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Perhaps it is human nature to fixate on flaws rather than recognize the good in something,  at least it seems to be a common practice on this forum.   Lionel's recent GS-4 is a prime example.  I, like many on the forum was bummed about the backwards hatch.  I had the previous Legacy GS-4 (6-11127 from 2008) and I too like that whistle better than the new one.

BUT, there are several improvements on the newest version relative to the previous version that deserve to be recognized.....

1. The sound quality is more deep and rich than the previous version.
2. The background noises on this sound file add another dimension to the engine.
3. The side rods are the correct size and I like that they are blackened
4. I like the blacked out wheels (no whitewall)
5. The cab light is no longer a bulb sticking out of the backhead but rather a more discrete LED discretely bolted to the roof (in truth less a factor with the closed cab, but still a nice touch)
6. The whistle steam is a great feature AND the smoke comes out of the whistle rather than a conspicuous hole in the boiler.  Lionel did a nice job of recasting the whistle to hide the hole in the boiler.
7. The Daylight logo on the engineer's side is properly oriented (it was backwards on my old engine)
8. The IR Sensor adds play value for me
9. Legacy Sequence Control also adds play value for me

Is it perfect?  Well, no nothing is.  But this model does represent an advancement over its predecessor.  I am happy I bought this engine and that Lionel is advancing our hobby.   I just wanted to post something positive about this engine as there is much about it that is worthy of praise, plus I get tired of reading all the negative posts about flaws and prices that are too high.

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I'm almost done with the detail painting improvements and then I'll pull the boiler to fix the vent thanks to your post about it being so easy. Also thanks to you I'll replace the cab figures since I already have some Artistta crew guys around here. Replace the smoke wick with a rope style, a Kadee coupler for the tender.... and BAM! Time to eat... I mean time to run the Daylight.

Hey Doug,
Actually installing the figures was more work than the hatch.  You have to carefully dremel the post that protrudes from the seat back.  It is cast into the mold of the seat.  The OEM figures have a square hole in their backs to attach them to the seat.  I always save my used up dremel wheels for that job.  It is easy to slip and nick a window.  Something tells me you know all that though.  

As far as swapping out the batting.  I think my new one smokes at least as good as if not better than my old one.  It makes tons of smoke.  In fact that is an improvement I forgot about, because I am pretty sure my old Daylight did not smoke when at idle while the new one does.  So even though I had the shell off I did not mess with the smoke unit. 

BTW your paint work on the ladders was freakin' cool.  I am really thinking about copying you.

Last edited by T4TT

The engine gets some detail painting as well.

Before: front wheels, cab ladder, and boiler handrail stanchions


After: Blacked out ...... will put it on the roller stand next to black out the metal tires


2 things on the front: handrail/grab iron on the front was painted black... and notice the front edge of the skirts along side of the pilot. I had painted one of them here the first coat. That just stuck out like a sore thumb so I had to paint that too.


The dummy coupler is still there because I was double heading it with 844. Now it will come off and I'll try to put a Proto Craft coupler in there....somehow!

It's the little things


Images (3)
  • 20161017_173540
  • 20161017_173509
  • 20161017_203330

Now that you've shown that the hatch can come out with (relative) ease -- there's got to be something useful for that "feature".   I was thinking bottle rockets ... running on an outdoor loop on the 4th...  but the "backwash" from the rockets would destroy the paint job dang it all...    maybe just sparklers...   or maybe... ?


daylight posted:
Laidoffsick posted:

Much better with black tires


Very nice!.  Can you tell me where I can get that "running stand"?

A great idea!!

Looks like the old Aristocraft rollers, some wood to raise the pilot and trailing trucks to the same level. Front upper wood part in the image is capable to be adjusted for locomotive length. With two pair of rollers you could then use the same stand for an articulated locomotive.

Last edited by BobbyD
T4TT posted:

.....  I am happy I bought this engine and that Lionel is advancing our hobby.   I just wanted to post something positive about this engine as there is much about it that is worthy of praise, plus I get tired of reading all the negative posts about flaws and prices that are too high.

Wow! Finally something positive gets posted. I am tired of the negative bashing posts too.

I figure it's that winter is coming and everyone is in a bad mood. It is tough that things are priced higher so I understand some whining.

Look at the example that LOS sets by himself. He buys the engine. He makes it better, and he shares how he did it. We could learn from him if we'd just stop and look.


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