You can single handle (program or setting specific to the ZW-L) all 4 outputs controlled with one handle and thus match voltage output. Hence, why I said you would not necessarily need to make dedicated power districts, however, you might wire a given area and feeds to a given ZW-L output.
Again, because you said this "If doable was going to run 4 consists with ABA TMCC at the same time."
If one train draws 4-6A typically, then 4 times that is technically over what one channel should be loaded to (10A max). Hence, technically, we are hoping 1 train per general area and thus powered by one of the 4 ZW-L outputs. Since there are 2 separate loops, that would be 2 outputs technically parallel per loop, but because of distance one is say covering one half of the feeds and bus, and the other the other half.
The shear resistance involved: Outer loop has sixteen 14 inch curves 16x14" plus 120" of straight =344". Inner loop runs slightly shorter. Rounding up for extra that's 344"x10=3440 or 286+ feet.
Again, we are hoping for load sharing, general equalization, and 4 trains across 2 large loops as I understand the intent.
You could power district it up and divide using insulated pins, but I think the one handle and load sharing- works better at least by my experience and knowledge. The shear distance, and amount of wire, plus actually beneficially ensuring there would not be a differential as an engine passes from one district to the next would be better, than having the train and potentially internal wire from one pickup to another bridging a power district.