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Has anyone ever heard of Redlion trains and things? It seems they have a fantastic product and just what I was looking for my my parking area on my layout. I believe these are self clear tape decal stickers of highway lines such as parking, double lines, right and left turn. Looks pretty cool. 



Here is the youtube link.



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using thin tape or auto-pinstriping tape has a tendency not to stick long term and usually peels off.

that is why I like to use a  technique where the lines are formed by painting the line colors on the roadway; covering the painted areas with the thin tape where you want the lines and then covering over the tape with your road color; finally pealing back the tape reveals the line color underneath.


This product is a soft decal or rub-on that may stick better than the tape. Never used it how much $$ to do a large roadway?


on Ebay 15 (5-36")  feet for $5 that seems ok!


Last edited by AlanRail
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