Hello Trainmen,
I need someone to explain to me what is the difference between 2 Rail Trucks or "Wheelsets "and 3 Rail Trucks or "Wheelsets"????
I think that the 2 rail trucks are insulated somehow,or at least that"s what someone told me. I have a nice passenger set that I want to buy trucks for on the cheap,and I saw a set of 16 for sale,but am uncertain if they are for 2 rail or 3 rail.
How can I tell the difference? They appear to be the same to me,but I know they are not.And I certainly do not want to blow out a board trying to run 2 rail trucks on a 3 rail setup!!!!!
Is there something specific to look for to identify if the trucks are for 2 rail or 3 rail?
Also, can 2 rail trucks be modified to work with 3 rail equipment?,and if so,what needs to be done to make them compatible with 3 rail?
Thanks for your help and wisdom in advance.Kenny Baughman