There were a few items which K-Line had some sort of scale coupler. They came up with a 4 car Hooker tank car set. 3 had scale "talgo" connected scale couplers, and one had a scale and a claw on each end.
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And your point is?????
I own 4 of the K-Line 30 ton Plymouth Switchers and one has scale couplers. They do in fact couple up to the regular couplers that we all know and I guess love. So what if anything are you asking about?
Ed G.
Seems to me that could be a transition from clws to something smaller. Darwin dead end, I guess?
Seems to me that could be a transition from clws to something smaller.
Smaller than what? I have a few of the K-Line "scale couplers" and they are no smaller than Kadee couplers. Soooooo, bottom line is; Kadee couplers are still the best for overall 3RS OPERATION. Thus, if it ain't broke,,,,then don't f%$& with it!!!
The claw was so you could hook it to whatever engine you had, that didn't have scale couplers. Or hook something to the end of it that didn't have scale couplers. The scale couplers were really just there because they look better.
And, btw, they were just Kadee knock-offs.
The couplers they sent me were identical to Kadees. They worked the same. I suspect they would have been slightly cheaper, but then K-Line died.