I ended up purchasing this Jep loco, I think it's a 222? It's missing some parts, front and rear trucks, siderods, and tender trucks. I think I can steal the tender trucks from an old JEP flatcar I have, the rest will have to wait till I find the parts or I can make some temporary ones. Only problem is this now means I need some passenger cars to go with it
Replies sorted oldest to newest
Another cool project Dennis.
You are on a steep slope, I do not know whether it is up or down
Besides the missing part this JEP, indeed a 222 (4-4-4), looks good and I assume that it runs (I have never seen a JEP that does not). If you need some pictures of certain parts just let me know. Here a picture with the matching passenger cars:
And of course some moving pictures:
"Only problem is this now means I need some passenger cars to go with it"
no sympathy here.....it's all part of his master plan.......
beautiful score! where did you find it?
ebay France... shipping is a little salty, about $30, but I think the total price was quite a bit lower than others I've seen probably due to the missing parts. As normal it probably costs more in the long run but I keep forgetting that detail. Now we'll see how long it takes to get here and so forth. I have my eye on a set of cars, but they would need restored.
Fred, thanks for your pictures and video, as always they are a contributing factor to my slippery slope!!!
you mean.....people actually buy trains that don't need rebuilt first? buncha weirdos....
Nice find Dennis. That JEP engine with SNCF stamped on the tender is from the post war period and could match very well with a set of passenger cars.
I looked in my junk parts but i don't have everything you need unfortunately. The missing parts are sometime available on Ebay in France. Just keep in mind that shipping is relatively expensive between our countries. If you need some help don't hesitate to contact me.
All my best wishes, Daniel
Thank you Daniel! I found a set of rods on there already, but I think they are for the smaller engine's. They are very cheap so I may bid just to have a reference, we'll see. So for postwar, should it have the red and green 37cm cars like Fred has posted above?
I also see that the engine is missing one of the two pickups on the bottom. I'll just have to see what I need when it shows up.
I paid 76 Euro for it, probably too much for an engine needing these parts, but this engine does seem to sell for decent money most of the time. I am still kicking myself as a few months ago I waited too long when I found a complete 222 engine and tender plus two brown 37cm cars for US $110, in the US(low shipping for me). It was on a buy it now and I had been buying too many trains and so I sat and thought about it. You know what that means. The deal was so good, it did not last long, and I'm only talking about maybe 10 minutes. Ever since then, I've been looking for another one at a good price.
If you had the parts, I could have had the seller ship it to you, and then paid you to add the parts and ship it to me!
Dennis, Fred's set is all original, post car, pullman and luggage van. So now you know what to look for....
I looked on ebay in France and there is a set of rods but they are not the right ones, they are, as you have seen, for a smaller model and will not be usefull on your loco. In my spare parts i have a set of rods, the ones connecting the two wheels on each side. i don't have the external ones. I have only one spare boggie complete with wheels and i must have the missing tender boggies complete. i certainly have all the original screws to fix everything. i think that this one is a single pick up model so no missing part there.
I will look more seriously for the other parts next week end if you can wait a little... Price for the parts is nothing, i will not use them so they will be yours for free.
If your seller agree to send me the engine it is not a problem for me to send it to you with all the spare parts i have, it will save on shipping. My email is in my profile.
Dennis, just to geave you an idea of the loc you have bought, i have some side by side pictures of a 222 JEP and a Lionel 255e. The loco on those pictures has a different motor, i will take pictures of the exact matching one to yours tomorrow.
Thanks Daniel, It's bigger than I thought
Its good to know my opponents on ebay.fr LOL!!!
Nice score Dennis ... I have a soft spot for French made stuff, JeP, LR, etc mainly clockwork tho
Thank you sir, I won't go after too much unless I can catch a JEP 231 NORD loco at a reasonable price I do also need an LR loco since I have a couple of LR passenger and mail cars.
Dennis, some pictures of the same engine you have bought. Maybe they will be of some help to see what is missing on yours.
I don't have so many spare parts, keep in mind that is is really more difficult to find spare parts in France than in USA. we don't have any good parts sellers has you have. The only ones i can send you are a spare bogie for your tender, a back bogie for the loco, one wheel has a slight damage but it will run good and a pair of rods in need of some work and polishing. Sorry but i don't have more. Just let me know if you want them.
All my best wishes, Daniel
so will these French trains run OK on our electric ? and it sounds like either buy one as complete as possible or be ready to do like Gunny Highway.....
Steamer posted:so will these French trains run OK on our electric ? and it sounds like either buy one as complete as possible or be ready to do like Gunny Highway.....
It will run great on your Lionel tracks Dave, even on 027 ones. It is highly better to buy a near complete one of course but the price of this one was fair, complete it will be half of her value.
And i think Dennis is very addicted to those nice french models.....
what I meant Daniel was the electric current...I know Europe does/did have different current from the US? And Dennis is just plain addicted..... but that has it's benefits...he's a great source for finding trains and parts.
Dave, the vast majority of JEP trains run as Lionel ones under 20 volts. The older ones are AC models, reversing with a lever on the top, some others have an automatic reverser, when you cut the alimentation it will restart in the opposite direction when all is working good...... Only the latest ones using the AP5 motor are DC 20 volts and need a specific DC transformer. Lionel has made some DC transfos.
Dennis seems very good in finding many projects, i hope for him he will have enough time to do everything.....
I have the feeling Dennis is a lot like my late Uncle Jim.....he could rebuild anything from an old farm tractor that has been sitting in a field since 1920 to a 1969 Chrysler...but if he had been able to retire before his untimely passing he never would have finished all his projects. You have seen Dennis's project area......and I suspect this isn't all of them....
