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FCCB45E3-F510-4608-B6BE-F3C249AFCE03A4954CC7-FAF8-4A77-8F5F-35CDED7CD28630706D24-54EF-4836-AE8E-78A9EB538CF894F31831-1C90-4198-B2C1-EF78A48FEC685DF0CD35-B3DA-4830-8D39-606E3F0C8776Had a burst pipe last night.  Easy fix with a sharkbite fitting and a ball valve. Bad news the fountain flooded the basement, carpet, kids toys, etc. Was lucky in a way the trains were in the next room over but still there was a corner that got hit. Had 15-20 boxes of trains with varing degrees of damp or wetness. A few were drenched. Good news is I got em all unwrapped within a couple of hours. None of the engines were under water, at most a few were wet from the paper wrapping getting wet. I have em sitting in front of a portable heater to dry them out. Any advise on the dryout would be appreciated. I’m a little worried about some of my O scale wood kit built cars a few of which got a bit wet.

Six hours in and I got one heck of a mess going on not to mention It’s sub freezing outside so I’m not able to take stuff outside to dry off. Oh well, could be a lot worse, We were home and the damage is minor in reality.



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Dennis, that is one of our worst nightmares......water in the basement. Good news is you were home and caught it quickly before it could of been worse. I think that anything that looks as if the water got to it should be taken apart and checked to see the degree of damage. Also instead of a space heater what about a hair dryer set on a low heat setting or just the air setting. It would be time consuming but may dry them out better. After drying I would lubricate the engines. Also check the circuit boards too to make sure they are free of moisture...........Paul

I was thinking about the dehumidifier, agreed, will get one asap.  Even the ones that were not wet or damp, were clammy, that is why I unwrapped everything and have it stacked everywhere lol.  Mind you, I want to get the trains in a safe state so I can focus on the room and get that carpet and padding out as quickly as possible.

It's bad and it's a pain, but man I really do feel lucky as Heck!!

I can tell this will lead to a basement remodel though which might not be all bad lol.

Not that I've been through this at this level, but I'd 2nd the dehumidifier (maybe even 2, depending on how big your basement is), and at least a wipe-down of all visible surfaces so nothing in the water (meaning impurities like minerals, etc - I realize it was the cold water pipe) might leave permanent marks.

Good luck.  As you say, it would have been worse had you not been home for it.


They have battery powered water alarms at the big box stores, about $12 if i remember.  It has two metal contacts on the bottom.  Set it on the floor.  If they conduct then the audible alarm goes off.  Usually they are pretty loud.  I would set one layer of paper towel or toilet paper under it.   No help if you are not home.

Yeah, the burst spot is 18" over on the other side of the wall, but you know, city water pressure spraying out of a ruptured pipe, that 18" was nothing.  It looked like Niagera Falls when I went down to see why water pressure was low in the morning. It got the daughter's American girls stuff (they have a bunch too), my sheepskin rug, books, legos (no problem), and then the trains on the other side.  kind of crazy the path the water took to get to the boxes too lol.  Probably 150-200 train items either wet or in boxes that got partially wet.  The entire carpet is soaked, it went all the way into the laundry room were the floor drain was. 

I always planned to ensure the bottom shelf was always like a foot off the floor in the event of a back up type flood event,.  I didn't really think of this situation honestly.  Live and Learn.  Nothing priceless down there, just a big mess lol.  That said, when I start counting the number of trains and what it would likely cost to replace, that's a bit nerve wracking but hey what do you do. As it is I just have a mountain of cleaning to do.

The real lucky part for me was up till last week I had a bunch of boxes of trains on the floor, like 20 plus AF locos, Brass, All my JEP stuff, my O Marklin was on the floor a while back.  Luckily, I had started a major re-org last week and all that stuff was up off the floor under a different section of the layout.  I think I'll be all right, no water spotting on anything, looks like the space heater dryed  the locos and the marklin ho.  I will plan to take all those locos through a service session, but jeeze, that's where being guilty of having too much stuff overwhelms you!

Last edited by Dennis Holler
Dennis Holler posted:

I can tell this will lead to a basement remodel though which might not be all bad lol.

Are your water pipes steel or copper? If steel, in your remodeling plans I would seriously consider replacing as much of the steel pipe as possible with copper.  In either case, cover as much exposed pipe as you can with pipe insulation, both hot & cold. It's good cheap insurance.

aussteve posted:

They have battery powered water alarms at the big box stores, about $12 if i remember.  It has two metal contacts on the bottom.  Set it on the floor.  If they conduct then the audible alarm goes off.  Usually they are pretty loud.  I would set one layer of paper towel or toilet paper under it.   No help if you are not home.

Yep, I have a boatload of these all over the house in strategic places. Simple design and work well. Saved me once in the utility room when the water heater went. you say, if you are not at home no dice.



