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I am working on improving the appearance of my MTH Aerotrain.   I would like to close the coupler gap.   I installed Kadees on one car and it was a real PIA due to the fixed truck being in the way.   Since the diaphragms will hide the couplers, I am considering using shorter lobster claw couplers.   Here are the existing MTH Couplers.IMG_0496IMG_0497

I'm having trouble finding a shorter coupler, or for that matter any coupler on MTH website.   Either operating or fixed couplers are fine. I looked at F3 B units on the site and none had parts diagrams.  

First question:  Does anyone know of a part number (or link) to a shorter MTH Coupler that would be a drop in replacement for these?

2nd Question:   How do you find parts on the MTH website?

Here is as far as I can get.   I can download the manual.   Where is the parts list?

Screen Shot 2021-01-10 at 10.55.35 AM

I hope I'm overlooking a simple answer . . .



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Take a look here. Put in the model number of that B unit and you will find the parts list.  They ID several couplers.

I have a bunch of couplers from some MTH Premier passenger cars.  I'll go measure them.  If they are what you need, you can have them.

I empathize with you on the Kadee issue.  I had to cut the touge on the trucks to install the Kadee which had holes pre drilled at manufacture.


Thanks Ron

Your operating couplers are the same length as the fixed couplers on the Aerotrain.  Thanks for the tip on looking up MTH parts.

Here are the gaps on straight and curved track using the 2 different size diaphragms that come with the set.

Straight track narrow diaphragms


Straight track wide diaphragms


Inside of O-72 curve wide diaphragms


Outside of O-72 curve wide diaphragms


Inside of O-72 curve narrow diaphragms


Outside of O-72 curve narrow diaphragms



I plan to use the narrow diaphragms, so I can pull the cars together about 1/2" before they touch.  Then I will use John Sethian's method of nesting a cut down wide diaphragm inside one of the narrow diaphragms to fill the gap that opens on curves.   The inside piece will telescope when going around the curve.

Thanks Matt.  I'll look at the subway couplers.



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Last edited by RRDOC

The subway couplers DD-0000005 are no longer available.

There are 2 couplers listed for the F3 B unit DD-0000003 and DD-0000023 and neither are available.

The subway couplers are stated to be 14mm so that probably will work.  

So . . . is this a dead end because it states no longer available, or do I contact MTH about it?  What is the best way to get an answer from them?

Thanks everyone.  I have been in O scale for 9 years, but I'm feeling like a newbie.   I can't believe I have not had to order parts from MTH before!


Walthers used to make a short-shank 3-rail dummy coupler for O gauge trains that may be an option to consider.  It has two mounting holes so you could chose the length the coupler sticks out.  It would require some kitbashing by either making your own draft box or just drilling mounting holes in the undercarriage to accommodate the couplers.  Either approach would probably require using shims depending on the car.  I used to have a number of these and used them way back in the late 80's/early 90s with Weaver freight cars to not only shorten the distance between cars but also allow the cars to ride at a prototypical height, since the Weaver 3 rail trucks and coupler assembly made the cars ride too high.  This was before I ended up swapping to Kadees to have an even better scale appearance and to allow automatic coupling.

This website has them available:

Thanks John.   The Scale City dummy couplers will work. They will be easy to cut and drill for whatever length I need.  I may even be able to use the MTH centering springs.  They will be completely hidden so I don't need to worry about height or appearance. Can't beat the price either, 6 for $7.

Thanks everyone.  


You're welcome Bob, like GRJ I'd be curious how they work for your application.  Another idea I just thought of is that maybe you can fabricate a custom-length hitch and pin type of drawbar from styrene or brass so there's articulation in the center of the drawbar so it's between the diaphragms of the cars and you can make it whatever ideal length desired.  Atlas O uses a similar mechanism with their articulated freight cars in addition to some GGD passenger cars, the only difference in your application is the pivot point omits the trucks.

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