Here's a couple of pics of the car I'm trying to ID.
Clearly this is NOT a postwar IRVINGTON. In fact, the bottom of the nice, shiny, new looking frame is stamped with "Made in China." I bought this car (and a Manhattan car) from a lad that claimed this was a 6-19015. Problem is all of the internet pictures of the 6-19015 I found had "9015" heat stamped on the side of the car, not "2625". And the cars on the interweb show silhouettes in the windows. The windows in my car do not have silhouettes, and are semi-frosted, meaning that when you look through them, you can almost make out the shape of the windows on the other side - so not completely frosted, but semi-frosted. I tried to look at the ebay pics from the original sale, but the purchase was long enough ago that they had been removed, and I never thought to copy them.
Another difference is the positioning of the letter "L" in "Lionel" along the top - if you look at the vertical column of rivets to the left of the "L" and the row of Rivets just above the "L", the "L" appears to be about one "column space" to the right of the vertical column. I searched the old interweb far and wide, but never did see anything that exactly matches that.
Can you help to ID this car and its "6-XXXXX" part number? Thanks!