Ron045: As long as one doesn't attack any fellow member and is only expressing his or her opinion about an inferior product I see no harm whatsoever if you feel that you must "rant". I want to know all the facts before I invest in any product, not only model trains, before I spend $$$ in same and end up getting stuck with a piece of junk. I believe this includes the majority of human beings, including OGR members, especially since Quality Control is fast becoming just another word in the dictionary and no longer put into practice today!
Since the planet was hit with this Corona thing we have seen, and continue to see, mountains of restrictions placed on mankind worldwide. True, this stuff is dangerous, but lives have been lost since man first inhababited the earth as a resulf of diseases, both natural as well as man made. Sadly they will continue, even after a cure for Corona has been found. Not only from Corona itself, but lives are being lost as the harsh lockdowns continue to take their toll with an ever increasing amount of suicides as a result of gross restrictions of both freedom of movement and speech. The fact that so many young people continue to take their own life is shocking in itself as they see no end to this madness nor do they have anything to look forward to in the way of a future. News reports continue to air on TV regarding this ongoing tragedy.
This is where model railroading has become, and is becoming, a life saver during the Corona lockdown where families are coming together again and are beginning to enjoy the hobby as a family instead of dad playing with his trains all by himself and in many cases even frowned upon by members of his own family! Sadly, I've seen this happen before. Why, even many of the long forgotten traditional games such as Monopoly and Sorry, to name two, are coming back into vogue. Take a ride on the Reading anyone?
CurtisH: Your statement hits home! Bravo! Model trains and this forum in particular should bring enjoyment and companionship to each and every member alike, regardless of their views or opinions about tracks or trains, and should never become a place to come short of insulting any member as outlined in the OGR On-Line Terms of Service. Perhaps it's time for every member to re-read the TOS again and abide by same?
Thank you,