing yellow but got all three colors.  For a total of like 13 bucks from Allied electronics for 25 yellow, red and 50 green, might as well!

LEDs 3mm 01

My mini PC came in.

Got her loaded with microsoft word, zonealarm and AVG, all set to load in the JMRI and signalling software.

Cat 5 cable runs downstairs so connected to the internet. 

mini pc


Images (2)
  • LEDs 3mm 01
  • mini pc
Last edited by samparfitt

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