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I have a section of Mainline that is very close to the edge of the train table.  I am looking for for decorative and scenic ideas that I may use to build a protective wall etc to prevent falls.  I first thought about attaching a piece of plexiglass, but thought that there must be a better, more scenic way.

Please post your pictures/ideas please.


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Why not build a wall ???

Use a piece of 1/2" foam board cut the foam board the height you want once this is determined you can layout you stone height and then add your staggered mortar joints.

Using a foam cutter cut in your lines for your stone height and mortar joints. Each block just touch the foam cutter slightly to give it a cut stone look. Just remember go lightly of your lines with the foam cutter so you don't cut to deep.

Once done paint the wall a dark color and once the paint drys go over it with a thinned down flat black just to fill in the mortar joints and seams.

When the base coat of paint is dry, dry brush some lighter colors onto the stones to bring out the highlights.

Glue it down where you want it along the section of track and you have a wall that is functional yet decorative !!!!!!!

If you are interested I will get you a better photo of the walls I did on my layout. On the attached phot the wall is on th left of the locomotive and runs about 2' past the locomotive.




Images (1)
  • DSCN0962
Last edited by MarkStrittmatter

The Plexiglas solution is typically the best; as RoyBoy says, it tends to disappear in your mind. "Scenery" can be quite attractive and effective, but sometimes can get in the way or even become damaged (then ugly, then a maintenance item) itself by being so exposed.

But - it's all better than equipment taking The Long Dive.

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