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thank you Rex.

The conifers are made with shaped balsa for trunks. Then they are wrapped with western sagebrush bark.

The main branches are western sagebrush twigs. These are then covered with sisal rope fibers then the foliage is Adirondack forest floor covering, sifted.

The deciduous trees are made of western sage brush for the trunks and super trees sagebrush, then super trees foliage.

Where I live, I just make a trip across the mountains and I am in sagebrush country.



Thank you for your comment Tomlinson.

All the above pics are of scratchbuilt structures for the Horace and William Creek.  The top pic is out of sequence, it is with the sandhouse.

Little notation:  The turntable spider assembly is also a working, scratchbuilt spider.  The table also has manual, working locking mechanisms at both ends.  Had the table been installed, it would have been at the outside edge of the engine service facility.  The locking mechanisms were to be actually used.

The sanding tube is fully operating.  Up/down and extension.  The building proper was a lineside structure kit.  It was extensively altered from its original intent and look to make it what you see.  It is one of very few kits that were on the HWCRR.

The gantry crane is fully operating, including the chain hoist. 

Granted, some of the operating parts are somewhat superfulous, maybe, perhaps...




Images (9)
  • 1899
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Last edited by Dacs

Sagebrush sheds it's bark like you wouldn't believe.  This is dead sagebrush.  It is perfectly curled longways.  I just pick the pieces I want to use and place them onto the armature of the trunk.  They are white glued in place and set aside to dry.  I have tried CA, but if not careful, it shows up as shiny spots in the finished tree.  One could, of course, spray the trunks with a flat matte.



Thank you for all the positive comments everybody.   Pete, I have been to Williamsburg.  Many moons ago, we took our kids there for part of an historical vacation.  Williamsburg and everything around it were on the agenda.  We were, actually, on a Civil War Battlefields tour...from Vicksburg, Mississippi to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.  We pretty much got it all done, just ran out of time at New Market and had to start the trip back.

Granted, Williamsburg is Colonial History, but we just had to add it.

Now for something different.  I would like to start an SBS thread here.  Just not real sure on what yet.



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