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Hey everybody,

Here is a really cool idea I want to run by you all. What do you think about an audio version of our forum? Think of it like a podcast where you can hear all the great discussions and tips we share here!  Some of you have contacted me over the years lamenting over your failing eyesight so perhaps this will address that issue along with those of you that want to listen while driving or working.

To give you a taste, we whipped up a sample podcast episode: It covers some of the hottest topics on the forum – electronics, S scale modeling, sound systems, and more. See if you can catch your username in there!

If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, we're thinking of making it a regular thing! We could do episodes on all sorts of things:

  • We could deep dive into specific topics that come up in threads, getting into all the nitty-gritty details.
  • We could have interviews with some of our most knowledgeable members, or even bring in experts from the model train world.
  • We could do a weekly or monthly roundup of the most interesting and helpful stuff happening on the forum.

And the best part? You'd be able to listen to it wherever you go - on your commute, in the workshop, even while running your trains! We're thinking of putting it on all the popular platforms:

  • Spotify
  • Apple Podcasts
  • Google Podcasts
  • YouTube
  • Amazon Music
  • Audible
  • Stitcher

So, what do you guys think? Would you listen to an OGR Forum podcast? What kind of stuff would you want to hear? Let us know – your positive feedback will help us shape this exciting new project! 


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Great idea Alan!!  

Currently I tend to listen to model railroad podcasts  when working on my layout and doing general work around my house.  Some podcasts are extremely interesting, informative while at the same time entertaining, ... while others ( not many ) not so much.   I think with the wide diversity of subject matter ( topics ) on the OGR Forum an OGR podcast will be most welcome,  not only to O gauge enthusiasts but also to the model railroading community at large.  Interviews with experts in electronics, scenery, track, historians, manufactures, pre-war and postwar buffs, Marx, American Flyer, Ives, Kusan etc buffs ... the topics are almost endless ... would be most interesting.  

Being able to listen to an OGR podcast in the car, while riding a bike, working out at the gym, etc.  has immense appeal.  The accessibility of a podcast holds great potential of broadening the hobby base while possibly increasing the interest of anyone thinking of entering the hobby.  

I say ... " GO FOR IT!!"

Last edited by trumpettrain

That's a great idea. Worth giving it a test run.   To cover specific topics would be very interesting and helpful. Maybe a schedule of topics and speakers.  I think a podcast with random topics won't hold the attention or draw the numbers you're looking for.  While a topic specific session would be very popular. I agree we have some very knowledgeble people on here over a wide range of topics, but also bringing in other experts from different fields would be cool. I would think that there would be companies out there who would jump at the chance to feature their products and answer questions. For example:  one of the scenery companies on a "how to" seminar.   


What do you think about an audio version of our forum? Think of it like a podcast where you can hear all the great discussions and tips we share here!  Some of you have contacted me over the years lamenting over your failing eyesight so perhaps this will address that issue along with those of you that want to listen while driving or working.

Great idea Alan.  Sort of like Braille Rail Series. 

I like it.


This is interesting. I really like the concept, and I've often wondered why there aren't more podcasts in this hobby.

My only bit of feedback would be that I'd personally like this MORE if it was being done by the voices (and opinions) I've come to appreciate here on the forums. Have you considered asked or having people volunteer to do a weekly podcast that is centered around the 10 most popular or active threads on the forums at the time? I know most of us have day jobs, but I think it would be a great way to extend the community of the forums into an audio-focused format while retaining the voices and personalities that are ultimately the reason we value this place so much!

Yeah, I find myself generally agreeing with Jeramiah. A few points:

- I suspect audio versions of current forum discussions would be a benefit from the sight-challenged and/or those with spare time during which they can't read text, and such audio versions should be relatively easy to arrange, using current tech tools. However, I suspect most of us would seldom use such an audio version, preferring (or at least being used to) the visual version.

