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I just bought a new solder gun with a small point.  I am mainly repairing postwar pickups/ or E unit type connections. I read on another post that 63/37 solder is great.  I see they have different sizes, what size do you recommend?  Also, what temperature do you set your gun to?  Thanks!

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Basically, what Rod said.  As for temperatures, I use 500F-550F for circuit boards and 600F-650F for most general wiring work.  For soldering track or brass models, I use my Weller 100/140W gun, I'm sure it's a lot hotter than either of those workstation temperatures.  I use Kester brand 63/37 Rosin Core solder exclusively  Like Rod, I use the .031 for general work and .020 for PCB work.

@steam posted:

Thanks!!  Is this the same stuff?  I see they also have a larger roll but I don’t use that much.  I couldn’t figure out why this has “44” in the title.  F01A714E-D90D-4FA1-86EF-4CBC47926059

Yes, but in tiny quantities.  I buy mine on Amazon in the pound rolls in .031 and the .020 diameters.  A one pound roll on Amazon is $45, shipped free.  You're showing 2 ounces for $63!


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Last edited by gunrunnerjohn

60/40 rosin core used to be the standard for electronic work forever and is still fine, never use plumbing acid core.  But, the thing I have always wondered about, Kester Solder used to show it up close on the end, and it claimed it had 5 holes in the length of the solder that held the rosin.  How in the world do you make such a tiny thing with 5 cores in it?

Apparently Kester has figured out the mystery of making five holes for rosin.

60/40 solder is fine, but the benefit of 63/37 is it is an eutectic mix.  That means it transitions from the liquid state directly to the solid state at a single temperature.  60/40 not only melts at a slightly higher temperature, but it also has a "plastic" range of about 14 degrees where if the joint is moved it can create a cold solder joint that is not secure or has good conductivity.

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