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Today I was given permission to set up an interview with the owner of American Models for the S Gaugian.  As I did with Lionel and MTH I would like you guys to give me some suggested questions for the interview if Ron will agree to do it.

Remember that your question cannot be lots of questions in one sentence requesting multiple answers.  Also, the questions must be positive in nature.

Thanks for your ideas.

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Rusty Traque posted:

I think I know the answers to these two, but I'll pose them anyway:

Will there be a new run of PA's? (Santa Fe in particular)

Is there a possibility of adding dome cars and baggage cars to the Budd sets?


Discussing the possibility of adding dome cars and baggage cars to the Budd sets is a great idea.  


Years ago, I interviewed Ron for a proposed article in Classic Toy Trains.  I submitted the interview and was turned down by the magazine.  Unfortunately, it's now so out of date, that it's only a footnote in my archives.  Good luck on the interview.  Ron's done SO much for S.  He's been in business now for longer than A.C. was.

Hi Bill,

     I was in my train room today and I have many of American Models Trains in my collection much more then I thought I had. I enjoy them all and have never had any operation problems. One question would be with the new building will there be an effort to rebuilding his inventory or producing new offerings? Will American Models be producing any Steam Locos in the future? I understand the probability depends upon if the tooling from China included the steam locos. How is his efforts to have American produced trains & parts going for him?  I would also like to ask if there would be any chance of full interiors on his Cabooses and Passenger Cars like the Bud cars have in the future? 

     With those questions I wish him and American Models a very healthy future. I know I am very happy with the American Model products I have and hope to have more in the future.

Happy Railroading



Happy Railroading

1) Can we see dome budd passenger cars in the future?

2) How do you (American Models) decide when it is time to rerun a model? The SD60 and PAs are barren, yet we see new road names in the GP9s, the GP9s mind you are in full stock.  Can we expect to see the sold out and unavailable models rerun? And if so, will the take the form of the more high fidelity "DX" models (hope so). 

3) Any thought to expanding the turnout size offering beyond just the R27?

4) While I would not spend a lot of time throwing out "can you make this or that locomotive" questions, the desiel that seems to have the most support, and that no one is making, is the SD40-2.  Would AM consider making this model? 

5) Does AM monitor any of the popular online forums to see what the chatter is? 

That's all I got at the moment Bill. When do you expect to do the interview (that is to say how long are you taking questions for)?  And will this be in the same issue as the York interviews? 


Please ask Ron if he will produce a NYC Dreyfuss 20th Century Hudson.  Thank you.  He made the NYC Empire Express Hudson in chrome and satin silver so much of the chassis, drivetrain, etc. is there to take advantage of.  Any rendition of the 20th Century Hudson in terms of early or late paint scheme (with/without blue stripes), boxpok or Scullin wheels, etc. would be fine, or a few of them even better.  They all look great and represent a timeless, classic design of the streamlined steam engine era.  NYC_Hudson2


Images (1)
  • NYC Dreyfuss 20th Century Hudson

Id like to see American Models offer alternate paint schemes for their current offerings.

For example, I'm a New Haven fan, and New Haven had several paint schemes for their PA and FA among others.

I'm sure that's true for other roads too, and would probably help them sell a lot more without the need for new tooling etc.

I agree with the comment above - American Models just doesn't get the recognition they deserve - quality product , 

fairly priced and I' ve always had wonderful service and responsiveness.   



AmFlyer posted:

Only the Trainmaster was made in the pre McGinnis green with yellow stripe. I have one, nice engine. I have an RS 3 in McGinnis black/orange, it goes with the AM NH passenger car set. The AM NH Pacific also works with the passenger set. Releasing more DX paint schemes is a good idea.

New Haven never had Train Masters, but they were proposed.  AM's model follows that proposal and looks pretty sharp.

I remember seeing artwork for the New Haven Train Masters in a magazine, but can't remember which one.  I scoured my Model Railroader and Trains Magazine CD archives to no avail.  Might have been in Extra 2200 South or RMC.

