Hello and good afternoon all. I recently was given a 2018 loco by my mother-in-law after she was cleaning out her house to move. I then ended up scoring a great deal on a whole setup including a 2037 steam loco. I tested the 2037 and it runs just fine on the track, when I put the 2018 on the track, it just sits there and hums. I took the body off of the engine and tried it again, no luck.
I then proceeded to clean up the face of the armature and lubricated the bars and greased the gears (with the proper lubricants). I tried to run the 2018 again (body off) and it still just sits there and hums. When I tried engaging the selector switch on the e-unit, I could hear the relay click, but still no movement. I then tried giving the engine a little push down the track and when I did that there were visible sparks coming from the wheels where they contact the rails.
I'm not sure what the deal is here. I can hear the engine humming, the relay is clicking when moving the selector switch, and the little sparks of the wheels on the tracks tells me that there is power. Any ideas as to what the problem could be or what the next thing to try is? Thanks in advance!