Well, I finally joined y'all.
I have been an HO model Railroader, but when my eyes and my fingers didn't like it anymore, I changed over to O scale.
Actually, I pretty much went to what HO'ers, like to call the dark side. On30. I had a layout, but situations change and we have to endure the heartbreak of dismantling. So, all I have left are some structures (scratchbuilt), rolling stock (mostly scratchbuilt and locomotives (not scratchbuilt). I do have some photos of one module. I can share those if you like. O I forgot, I have pics of my first ever, scratchbuilt O scale gallows turntable.
I went to On30, because it was an issue of space. The name of my railroad was The Horace and William Creek R.R. It was all handlaid wood ties and rail. It was named in honor of my Father, who in his youth, was a fireman on the Pere Marquett R.R., during WW1 and Korean Conflict.
I love scratchbuilding. I have recently started scratchbuilding O scale Three color signals along with the electronics to drive them. If you like, I can do a thread on building these.
It doesn't matter if I ever use them, I just enjoy building things!
Remember always: It's not the destination that matters. Its the journey. The destination itself will make, if the journey there was for the hearts very sake!
I am not a rivet counter, nor am I a nit picker. I love the hobby for the hobbies sake.