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Hi, This is my first post on the forum.  I've been modeling in HO and On30 for 30 years so model railroading is nothing new to me.  Last year I decided to get started in O scale/gauge.  So, I know that an O-42 curved piece of track would be used to make a (more or less) 42 inch diameter circle.  Here's my question, if I have for example a couple of Gargraves O-42 switches (left and right) would the curved part of the switches form a 42 inch diameter or would the straight part of the switches or both?



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An 0-42 switch is a handle or button that actuates the movement of the points on an 0-42 turnout.


You may see variation in how diameter is measured in O. Sometimes (early L) it refers to the outer dia.; not the track center as you might be used to.  I.e., check each beforehand, an Atlas 042 and and early Lionel 042 may not line up proper.  But cutting/blending is possible.  Don't let pins/connectors be a holdup.  If butted end to end, shimmed for height, and both tracks are screwed down; the wheels wont care much about missing pins and can transition between two track types.

Many turnouts in O are curved vs say a #6, which is normally not curved, but represents a deviation angle.

The curves in the turnouts usually end at 45°, 33.33°, 22.5°, etc, etc. and take respectively 4,6,8,12, etc etc, pieces to make a full circle.   So , yes a curved 042 portion of the turnout takes the place of one piece of 042 track if both are of the same general design.

Where 8 (45°) is needed for an O; to add a straight stub siding on one turnout; now you only need 7 curves,+ 1 (45°) turnout, +a straight traçk to make the O into a Q.

The Fastrack design actually has a small addition to curve to cover two exit angle possibilities.

@Joe_1971 posted:

Hi, This is my first post on the forum.  I've been modeling in HO and On30 for 30 years so model railroading is nothing new to me.  Last year I decided to get started in O scale/gauge.  So, I know that an O-42 curved piece of track would be used to make a (more or less) 42 inch diameter circle.  Here's my question, if I have for example a couple of Gargraves O-42 switches (left and right) would the curved part of the switches form a 42 inch diameter or would the straight part of the switches or both?



New blood is always nice. On30...very appealing.

Isn't it weird that all other model RR formats (that I know about, anyway) refer to curve radius, yet we here in 3RO - from the toy train end to the extreme Hi-Rail bunch - use diameter?

Actually, it's an old subject and due to the never-died toy train legacy of 3RO, but every time I read a 2RO article, I'm always having to remember to multiply by 2 when they mention curve size.

Last edited by D500

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