There's also artwork floating around for for an Illinois Central proposal.  IC once did consider buying 75 Train Masters.  If AM did those...



Perhaps a word of commendation for Ron would be appropriate.  I only have his 4 wheel passenger cars so far, but they are good, his service was very good and I look forward to doing more business with him.

Our North Penn S Gaugers use alot of his products and they are very satisfied.

Good words do more than complaints/demands.  You can attract more flies with Honey then Vinegar.




So many specific questions...  I think some of the more general questions might be better, such as:

What are your thoughts about producing modern era cars to fill in the void in Lionel's product line?

What new products in what railroad eras are you planning on producing in the next several years?

Somewhat more specific:

Would you consider releasing existing cars, such as the PS2 CD in the same schemes with more numbers?

But if we're getting specific the Trinity 5161 looks a lot like the ACF centerflow.  S really needs a ribbed, flat side hopper along the lines of the PS 4750.  AM PS2 CD is an older version with the lower sill.  We need a high sill version.  I'd like to see the FM Trainmaster in Milwaukee Road.  They had the 3 axle version but with different prime movers.  The hoods and cabs are very similar with some variation in the louvers.  Also more numbers in existing car schemes.  Sales of the CD center flows might have been better had there been more numbers offered.


Roundhouse Bill posted:

Please guys, send questions not commendation suggestions for Ron &  AM.  The interview is to get answers to questions.  


Bill, be mentally prepared to possibly bring Ron up to date on products beyond his own realm. In many a discussion with Ron (he is a member of the same S gauge club as I), he has often been kind of (blissfully? ) unaware of what Lionel has been offering or has offered.

Good luck and thanks.


Last edited by Bob Bubeck

You might want to consider asking, (just for everyone's education and appreciation for what is available now product wise) in general, what are the costs of bringing a totally new piece of rolling stock versus a locomotive into production and to the market. I'm sure AM must have been affected by the shake up years ago at Sanda Kan, and it is my understand that now everything that ships from China has to be paid for in full before shipment... adding to the cost and risk factor.

Of course, his finances are no one's business. But every other train company rep I've heard talk about this, says the same thing... that it is incredibly expensive given the market size. Jason Shron of Rapido is pretty open about this topic. Even with the larger size of the HO market, he says careful thought has to be put into new product development. Wrong steps for small companies can have irrevocable consequences.



I'm sure AM must have been affected by the shake up years ago at Sanda Kan, and it is my understand that now everything that ships from China has to be paid for in full before shipment... adding to the cost and risk factor.


For the information of all, Ron and AM have all their tooling back from China after lots of problems.  He will not produce future AM products in China.

 Thanks for your questions

NotInWI posted:


2) How do you (American Models) decide when it is time to rerun a model? The SD60 and PAs are barren, yet we see new road names in the GP9s, the GP9s mind you are in full stock.  Can we expect to see the sold out and unavailable models rerun? And if so, will the take the form of the more high fidelity "DX" models (hope so).

4) While I would not spend a lot of time throwing out "can you make this or that locomotive" questions, the desiel that seems to have the most support, and that no one is making, is the SD40-2.  Would AM consider making this model? read my mind! I'm also ready for a rerun of some of the SD60!!! However, I did recently pick up a few beautiful Norfolk southern units and CSX units ( 2 low nose and 1 wide cab) from David Blum.  Those things are getting extemely hard to find.

Also, I second that question about the SD40-2 as a new release. I personally believe it would be a huge seller. I mean, they did just do a NEW ALCO RS-11, Why not do one that no one else is???.... SD40-2!!!!

In my personal opinion those RS-11's would be outsold by the SD40-2  That's just my personal opinion of course.

Last edited by snowmanw900

Aflyer....I felt the cost of a new run of steam engines was his big issue.  Remember too, that the company that used to build his engines in China dumped him.

I know you want the New Haven Budd Cars.  I bet no dealers will have them.  I get what I want of his "out of stock" items off eBay.  I have to be patient though.  This is the link to AM products.  Good luck;_skc=200&rt=nc  

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