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Originally Posted by Hot Water:
Originally Posted by Ralph M:

meanwhile, we get Amtrak

That's OK with me, as my taxes are high enough now, with out supporting a multi TRILLION DOLLAR government transportation system that is used ONLY to haul people!


I'm with you, Hot.


The USA decided back in the 1950s to spend its money for an Interstate Highway System.  The result of this is that our culture became even more enamored with the automobile, and we got Amtrak.


I'm wondering how Japan is going to finance that.  Of course, when your public long-distance rail transportation is nationalized . . .


Also understand that, if there was money to be made doing this, private enterprise would already be doing it.


If you ain't happy with what you got, don't blame the wrong folks.  


Originally Posted by Ralph M:

For what it cost to ride and the very limited support it has of those holding the purse does pretty well.

You are comparing apples and oranges. In the USA we pour BILLIONS into subsidizing the hiway system and airways while the private sector railways PAY to operate over their own private self maintained property. 


A tiny country like Japan is well suited to HSR and add to it the lower percentage of auto ownership in dense citys. Totally different than the USA.


I'd love a 300 mph train from NYC to LA.  But until there is a major culture change in the country it will never happen.

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