Your right, and that's just one cabinet.. I can tell you, if something were to happen to me, my wife has long said she would just have a big yard sale and price everything at $5 each.... And Dave, you do have my address and you better bring your truck
wish you were closer! I kinda have the idea I'd need to make more than one trip!
My Dad, my late Uncle, and I are the trains people in my family. I told my wife and daughters that before my stuff hits e bay, do some homework and get a fair price.
Now I have some passenger cars coming for this loco. I regret they are in needs restored condition, but the price was good and I don't mind restoring them, providing I can come close to matching the colors.
I'd prefer some nice cars.. but you know me by now... If I don't save these they might be doomed to nothingness for all of posterity. I have to do it to appease the train Gods!!
that didnt take long ....nice find Dennis
Ok, so my "new" Jep 37 cm cars showed up. Mind you I paid about 12 Euro each for them.... Not too bad. They are missing all the buffers and a couple of hooks. I'll have to do some serious hammer and dolly work to get a couple of the roofs in decent shape, but I think that is manageable. I'm thinking I will replace all the axles with Music wire as the stock JEP axle wire seems very soft compared to the Lionel axles I am used to plus most of them are either bent or long gone. I'd also like to add some lights eventually and so will be on the lookout for pictures of a center rail pickup for one of those passenger cars so I can fabricate something close to what the would have come with. I'm betting either Fred or Daniel will have picture for referecne . They are nice cars, large in size but of fairly thin sheet metal. I think it will be a neat contrast to see these JEP cars, the 40 cm Marklin cars, and maybe 2623 Lionel Madison cars all lined up together. I also got the 222 last night but must have forgotten to snap a photo. It is fairly nice and should clean up well. As Fred suggested, it did run right out of the box. It will need some work though as the plain side wheels are loose enough that the axle gears can jump time. This is probably why the side rods were removed.
Great project Dennis, a lot of work to do but i am sure you will do something nice with those cars. Spare parts will not be easy to find but maybe some adapted pieces will do it.
Here is the lighting unit, taken from the auction site. The wires are new, original ones where sheet covered.
You can find repro ones.
nice projects Dennis. Can't wait to see your results.
FRENCHTRAINS posted:Great project Dennis, a lot of work to do but i am sure you will do something nice with those cars. Spare parts will not be easy to find but maybe some adapted pieces will do it.
Here is the lighting unit, taken from the auction site. The wires are new, original ones where sheet covered.
You can find repro ones.
Perfect! Exactly what I was looking for Daniel! Thank you! Looks like the top part of the truck bracket is meant to fit into the slots on the top side of the trucks. I should be able to make something like that out of a brass pieces I have. We will see. I also realized the buffers on these cars were threaded with a nut on the inside unlike the freight cars that seem to be riveted on, is that correct?
Dennis Holler- saving antique toy trains one piece at a time
Nice find!
You are totally correct Dennis, the buffers where brass plated with a nut inside to fix. This system was never used on freight cars, buffers where riveted only.
Nice little video of a JEP 222 running in France, it will gave you an idea of what you can do......
RSJB18 posted:Dennis Holler- saving antique toy trains one piece at a time
Nice find!
Dennis you need to add that to your signature!
Be careful, this is Steamers favorite addiction, after receiving the rolling stock for your Frenchie, I recommend a secured room or Steamer will be around to take them off your hands.
By the way I want one also, so you might want to double secure that room.
Great pick up for sure! Simply a fantastic piece of Tin!
Here you go for 380 Euro complete set
And while the 380 Euro for the set above will be three plus times the $$ I have in the fixer uppers I now have, it would probably be worth it, it looks like a really nice set.
Now Dave Dennis's new find are safe....he's so good at finding needed parts for me, and even sends me a care package now and then......beside he probably has more security than Ft Knox.....
Dennis Holler posted:I'm betting either Fred or Daniel will have picture for reference
. They are nice cars, large in size but of fairly thin sheet metal.
These cars came with and without interior lights. As far as I know the version without interior light anyway had a tail light at the green baggage car; see the picture Further the green baggage car had no hook but loops at both sides; the hole for the hook is used for the tail lamp.
Further in my taste the tinplate of these JEP trains is rather thick (compared with CR and French Hornby). These are sturdy cars for European makes.
Thanks Fred, That fits perfectly, My green baggage car has two loops and a tail light but the pickup was missing. I am definitely liking these cars too. Is there any logic or timeframe to some cars having the orange-ish overspray on the roofs? I have the one car with and the others without.
I was saying before a couple of wheels were loose. You can see what looks like brass nuts in the wheel centers. Other wheels I see on line don't seem to have those nuts or I just can't tell. I almost wonder if the brass is really a complete hub that the "wheel" is fitted to. I'll do some more searching but was curious to know if anyone had insight to these wheels as I don't want to break one taking it apart incorrectly. I'm also working on a first attempt at the pickup bracket in the last photo
Dennis Holler posted:I am definitely liking these cars too. Is there any logic or timeframe to some cars having the orange-ish overspray on the roofs? I have the one car with and the others without.
I think the orange over-spray is not original. I have never seen that with any other JEP car.
Dennis Holler posted:
I was saying before a couple of wheels were loose. You can see what looks like brass nuts in the wheel centers. Other wheels I see on line don't seem to have those nuts or I just can't tell. I almost wonder if the brass is really a complete hub that the "wheel" is fitted to. I'll do some more searching but was curious to know if anyone had insight to these wheels as I don't want to break one taking it apart incorrectly. I'm also working on a first attempt at the pickup bracket in the last photo
The wheels on my JEP 222 are pressed on; I noticed that there are however 2 versions of wheels; there are versions with a counterweight as in your loco and with a counterweight like a new moon, also the number of spokes differ:
Maybe this 2 versions have different ways of attaching.