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GGG, the engine in question actually 2 are both ps-2 one a railing K4 and a Milwaukee Hiawatha 20-3096-1 railing number I don't have.

only thing these both have is a 3 position plastic mounting ring and the tender is the enclosure as the plastic ring is open on the backside it only holds the speaker in place.

unless I was cheated of the speaker enclosure as I bought these new so am guessing delivered as made no enclosure included.

The cheap speakers in most MTH trains have limited speaker cone travel.

To get better base, you need a speaker that can accomadate longer travel. These usually have some sort of rolled edge around the speaker cone. MTH has used a thin rolled edge 4 Ohm speaker in some of their recent diesels (MTH Part # BF-0000043.) I have installed these in several diesels and 0-8-0 switchers. Or you can order a high performance 2" speaker from a supplier such as WWW.MADISOUND.COM. These are approximately 1 3/8" tall and will only fit in some tenders.

For best performance from any speaker, you have to seperate the front sound wave from the rear sound wave in order to keep them from cancelling each other out. This is usually achieved by enclosing the speaker-- the larger the volume of the enclosure, the better. It is nice but not necessary to seal the enclosure.
Last edited by ctr
I ordered some really nice sounding speakers from Digital Dynamics about 5-6 years ago. They were being discussed here on the forum at the time. I think Ed was selling them as retrofits or updates for some of the cheap speakers that were being installed, probably for Railsounds. They had more of a bass sound then the cheap tinnie sounding speakers.

I looked at the one I have in the box and it is about 1-1/2" high and 2" in diameter. Other then that it has no markings on it and neither is the box marked.

Maybe someone remembers that discussion.
Don't now if these would fit in the engines or not. Possibly in the tenders though?
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