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Harry (Dad), I already sent my condolences to Bill.  You and your family have my sympathy and prayers.  I will certainly miss Harry.  He was a good friend, though I live in Butler, 6 hours away.  I first saw Harry posting photographs of his big bridge made of foam and got to know him on FaceBook.  He invited me to the first Run for Fun, and I had a great time.  I later saw him at York and also posted on FB.  He certainly was a great ambassador for the hobby and an all round nice fellow.  I will miss him.

Last edited by Mark Boyce

Sincere condolences to the Henning family from the staff of OGR. I learned of Harry's passing yesterday via a number of Facebook special interest group forums, and added my thoughts to just about every one of those threads. There is little I could add here because so many of you fine folks have already expressed your memories and accolades in such a fine and comprehensive manner. Harry was a great guy, and I always enjoyed chatting with him at York Meets over the years. So sad to lose another of our most notable ambassadors.

My condolences to all the Henning family and close friends.

I am a bit far from Landsdale, however years ago when on work assignment in Montgomery/Bucks Counties I would take a small detour at lunch and stop in Hennings Train was always nice and warm and a comfortable atmosphere with friendly staff. I cannot say that about every train shop I've visited over the years. Good memories.

Last edited by Paul Kallus

I would like to thank all who responded to my post.  It was very heartwarming  and appreciated. Years ago I lost my brother John to cancer after a long illness. I remember my dad in the hospital room when John passed saying " It just is not fair that you should watch your child die. It should always be the other way around". This is the only time I had seen my dad brake down, and now I join him. I thank you all and am sorry for rambling on.  Dad Henning.

I would like to thank all who responded to my post.  It was very heartwarming  and appreciated. Years ago I lost my brother John to cancer after a long illness. I remember my dad in the hospital room when John passed saying " It just is not fair that you should watch your child die. It should always be the other way around". This is the only time I had seen my dad brake down, and now I join him. I thank you all and am sorry for rambling on.  Dad Henning.

Harry, my heart goes out to you!  I won't say how I know; but I know. 

Last edited by Mark Boyce

Harry was known all over the country & will be sadly missed.  It is very upsetting for Bill & old Harry., but we know he is in the right place now. I cannot express how much he will be missed by both friends & family.  Dad ( the old man).

as we all get older these moments seem to come faster and faster. What makes it worse is a lot of these men who have been going to the great Train layout in the sky are all people I’ve known as a boy. I realize now how privileged I am that I’ve been able to meet many of these men when I was a kid and how well they treated me. Reading this took me back to when I went to funeral for my dad, uncle then my mom. The big names who started me in this hobby. My deepest condolences to the family, his friends, and all of the people that loved him. The Hobby once again has become a little bit, Emptier.

Last edited by ThatGuy

My most sincere condolences to the family.  May he rest in peace with the Lord.  I must admit I did not know Harry.  My few  trips to Lansdale always required me to visit the store and purchase something.  The Henning family is a wonderful resource and help to the hobby community.  I am sure they will always have great memories of Harry.  I only wish I could drive to the store today and offer my condolences.  Unfortunately no one ever cheats death and those of us remaining should live our lives to the fullest and never forget people like Harry.  God bless you all!

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