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I posted a similar poem back in 2014.  This version is an updated one.  Here for your enjoyment.


A question is proffered

the answers soon offered.

From the wealth of knowledge

in this model train college.


There is generous sharing

and an abundance of caring,

all given for free,

sans any fee


Creations and invents

are given high praise.

Written high-fives

the members do raise


In this forum home

genius does roam.

A collective mass

with a touch of class.


Last edited by Bob Severin
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I reentered the O gauge hobby 21 years ago and am now completing the second layout in my basement. I joined the OGR Forum less than two years ago and have learned much about the hobby from this valuable resource. Prior to joining the Forum, I spent a lot of time (and money) reading various model railroading magazines. I still do but now devote much more of my free time to reading and weighing in on the Forum discussions. The Forum is very educational, interesting and enjoyable. As a retiree, I feel fortunate to have it to keep me occupied for hours every day. I believe it will continue to be extremely important in promoting and preserving O gauge model railroading. My greatest thanks to Rich Melvin, Alan Arnold, Allan Miller and the OGR staff for their contribution to the hobby.


I found the OGR magazine in a Giant Eagle grocery store in 2012.  I saw the Forum advertised, took a look and immediately joined!  The OGR Forum is the greatest thing since sliced bread as my manager from many years ago used to say.

I have met so many knowledgeable, gracious, friendly, and fun people here, this is the one thing out in cyberspace I would really, really miss if it went away.  Thank you so much Rich, Allan, Alan, the rest of the OGR staff and every single member!!  You all hold a special place in my heart and prayers.

I was a lone wolf modeler from the late ‘60s until 2012!  What a difference in my hobby enjoyment!  As Melgar said, when I have a few minutes, being semi-retired now, I get on to see what’s new I can learn, encourage, or contribute to!

The OGF is an encyclopidia of model railroading knowledge.   I've learned much, saved myself from making mistakes, improved operations, saved money, made repairs .... the list goes on.  Many thanks to OGR and all of the forum sponsors!   This place is a refruge of like-minded friends and talented people that are willing to share their insights.

I had to double check but, my profile tells me I’ve now been hanging out on the OGR Forum for a bit over nine years.

I’ve checked out the competition on occasion but; this is the only forum I visit regularly.  

Over the years I’ve watched many people come and go but; this is still the best forum in terms of info and collegiality.

 And I believe the credit for this track record lies with the gentlemen who have moderated this forum; including that “Former OGR CEO - Retired” fella.  😉


Last edited by juniata guy
Moonson posted:
Bob Severin posted:
Craignor posted:

What’s the OGF?

I sincerely apologize, it was a typo.  It now stands corrected.  Please excuse my inaccuracy.  

Oh. I thought you meant O-Gauge Forum.

It was my meaning, but, it was not correct.  Remember, there are rivet counters everywhere.  OGF is not exactly correct, and I didn't want to this to develop into a kerfuffle.   

Don Merz 070317 posted:

I love OGRForum and OGR Magazine, both the highlights of the hobby for me! And I like the poem and I appreciate the spirit in which it was written. But puhlease don't quit your day job until you're sure this poetry thing is going to work out...


Just think, Don.  If it hadn't been for the OGR Forum, you and I would have never met in person.  Same goes for me and Bob S, Rich, Jim, Craig, and a host of other great folks!!

For a time I was off the Forum, my fault. But after a time saw and read how I missed and how helpful the Forum has been and realized I missed it. I can say there never was a time that I asked a question that I didn't receive an answer, or when I posted a picture someone didn't make a comment or left a Like Reply. I can also say that there has never been a Negative reply given, nor made me feel unwelcome.

I can't explain it, because its a feeling. I enjoy coming here more to follow and read, since my limited knowledge would do little to contribute.

Thanks guys!

I have been a member since 2005.    Wasn't all that active for the first 5 years,  for the past 8 years, I am here daily.    In my opinion, this is by far, the best forum for O gauge, 3 Rail Scale trains.   

As other have mentioned,  I think we owe a big thank you to the OGR forum staff for the service they provide.   I have been on many other forums, some train related, and a number that are automobile related.   Just about every other forum has an unbelievable volume of "pop up ads" that really hurts the overall experience, so thanks to the staff at OGR for figuring out how to manage this without burying us with annoying pop up ads. 

Obviously, the other reason this forum is so great is the quality and generous nature of the members.   Every time I have an issue, a question, or some information I need, there are always people who want to help.   I always get great guidance, layout and scenery ideas, suggestions of what works well for someone else, or exactly the information I need. 

What's really amazing is that this is true no matter what the topic.   So as I have received so much benefit from the knowledge of others here, I have tried in recent years to also help answer questions, and share my experiences, best practices,  in the hopes that I will help a fellow member(s)...   At 60 I am building my last layout....   There is no doubt that being and OGR forum member & subscriber  has improved my modelling and model RR building skills, knowledge. and enjoyment of the hobby  immensely.     

Last huge benefit, making new friends in the hobby !!!   Have met some great folks here, some locally that I visit with from time to time, some from a distance,  but great acquaintances that I doubt I would have ever met had it not been for OGR forum...  

Thanks, Rich, Allan, Allan M., Jim B and the entire OGR staff  !!!    It's great to be here.  



Take away the magazines and the forums, and you, pretty much, have the hobby returned to its being us alone with our layouts and collections, in some basement or room somewhere, almost totally cut-off and isolated from our never-having-met hobby-mates. That may sound like an exaggeration, and it might well be, but I am old enough to recall when it was exactly like that, guys alone in basements with layouts - if even that much - enjoying trains alone, if that was actually possible, especially in contrast to sharing with the whole community that has developed, thanks very much to OGR at the center of it all, for decades, now.

Just my own viewpoint.


Last edited by Moonson

Frank, I remember those days well!  I built my first layout in my parents’ basement while in high school.  I did not know a single person who was interested in trains, and bought out of a catalog because I had no access to hobby shops in the rural area I lived in.  Though I stayed in the hobby throughout, I never had anyone to talk trains with until I got access to the internet when I was in my 40s.  Then I still didn’t get really aquatinted with other train enthusiasts until finding OGR in the summer of 2012.  

It's about sharing and getting involved thanks O G R.

Since my layout is new and under construction I can keep up with all the great ideas everybody has here and still participate in model railroading since my time is limited on my layout right now. Able to pick up great ideas from members  and share what I have learned with others.

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