I have analog voltmeters hanging off of my ZW outputs. Recently I noticed that when the throttle on the “A” was set to 0V but the “B” throttle was set to some non-zero voltage, my “A” voltmeter showed about 2V. Bringing the “B” throttle down to 0V caused the “A” voltmeter to then read the expected 0V. Likewise, I can get the “C” voltmeter to read about 2V when then “A” throttle is non-zero. I confirmed my measurements at the ZW’s binding posts with a DMM and they concur with my analog voltmeters.
I’m guessing (hoping?) that one throttle is inducing voltage on the others – but is this the case and is this significant of an induction normal? Or is there something leaking somewhere inside the ZW I need to track down? I swear it wasn’t doing this before. Can anyone check to see if they have this phenomenon?