I plan on getting the err cruise board. However what does the super chuffer do? Also is the 4 chuffer per revolution board separate from that or the same?
Yes they are 2 boards...
Here is the info on the Chuff Generator and the Super Chuffer.
I can't speak for the chuff gen but the Super Chuffer worked great and performs very well.
I have this T1 with a TAS Engineer on Board cruise control board (no longer made and installed way before ERR came out with theirs). The TAS board had the capability to electronically change chuff rate between 2 and 4 (I run it set at 4). The ERR board does not have that feature; it keeps whatever factory chuff rate the engine came with.
It has been a while, but to fully update your T1 I think you will need:
1. ERR cruise board. The as delivered engine does not have cruise capability.
2. Motor driven smoke unit. The as delivered unit uses a mechanical chuffer.
3. Upgraded LED lighting.
4. GR John's Super chuffer to control the smoke unit and lights.
5. Modification to change 2 chuffs/rev to 4. GR John was working on a separate board for this, but I lost track of where he was at with this project. You can also add additional triggers to the as delivered mechanical system. Keep in mind this will give you the correct 4-double chuffs/rev (or 8 chuffs/rev) since this is a duplex engine.
6. Beveling the 4 inside drivers may or may not be needed depending on the track you use. I know this engine had issues with my Ross O-72 switches, but I've had no issues with my #4/#5 switches. My inside drivers are now beveled but not sure I really needed to do it.
My T1 is in storage as I rebuild my layout, but here is an old video of it.