Has anyone ever used flex foam rock like the kind for sale on ebay made by ATHERTON SCENICS?
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Looks good !!
Looks awesome. I'm going to order some tomorrow. I haven't been happy with my foam rocks and plaster is to much of a pain. Thanks for the pics.
Looks great, had not heard of before, thanks for the tip!
Same here --- never heard of it
Any you tube videos, etc. on working with this stuff
It's just flexable pre shaped foam and very easy to work with. I silicone mine to Styrofoam filled in the seams also with silicone and threw chalk dust at the silicone and flat clear coated. There are 3 different patterns so you can put them upside down or slice them between the rocks and flip flop. I also added in a few pieces of molded Styrofoam rock I already had. Remember they don't have to be put in cookie cutter style real walls sometimes are angled. There's a lot of these in southern Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas and I've seen some nice ones driving through North Carolina.
Just ordered a section.
I've ordered one as well. They look similar to ones carried by Scenic Express. Dave, you did a great job with them.
I used a few around my engine yard:
I hot glued mine in place and filled the seams with painter's caulk before painting them. These worked out great since I didn't want to make a huge plaster mess on this part of the layout.
these are the rubber ones..Got these at the springfield show..Forgot vendors name..used hunterline stain to add some color to the monochromatic grey
Has anyone else used this or used it since the original post I will upload pics of mine later today when I get home. I would love to see more pics of what people have done with it.