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Not sure if this is right forum as the Hallmarks Keepsake trains are not 12"=1'.


Just picked up the special collector golden 4449 Daylight Steam Loco.  All it is is the engine alone, no tender, and the store catalog did not indicate a tender was made or offered as extra.


It seems that Lionel marketing would tell Hallmark that a steamer needs a tender.  But given the way everyone is so young at companies these days, maybe no one in marketing realizes a steamer is not one piece like a diesel, but needs two pieces, loco and tender.


Of course too late to complain to Lionel or Hallmark as I imagine these were made in Feburary this year.

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The very first ornament (the 700E), the gold-plated 700E, the gold-painted Chessie T1 and this engine did not have tenders issued for them.  All of the other steamer ornaments did.  The Chessie T1 and the SP GS-4 are repaints of left-overs from the original runs.  I suspect the gold-plated 700E was also left-overs from the original run of 700E ornaments, but that has not been confirmed.  The only Lionel ornament that was also a special release and came with a tender was the miniature gold-painted PRR B6 switcher that came as a two-piece set.

Last edited by mountain482
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