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I recently came into possession of a pair of Ross  switches. A big upgrade over the Realtrax I’m used to! I’ve never worked with manual switches like this, so forgive the amateur question.

I purchased Caboose Industries 208S throws, but in test fitting one, it doesn't appear to have enough travel. One direction of the switch is fine, but the throw seems to fall short the other way. The below photo is a rough illustration of the gap I’m seeing.
Are there any tricks to installing these ? Perhaps adjusting the shifting ties a bit?


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Last edited by Alex W
Original Post

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I have quite a few of them on my layout. The pics are ROSS STD switch and the Caboose Industries ground throws. Make sure to put the points centered between the main rails and have the handle on the ground throw straight up. I use small Atlas track screws usually to screw them down.

Since the handle is straight up and the points centered, rotating the handle either direction will move move the points tight to the rails.

Your switches are not faulty.




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  • EFE22BD4-27D3-4EB7-A2AF-D979907315AB
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  • 0280180E-80ED-49CC-87EA-8D16EA676C7D

I install the 208s throws as follows.

1. Set the 208s with the throw lever in the vertical position.

2. Move your switch points to the middle of the throw range.

3. Hold the points in this position, set the 208s pin into the switch throw bar and mark the position of the 208s.

4. Fasten the 208s into this position using your method of choice.

You should then get full throws in both directions.

Note: I see that Donald beat me to it, and with photos as well!  What he said...

Last edited by Bob

Also have several Ross switches with 208s ground throws.  Can't say I ever encountered your situation.

My installation technique is to position the rail points midway in their total travel...i.e., equal gaps side-to-side.  I finally came up with a couple of pieces of styrene plastic of equal thickness that I insert in the gaps to position/hold the points midway while installing the ground throw.

Then I set the handle of the ground throw in a vertical position...straight up, IOW.  Position the throw with the wire link to the throw bar on the long pair of ties.  Use an awl or needle point file to mark the mounting hole positions on the ties.  I drill a small hole to guard against possibly splitting the ties.  Insert the screws just to snug.  Remove the styrene spacers.  Check the throw.

Always worked first time for me.  Of course I had a lot more experience installing manual throws in my (gasp!) HO days.  Believe me, it's been FAR more enjoyable to do this in a larger scale in one's septuagenarian years!!!!...IMHO, of course.


Last edited by dkdkrd

Hi everyone,

Thanks for the quick replies and photos. Sounds like I’m definitely missing something!

I installed with the handle up and points equally spaced as per the Caboose Industries website. I’m still getting some pretty big gaps. Maybe I just bend the rail slightly at those cut points? Seems like that would do the trick on getting it aligned.

Here’s a video:


Videos (1)
Last edited by Alex W

Can you measure the distance that the throw bar moves when you move the handle from one side to the other?  From the video, it looks like you might have a 202s instead of a 208s ground throw.  The 202s and 208s are virtually the same size, but the 202s is designed for HO with a 0.190" travel distance when the handle is thrown.  The 208s has a 0.280" travel.  It's possible that the wrong product got packaged.  I have a bunch of 208s throws and I did get a 202s in a 208s package one time.

@Bob posted:

Can you measure the distance that the throw bar moves when you move the handle from one side to the other?  From the video, it looks like you might have a 202s instead of a 208s ground throw.  The 202s and 208s are virtually the same size, but the 202s is designed for HO with a 0.190" travel distance when the handle is thrown.  The 208s has a 0.280" travel.  It's possible that the wrong product got packaged.  I have a bunch of 208s throws and I did get a 202s in a 208s package one time.

Good eye Bob. This time, you beat me to it!

I think that is his problem.


@Alex W posted:

Hi everyone,

Thanks for the quick replies and photos. Sounds like I’m definitely missing something!

I installed with the handle up and points equally spaced as per the Caboose Industries website. I’m still getting some pretty big gaps. Maybe I just bend the rail slightly at those cut points? Seems like that would do the trick on getting it aligned.

Here’s a video:

Please don't bend anything ! As stated you've probably got the wrong ground throws.

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