I have been a member since 2005. Wasn't all that active for the first 5 years, for the past 8 years, I am here daily. In my opinion, this is by far, the best forum for O gauge, 3 Rail Scale trains.
As other have mentioned, I think we owe a big thank you to the OGR forum staff for the service they provide. I have been on many other forums, some train related, and a number that are automobile related. Just about every other forum has an unbelievable volume of "pop up ads" that really hurts the overall experience, so thanks to the staff at OGR for figuring out how to manage this without burying us with annoying pop up ads.
Obviously, the other reason this forum is so great is the quality and generous nature of the members. Every time I have an issue, a question, or some information I need, there are always people who want to help. I always get great guidance, layout and scenery ideas, suggestions of what works well for someone else, or exactly the information I need.
What's really amazing is that this is true no matter what the topic. So as I have received so much benefit from the knowledge of others here, I have tried in recent years to also help answer questions, and share my experiences, best practices, in the hopes that I will help a fellow member(s)... At 60 I am building my last layout.... There is no doubt that being and OGR forum member & subscriber has improved my modelling and model RR building skills, knowledge. and enjoyment of the hobby immensely.
Last huge benefit, making new friends in the hobby !!! Have met some great folks here, some locally that I visit with from time to time, some from a distance, but great acquaintances that I doubt I would have ever met had it not been for OGR forum...
Thanks, Rich, Allan, Allan M., Jim B and the entire OGR staff !!! It's great to be here.