Originally Posted by hojack:
Thanks to both of you... , makes me wonder why Ives bothered with these factory repaints, it is ridiculously labor intensive!
You're Welcome. Glad you got the loco. Should be fun to study.
The thing is that Ives is not nearly as labor intensive to strip trim from.
We're talking 2 headlights, 4 brass plates, and 4 railings with cotter pins on the shell.
Lionel's "Plates" are one giant piece that has all the plates and is "tabbed/slotted" into the loco sides. Much more fragile as well... the tabs break off and you're screwed....
Ives you just get another plate or cotter pin.
Personal speculation is also that the trim was never on the locomotive to begin with.....it was just a painted shell, sitting on a rack or shelf somewhere until they needed it to build a train set. Then it got repainted and assembled into a locomotive.
I don't believe that Ives would've built the loco completely without having a specific use for it.
One of the things I learned while researching the 3255 and 3257 (which are cousins), was that trim on the shells didn't seem to match motor/frame details or colors per say.
So a grey loco from 26/27 shows up with 1928-29 headlights and trim?
Probably because it didn't have trim in 1926-27, but it did have paint....to protect the bare metal......then sat on a shelf until it was needed.
Many of their "sets" in 29 and 30 contain leftover pieces from previous years that they overpainted.....so I believe it was more a "grab and go" use what we got type of situation.
If they had paint in stock, but not enough parts to build an entirely new car, it makes more business sense to grab the old orange one from last year and re-spray it.
While studying the trains is a big enjoyment to me, I still find it slightly comical that we (physically grown adults) sit around and discuss things like this.....heck there's a huge meet that occupies several buildings of an entire fairground twice a year just for such purpose...... If any one of the factory workers could see us now, he/she'd be laughing their rear end off.
It was a toy factory....for kids toys.
"We need black locos this year....apparently "they" changed the color in the catalog again!....well the tooling is not up for the 3255 yet.......arn't their some of last years orange ones in the back.....start painting...."