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This was my first attempt at scratch-building in O scale: I think it was about 20 years ago.

It's certainly not "great", and follows no particular prototype, but I think it has a nice "railroady" feel to it.

Perhaps one of these days I'll decal it and install window glass.

The small chip in the corner of the roof was when my (then) wife was dusting the mantle, where I had it displayed, and knocked it onto the floor. That was the only damage...

IMG_20170117_092024077 IMG_20170117_092048796

Thanks for indulging me...

Mark in Oregon




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If you don't mind answering.  How does this start?
Did you have any sort of kit or directions?

I see all of the fine detail and I wonder how you get it all done from "scratch"

So much so that even though I am interested, I can not work up the knowledge or courage to begin.



It goes with out saying that I think it looks pretty fantastic

Obviously, the "usual" parts: (Quality Craft trucks, KD couplers, Walthers brake stuff and Kemtron marker lights) were purchased. Guess I should have been more precise...

The rest is just strip wood, sheet basswood I scribed, and bits of wire. The body is removable so I can (eventually) install window glass.

It's very loosely based on a drawing in "O Scale Railroading" July 1980: a "D&H" cabin car.

Thank you for the nice comments.

Mark in Oregon

Last edited by Strummer
BWRR posted:

Is the whole thing pretty much wood?

I guess I am mostly asking about the underframe rather than the body.  I understand the body is wood.  Is the frame wood?

Yes. The whole thing (other than wire,brake detail,trucks, ladders,couplers,marker lights and stove pipe) is wood. This includes truck bolsters and under frame.

I did this purposely, because I wanted to keep it as "homemade" as possible. Now I'm not sure why I did it this way...

I do thank you and everyone else for your kind remarks...


Mark in Oregon

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