Oh, Oh, Oh no a Flyer guy making fun of our beloved extra rail.I'm crushed, I don't know what to say..................................................... All those dots represent my silence as I absorbe this devastating revilation.
Whenever I hear this mindless tripe it brings to mind the train show that I brought my son to when he was about five or six. They had a number of clubs there with operating layouts. One of them was a two rail O-Scale set up and my son asked the man from the club where the center rail was? Instead of explaining to the kid that there are many types of people in the hobby, ect,ect, this genius went on a pointless diatribe about real trains only run on two rail.
Now remember this moron was talking to a kid who just got a new MTH set that he loved.
Well, there is a God because as I was making every effort to hold my tongue his scale engine went off the track. After he put it back on it ran for about a foot and then stopped. At this time he tapped it on the top and it started to move but with a jerky motion, just like it's owner.
My son looked at him and said my trains run every time, don't you have any that work?
Well, it was a little hard to hear what he was saying with that foot in his big fat mouth, but I think it was something like the engine needs "mork" or something like that.
After removing the culprit he brought his big bad brass Hudson out. I have to admit it was a beautiful thing to see so it held both of our attention. But, when he tried to run it it just sat there.
My son and I just looked at each other then I said come on lets go watch some trains that work.
I asked the fella if he wonted to come with us.
He looked at me and asked why?
I told him he might like to see some trains that run.
True story!