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This morning I did a full accounting of the projects I have laying around. The re-motoring of a Marx M100, that balky crossing gate that has a mind of it's own, etc, etc. Without listing every one of them I began to wonder where others are as far as back logged stuff, How many projects are waiting for you to complete outside of having to build a layout? Waiting for parts,looking for motivation or time? I am slowly making headway, but sometimes I wonder if my ambition exceeds my grasp of just how much I have left to do. I sort of enjoy having projects waiting but then some times I look at the pile of half assembled or disassembled stuff and think, what was I thinking?

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My last project was assembleing a storage rack in my shopp to hold the boxes of projects that are in the top 10% of all projects; rest are on shelving and racks in a godd sized closet.  I'm stocked up with proejcts for the rest fo my life a good bit beyond,  I may have to stop buying stuff......... 

After more than a year I'm still building and gathering enough to build a layout.  I have a 4' x 10' platform that I'm not satisfied with and have no place for.  Need a decent transformer.  Lots of track that needs cleaning and a couple of electric switches that need work.  Quite a few buildings that need attention.  Only one figure so far...a dog.


Lots to do, but I need to figure out the platform first so I can at least lay a loop of track..


Lionel 736 in T&P colors, someone had already started the project and it was not possible or at least too much work to take it back to origianl as they had plated the steamchest and attached it permanently to the boiler.



Still awaiting

Bassett Lowke 0-6-0, ready to repainted and awaiting transfers

Hornby Nord,  going to have to send the clockwork motor out to be repaired and purchase transfers

Marx 999, close to being finished


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  • CIMG1271
Last edited by tcox009

Not counting the layout?  I have three structures to finish...the first was begun about two years ago when I drove some of the DT&I in Ohio and found out there had been a large and somewhat unusual grain elevator in  Jeffersonville that burned down about twice, the last time in the 1950's.  There were front photos from the fire and prior, from the historical society, and the back faced the station, which means everybody in WWII who sent a son off to war from there probably took a picture

with that building's back in the background, but none can be found. So the half

finished building languishes.  Another huge, looming elevator on the DT&I is in the

background at Jackson Center, Ohio behind a common photo of the boomer station, which has been moved around quite a bit. No other photo of that elevator can be found, either. Another project, a Skelly bulk oil plant awaits industrial

fencing and details for the tank car unloader, so that is almost done...the third

just had the drawing done....and should be soon begun, it provides a loading

location for shipments to an already completed complex (gotta have those trains GO somewhere).

This, of course, are the ones on which something IS happening...there are

dozens awaiting.......and waiting......and waiting...


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