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Here's a couple of pics of the car I'm trying to ID.


Clearly this is NOT a postwar IRVINGTON. In fact, the bottom of the nice, shiny, new looking frame is stamped with "Made in China."  I bought this car (and a Manhattan car) from a lad that claimed this was a 6-19015. Problem is all of the internet pictures of the 6-19015 I found had "9015" heat stamped on the side of the car, not "2625". And the cars on the interweb show silhouettes in the windows. The windows in my car do not have silhouettes, and are semi-frosted, meaning that when you look through them, you can almost make out the shape of the windows on the other side - so not completely frosted, but semi-frosted. I tried to look at the ebay pics from the original sale, but the purchase was long enough ago that they had been removed, and I never thought to copy them.

Another difference is the positioning of the letter "L" in "Lionel" along the top - if you look at the vertical column of rivets to the left of the "L" and the row of Rivets just above the "L", the "L" appears to be about one "column space" to the right of the vertical column.  I searched the old interweb far and wide, but never did see anything that exactly matches that.

Can you help to ID this car and its "6-XXXXX" part number? Thanks!



Images (3)
  • IMG_5965
  • IMG_5966
  • IMG_5967
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@GeoPeg I believe it’s LIONEL LINES MADISON COACH "IRVINGTON" #2625 - 6-27722. It was part of Lionel 6-38308 O PCC #2146WS Berkshire Madison Passenger Set

It sure looks like a car from this set.  But there are differences - based on the few pictures of the set I can find on the internet it looks like the "centering" of the "Lionel Lines" over the windows is different.  The pictures above show it centered on the car, but the pictures I find of the set on the internet show the space between "Lionel" and "Lines" centered over the word "Irvington" (which makes it off center on the car since "Lionel" has 6 letters and "Lines" has 5 letters.

I'm thinking these are from set 6-31777 (similar set to the Berkshire set, but with a GG1 instead).  The pictures of this set show the lettering matching the pictures above (i.e., centered on the car and not over the "Irvington").

Last edited by Retlaw

It's from the Lionel Conventional Classics series.

Like Retlaw said, it came with a green 5 stripe GG1. It was the closest remake to the original cars. The lack of silhouettes was to make it resemble the earliest postwar cars.

Lionel #6-31777 was the catalog number of the set. I'd have to dig a little deeper to find individual car numbers. 2124W was the number of the postwar set it was replicating.  It was in the 2008 Vol. 2 catalog.

The Sager Place observation, which was never produced in the postwar era, was a separate sale item.


Last edited by Jim Policastro

Most interesting – both 2625 cars from both sets look identical at first glance, but do have different part numbers. Upon inspection of each of the parts lists,  there are 2 differences; 1) the spring used in the lamp socket, and 2) the vestibule assemblies. From what I can see in Lionel’s pictures, one vestibule has slightly different detailing on the steps; some added casting detail.

Thank you all for taking the time to look all this up. I will identify which vestibule assy I have on my car when I get upstairs to the train room. I am currently recovering from Christmas Outdoor Decoration Removal Syndrome (CODRS, as it's known around here!)

Thanks so much!


Quick edit: Wife just ran me upstairs to fetch something, so .......  I have the less detailed steps on my vestibule assys, so this car (and the Manhattan) are from the GG1 set - thanks again!!!!

Last edited by GeoPeg

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