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I know I'm missing something simple in procedure here...

I'm looking for the correct search words, index, ?whatever?, for the service documents for a 165 Magnetic Crane from the 1940-50's era...Not any remake of a later vintage of this accessory (or MTH's clone). 

I've tried a variety of words/numbers to no avail.  Hard to imagine that there's no online service documentation on their website, but.....?  Cannot find a comprehensive index, either.

Any clues/help??

Thanks in advance!


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Unfortunately, the website does not index anything prior to 1970 well at all and while some earlier documentation has been uncovered, it is far from indexed and readily locateable and not guaranteed to even be all encompassing of Lionel's production. Here are some licensed/legal sources for the documents you seek covering the Lionel eras:


Book Publication: Greenberg's Guide to Lionel Prewar Parts & Instruction Sheets

Digital Publication: Olsen's Toy Train Parts has many digital CDs


Online: The LCCA/HSL Digital Archive is available to LCCA Members for free and covers all Lionel postwar items.

Book Publication: Greenberg's Repair and Operating Manual for Lionel Trains, 1945–1969

Book Publication; Greenberg's Lionel Postwar Operating Instructions

Digital Publication: Olsen's Toy Train Parts has many digital CDs

MPC/Modern Era:

Online: Lionel - Product Suppliments 1-47

Book Publication: Greenberg's Lionel Modern Era Diagrams and Parts Lists (Covers through ~1992)

Last edited by bmoran4

Yeah, unfortunately that wiring diagram is the ONLY 165 spec I've found in a couple locations. 

(sigh}...It is a pretty straight-forward mechanism, I have to admit.  There's just a couple items/procedures/ I had hoped to find more about...figuring they'd be buried in the OE archives...somewhere.

I found in Kalmbach's now-out-of-print DIY repair manual...Toy Train Repair Made Easy, by Ray Plummer, catalog 10-8250...a brief article regarding the 165 and 182 magnet cranes.  Actually the one photo of the mechanicals (pg65) for the 165 was somewhat helpful for a couple of my questions. 

I'll just keep an eye out for the evil smoke.

Telle est la réparation!

Thanks, again.


@dkdkrd posted:

Yeah, unfortunately that wiring diagram is the ONLY 165 spec I've found in a couple locations.

(sigh}...It is a pretty straight-forward mechanism, I have to admit.  There's just a couple items/procedures/ I had hoped to find more about...figuring they'd be buried in the OE archives...somewhere.

I found in Kalmbach's now-out-of-print DIY repair manual...Toy Train Repair Made Easy, by Ray Plummer, catalog 10-8250...a brief article regarding the 165 and 182 magnet cranes.  Actually the one photo of the mechanicals (pg65) for the 165 was somewhat helpful for a couple of my questions.

I'll just keep an eye out for the evil smoke.

Telle est la réparation!

Thanks, again.


You need to speak up and say what your questions are - this is the place!!

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