Miggy posted:#Boilermaker
Has a great point, remember, when you find a wife, "Sometimes better to ask forgiveness thatn to ask permission.."
My dad lives by that quote lol! He's into guns btw
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Miggy posted:#Boilermaker
Has a great point, remember, when you find a wife, "Sometimes better to ask forgiveness thatn to ask permission.."
My dad lives by that quote lol! He's into guns btw
Boilermaker1 posted:Pull a Joe McDoakes. Set it up in the family room, totally in the way, sound to max, smoke on max and run it only when someone is watching TV. Then set it up on the table and serve dinner with the trains.
When you drive them nuts enough, you'll get a spot to work thats out of the way. Your demands of running something of reasonable size does not seem unreasonable.
That's Great! Lol
I will definitely take all of your suggestions (Very Funny). I also forgot to mention my brother is going to college next year so I may be able to move a few things from my extra room into their to make room for the layout! I will keep you guys posted on the progress! God Bless!
Want to get permission to set up a train layout? Tell your parents that you need to have a hobby by setting up a layout to keep busy. If they refuse, indicate your interest in taking up music and that you will be going out to purchase a set of drums. If it comes to the drums, keep those sticks pounding, play them all day every day. That should soften them up!
This layout was originally done in a small bedroom. It did expand to the next room. Blue line is the room, note the closet area, bottom. The door to the room is lower right. About 12' X 12'
The expansion.
One more addition.
Slideshow. Click on the underlined phrase.
Dan Padova posted:mwb posted:Gregg posted:Take up the Clarinet or violin instead..... Won't be long and you'll have a train area.
If that doesn't work, try an accordion......
And finally, if no luck with the above two suggestions, there's always drums.....LOL
really not a bad thing to consider this as a career .ive always regretted passing up the chance to be a professional musician .one of my uncles was in the union,played sax in a well known cleveland,oh polka band....was very good income for him. i dont understand why there are comments to punish the parents with music...........that might lead to a rewarding career in the future.....
Modules, modules, modules! Build a nice 2x4 module. Take a short break. Let them get used to it. Then build module number two! Take a short break. Then build . . . . . . Get the picture? Russ
I would suggest pointing out the alternatives as to what you could be doing instead, such as:
-knocking up random girls
-developing an addiction to controlled substances
-drag racing/crashing
and ask for some space to keep you busy and entertained. If you can make your layout modular in your plan pitch, so that it is "portable", they will probably accept the idea.
Jim Berger posted:i dont understand why there are comments to punish the parents with music............
There is music and then there is noise, and then there's the noise/music that makes you reach for a spoon to jam in your ear to make the pain go away....
#ChiloquinRuss PURE GENIUS! Module, rest, add a Module. <Salute>
Gregg posted:Take up the Clarinet or violin instead..... Won't be long and you'll have a train area.
Better yet, drums. (Maybe Dave Minarik could provide lessons.)
As a backup plan, I also know some people who bust kneecaps.
Promise them the WORLD to get them to let you build this layout.In the long run ...you will find out that you will be willing to give it to them anyway.Nick
Tell them we are all coming over for dinner if they don't agree.
Hey Alex,
Still not sure if you gave your age yet? I grew up in a basement space where I had my second layout on a ping pong table. That was HO. Not sure what gauge you are planning on. If O gauge, not sure the ping pong table would be sturdy enough (at least the one I had).
Lots of good advice and some funny stuff like what El Classico said which is exactly what I was thinking, too.
If you nicely explain that maybe it is something you can do to be closer with your grandfather (or any other interested relatives) and learn some history, about electricity, some carpentry, etc.
Good luck,
Thanks for all the great ideas and replies! It's definitely making me come up with some new ones!
George S posted:Tell them we are all coming over for dinner if they don't agree.
And we are bringing all of our family members LOL
Hi Alex
How much room do you think you have ?
A sectional layout can be taken apart when space is needed , as others have stated .
The ping pong table is cool two .
either way good luck . Keep us posted on your progress .
When I was in the 9th grade our English teacher said "tomorrow come in with a good reason why you can not hand in your homework. The best answer gets no homework the next day." Well everyone comes in the next day with two or three pages of complicated scenarios that Miss Porter shot holes through with no effort at all. All except this one kid. His answer - "I put my books on my dad's car and turned to get my bike. My dad zoomed off to work." Needless to say who had no homework that evening.
Moral of the story - make your effort to convince you parents short, sweet and to the point! Maybe tell your folks they have right all along and you will go to college and become the doctor they want you to be............and working on trains will help prepare you to be a better surgeon. If they ask how - your on your own!
Good luck
"If they ask how - your on your own!" That's easy, hand - eye coordination, spatial analysis, deductive reasoning, and 'just because'! Russ
Alex...........you're getting great advice here! I would make it a small-ish layout and either portable or easy to disassemble. The reason is as you get into your late teens, all sorts of other "priorities" take over...........mainly called a significant other. But it should be easy from what I have read about your 'rents and grandparents being pro-trains. and of course all the skills you will learn and retain and rely on the rest of your life.
Just remember what Red Green says...............(this one you'll have to look up)!
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