- However, if instead you can come up with a moderated and focused audio podcast, perhaps using some raw material or inspiration from forum discussions as a springboard to more in depth coverage of various topics of interest, I suspect such a product would be welcomed and used by a much wider segment of our fellow hobbyists.

- Of course, the institutional barriers for just about anyone who wants to create a podcast are very, very low, but if OGR takes a role in selecting and supporting a stable of knowledgeable podcasters, I think you might be able to facilitate the creation/extension of a quality "brand" in the hobby, one that would more likely be worth the "ear time" of those of us seeking the wisdom and experience of our fellow hobbyists.

In any event, good luck with the project, and I look forward to seeing what you and OGR are able to put together!

Hmmm... I might have to come out of retirement to participate occasionally. I'll freely admit that I loved the interviewing part of Notch 6, I really miss it sometimes. The kicker was all the editing work, scheduling, etc that went into getting the show together. If someone else was handling that, I'd be happy to moderate every now and then. @OGR CEO-PUBLISHER, drop me a line if you have an interest.

@TomSuperO posted:

That's a great idea. Worth giving it a test run.   To cover specific topics would be very interesting and helpful. Maybe a schedule of topics and speakers.  I think a podcast with random topics won't hold the attention or draw the numbers you're looking for.  While a topic specific session would be very popular. I agree we have some very knowledgeble people on here over a wide range of topics, but also bringing in other experts from different fields would be cool. I would think that there would be companies out there who would jump at the chance to feature their products and answer questions. For example:  one of the scenery companies on a "how to" seminar.   


I agree with Tom about focused rather than random topics.  I also think it's worth trying as long as OGR doesn't go broke doing so, although I'm not familiar with the economics of podcasting, so I'm not sure how it will enhance the bottom line.  I applaud Alan for thinking creatively.

When I clicked on the sample, I was expecting to hear something that was generated by AI.  If it is AI (can be hard to tell these days), it sounded pretty natural.

Having said that, my experience with model train podcasts isn't particularly positive.  I listen to several podcasts while driving or exercising, but I've never stuck with any that are oriented toward trains or any of my other hobby interests.  What I enjoy about threads on OGR are the pictures and videos which illustrate the subject, and for text-based discussions I frequently stop to refer to a manual or look at a related item in my collection.  Neither of these things really fit with an audio-only format.  I've also noticed that train podcasts often spend a lot of time on inside jokes and pointless blather, although I'm sure that OGR will minimize that sort of thing.

FWIW, I'm retired, so I'm not pressed for time, and I'm on the younger end of the toy train demographic and not dealing with vision loss, and I listen to podcasts on economics, humor, and travel.  Freakonomics and its spin-offs are probably my favorites.

@Notch 6 Your interviews and podcast is/was great.  I really enjoyed it.  Hearing from real people like Jack Wheelihan and others was awesome.  I get that it was a difficult endeavor to pursue on the side, but it was enjoyable and informative.  Podcasting is great to do deep dives with experts in a particular field.

I personally have no interest in an AI program regurgitating things it scraped off the website.  I can understand how someone with failing eyesight might find it useful, but when you are listening to something of interest - a real person with a real personality make it enjoyable, entertaining, informative and real.  I'd rather listen to a couple of good personalities discuss a topic I have little to no interest in.  An AI buffer like this, in my humble opinion, takes away from the community aspect that this forum has.  There is a place for AI - but I won't participate in the fall of human interaction ; P  I get it - no one is forcing me to listen to it, but just my two cents. 

I do applaud the effort of OGR to reach people with eye issues, however, I think you could be missing the opportunity to do something more meaningful with real personalities while reaching those same people. 

Great idea Allen! I think the use of social media is a lost avenue that most train clubs, or forums, do not fully utilize. With the OGR having its YouTube page this idea should increase its popularity ten fold! Not to mention by doing a "podcast" will allow the forum, and the hobby, to reach new commers that are interested in getting started or need help. I cannot tell you all how rewarding it is to be able to help new commers to the hobby through my channel. Overall, I cannot wait to see what happens next with this venture!

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