Hi All,
I'm installing a Z-Stuff DZ-1030 wig wag set of signals to my layout. I'm using 2 DZ-1011 Block Signal Detectors as well.
I've connected the red and black leads from the DZ-1030s and DZ-1011s to hot and common, respectively.
I've connected the blue leads from the DZ-1030s to each other.
I've connected the white leads from the DZ-1030s to the white leads of the DZ-1011s.
I've tied off the green leads - I have no external speaker.
When I apply power, the DZ-1030s flash and the bell sounds. They do not stop until I turn the power off. And the wig wag arm seems to be stuck in one direction - it's not "wagging", as I would expect.
Any thoughts as to what could be the problem?