When got phone and found l didn't have to upgrade the operating system $ (kaching) "every ten minutes", l almost exclusively use phone. Took great, some published, photos with 35mm and loved it, but found above posters right about camera, too.
Used to access this forum exclusively via a desktop, but started working from home and the last thing I want to do is go sit in front of a computer, so I use the phone almost always. The forum software works really well on a smartphone, can easily be read and it is very easy to take and post pictures on the fly.
At home it's the linux desktop with twin 27" screens, at work it's either the linux laptop or my android phone. Since I work more days than I'm off, its mostly the phone.
99 44/100% on the desktop, the rest on this laptop (the desktop is in the shop having its contents transferred to a new one). Only once on the phone just to try it. Too many fat-finger-fumbles and the tiny screen.
I use almost exclusively on my laptop (Mac) which I am on most of the day/evening. I now work from home in the family room, so it's work then pleasure all in one location.
I created a small TamperMonkey script to do an "adjustment" in the forum to make it a bit more to my liking.
I start at https://ogrforum.com/topics?page=1 and open up new browser tabs for any topic I want to read. When I am caught up on any new/updated topics in the list, I Mark All Topics As Read and then go through each of the tabs I opened to read and/or reply.
Laptop, either truly on my lap browsing on the couch (like I am now), or at my desk connected to monitors. Working on a phone is too small for me, I prefer to view on a bigger screen, especially all of the great photos of everyone's work.