Last edited by johnstrains

Also turn the water on in your basement. I let my basement faucet run at a trickle (both hot and cold watter) the last two days when it was -20°. No pipe problems. My basement is heated but is uninsulated (bare brick walls). It got down to 55° (rest of the house was 72°). I was taking pipe temperatures with a laser thermometer and the lowest reading I saw was 43° on the cold water pipe to the basement sink.

I only ran the basement faucet because it's the only faucet in my house that runs near an exterior wall. When it gets below 0 you're best off opening and letting run any faucet in you house that is near an outside wall. Prevents pipes bursting. 

We do that sometimes, honestly wouldn’t have helped here I don’t think since this leg was 25 feet off to the North side wall basically where the outdoor spigot goes out the wall, I wouldn’t get any flow over where it froze unfortunately. You are right I agree still a good practice, we actually do that quite a bit. I’m going to put isolation valves on both of those outdoor legs so i can isolate them and then empty the outer line. I think that will work anyway. 

looks like you lucked out Dennis. Glad there is no major damage. I agree with what has been said. Slow drying would be my thought on the wood stuff. You won't have to worry much about the old stuff, we like them rusty anyway......but the electronic stuff would be a concern. And on the plus side we got to see more of that hoard of yours....

Last edited by Steamer

Start using  a wet/dry shop vac on that carpet.  Best bet is either trash the carpet altogether or at least lift roll it up to one side, and the padding if applicable.  The use you fans to blow air past the concrete until its dry.  dry out the underside of the padding at the same time.  When that is done, roll the padding back and use fans to dry out the top of the padding, bottom of the carpet.  now roll that carpet back, pick it all up from another corner and start again.  Plan on a day each evolution with some fans blowing.

Again, best bet is to ditch the carpet all together.Water will hide in/under for a long long time if not taken care of.


Go through those cardboard boxes as soon as you can.  Mildew sets in fast.


Good luck

74715514-DEED-46B2-99EB-AC9F5B81D6CC62E6E1C6-A9AD-4DC4-BE40-605220CF75726293B65A-8AA1-4D18-9980-5BD3A3ADCA84Actually I’ve been a little wrong in my diagnosis. It looks like it it actually froze in two spots and the blow out was between. So I do have a wall crack issue to deal with I think. I’m guessing as bothfrozen spots “grew” the water between pressure spiked and that caused the copper to fail. Interesting really.  You can see that ice in the first picture. That is at the elbow coming from center house and the third is a few feet away where it goes out for the fawcet. That’s my theory anyway lol


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Hey Dennis. Can sympathize too as the home I'm buying suffered a major 'interior flood' last winter when the power went off for a day and then two pipes burst and flooded the whole place! It was vacant and not discovered for a week or more. The owner had a $500+ water bill.

I am remodeling it with upgrades and always turn off and bleed the pressure whenever I have to be gone for any length of time. Even in good weather...

jhz563 posted:

Start using  a wet/dry shop vac on that carpet.  Best bet is either trash the carpet altogether or at least lift roll it up to one side, and the padding if applicable.  The use you fans to blow air past the concrete until its dry.  dry out the underside of the padding at the same time.  When that is done, roll the padding back and use fans to dry out the top of the padding, bottom of the carpet.  now roll that carpet back, pick it all up from another corner and start again.  Plan on a day each evolution with some fans blowing.

Again, best bet is to ditch the carpet all together.Water will hide in/under for a long long time if not taken care of.


Go through those cardboard boxes as soon as you can.  Mildew sets in fast.


Good luck

My thoughts too.  I’ve had to dry it out exactly as you described twice before in smaller areas. It’s a pain but it works I’m leaning toward removing the existing carpet this time.

Wow interesting topic. We have had 3 minor water leaks in the basement in the last 22 years, thankfully not major. But it is an ongoing concern. Especially since the house is plumbed with that rotten poly B plastic pipe. Our insurance company sent out a remote water sensor that we have set up right near the water heater. It sends a signal to the iPhone if water is detected. So even when we are not home we would get a message and be able to call our housesitter to go over and shut off the water and see how bad things are.

Since we are away for the winter I also had the plumber install a master water shutoff valve right at the water meter, so all water is off except for a small 1/4" line to the humidifier on the furnace. In our dry climate at home the humidifier is a must in the winter months.


RSJB18 posted:

Dennis- if you are replacing the hose bib anyway- I recommend a frost free type as GRJ mentioned.


Yes I was unaware such things existed, but I will be buting a couple for sure. 

Thanks for all the words of encouragement and suggestions they are all good and maybe someone else can benefit from this and prevent a similar problem.

Dennis, definitely get a dehumidifier, best investment I made in the train room....I feel your pain, I had a nasty roof leak 2 days before Christmas, some trains got wet....dried them up with microfiber towels and a hair dryer...had the family helping me assembly line style. Took a couple hours, but got them all dried up......we were fortunate like you as we were home and caught it early on enough not to have a total disaster.....the dehumidifier will help pull the moisture out of the air....with as much water intrusion you had, I bet the air down there is plenty juicy......Pat

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