Originally Posted by walt rapp:
I only saw this thread after posting a "complaint"/observation about vertically distorted images in Rich's "post complaints here" thread.
I too uploaded some on day 1 and they displayed properly. Today, not so much. In Scott's thread I noticed a few that are vertically stretched, but many are fine. So I don't think that points to a setting or else ALL would be distorted.
That was the point I was trying to make earlier:
On 2/1/2012, the new forum debuted and photo's appeared undistorted (a.k.a. "normal") on my PC.
On 2/2/2012, the second day of the new forum and photo's appeared distorded (a.k.a. "schrunched" horizontally) on my PC.
Something changed somewhere overnight.
They tell me it's my browser, IE version 8.0.6001.18702 and I should change/upgrade. Yet, this is the only site I vist where there is a problem.
In fairness, photo's appear OK on my MacBook, so there may be some truth to 'browsers matter," attitude, but it seems there's a tiny little bug running around somewhere in Hoop.la.
I'm pretty sure Rich is getting frustrated somewhat from us folks whining about the changeover and I apoligize if I appear stubborn about this, but it's becoming obvious I'm not the only person to see this issue.