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OGR mag and fourm, Trains, Classic Trains, Classic Toy Trains, Model Railroader and their forums, Railroad Model Craftsman, Railfan & Railroad, Model Railroad Hobbyist,,Model Train Journal, O Gauge Hobbyist. youtube, model railroading group on Facebook prototype and model railroad groups on facebook and Yahoo groups and whatever else I can find online.   I also watch  ebay for good deals on information from or about the prototype (rule books, brochures for customers and what not.)

This and other internet train forums, subscribing to the two major O scale magazines, TCA, LCCA, LRRC memberships (with their rspective publications and online member sites/services), email offers from various internet train dealers and visits to LHS's and local/regional train shows.

Both social media aand train clubs are not a part of the equation for me at this time.

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