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Who's going to the Big E on January 25th and the 26th?  We will be there with a TWO LEVEL benchwork set-up and our OPERATING LIFT-GATE.   If you haven't seen our benchwork yet, stop by for a demonstration.  If you have MIANNE BENCHWORK bring some pictures of your layout and come say hi!  We will be in section 15 in the Better Living Center.  Can't wait to see everyone and enjoy the show!

Last edited by Mianne Benchwork
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My first layout, still in operation, was built on Mianne benchwork ordered from Tim at the Amherst Railway Society Show in 1999. My second layout also was built on Tim's handiwork in 2014 - also still in operation. A quality product. I'm contemplating a third small layout - if I can find space - and ordering it at the 2025 Big E.




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  • MELGAR_2024_0224_05_12X8_OVERVIEW_FROM_SW
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Three more days until the opening of the Big E show and the weather should be decent enough (for Springfield) for both days. Perhaps on the cold side but no forecast snow (only cold waiting on line for tickets and going from one building to another (4). Will be there Friday helping set up the Mianne display and getting a good preview of the show. Please stop by and say hi!

I went to the show on Saturday with my son and it was great. He's into N scale while I focus on O and we both saw plenty. I picked up some rolling stock, roadbed and a couple of magazines and had great conversations with vendors, manufacturers, historic societies, and reps from a variety of railfan locations. It really is a unique show for the breadth of interests from modeling to historic societies and musuems to travel ideas.

And what can you say about the variety of layouts? We probably could have spent the entire day viewing layouts and talking to club members for ideas - fantastic. Going got me energized to get back into doing something creative with our own layout. Well worth the trip from CT; should have gone back on Sunday!

BTW, I saw a social media post saying they had over 28,000 in attendance. It's not York where your eyes bleed from looking at thousands of tables of product, but it sure is a fun day with the hobby.

I went Sunday and took my 86 yo dad. He’s and n-scaler and I run my Lionel scale on the carpet. I take him so he can look and buy and I like looking at all the layouts. It was a 90-minute drive from my house in CT to his in Springfield, then about 10 minutes to the show. We both really enjoy it. We both prefer Sunday because he’s generally only looking for commonly available items and I’m not shopping, so prefer the lighter crowds on Sunday.

I go for the layouts and enjoy them all, but especially the ones that are less common, such as the Lego layout, that large S-Scale one, and in years past the European layout. I smile watching the G-scalers finally get to run REALLY long trains, or show off that beautiful B&O passenger train. In fact, I like all of the layouts and really appreciate all the clubs that put them up and commit their weekend to running trains.

My interests are very narrow and I am working hard not get overrun with orange boxes, so I’ve never actually purchased anything at the show. Until this one!

At the TCA table I bought the custom run unibody tank car decorated for Ben and Jerry’s they created for the 2023 TCA convention in Burlington. We have a small vacation home in VT, and one of Woody Jackson’s cow originals hanging in it, so the tank car really charmed me; and my wife when I showed it to her. I’m not a member of TCA so had no idea they had their 2023 convention in Burlington, or that the custom car was made.

It’s a grand day out for me and my dad and well worth the entrance fee, drive, and time spent.

Last edited by ByronB

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