3 or 4 years ago I purchased this handsome GG1 from one of you. Was going through a divorce at the time and when it arrived, it went into a closet unopened. I realized that I had not actually seen this beauty before and had become concerned about the dreaded zinc pest awhile back. Upon first glance, this one appears to be fine.
The pantographs worked well and the sound was terrific. No time to read up on the remote operation of them and was concerned about hanging them up on a portal or signal at some point so left them both down. Years ago I had the Tuscan model and really enjoyed it. Didn't care for the color however as it appeared almost too brown - like a Hershey bar.
Took it to the club tonight and was going to put her at the head of a coal train on our upper level. Alas, one of the curves leading into a mine was too tight for this beast so it was relegated to the outer lower loop where I run most of my equipment. Hope it doesn't offend anyone's sensibilities by showing it with some nice looking Long Island cars... :-)