This is not really going very well.
I received my order of Kadees. The height gauge. Some 740s, some 746s and some 805s.
Problem #1: No screws! Now I need 2-56 x 1/2". Didn't occur to me screws were not included. These are an unlikely thing to find at my little, rural HW store and will probably have to be mail ordered. Another lengthy delay for a Canadian in the back woods.
Problem #2: I can't get the coupler mounting posts off the GGD cars! It's a mystery to me how they are held. I tried the rear of the observation car first as it is the most visible and the least important if I louse it up. Unscrewing the large, flat head screw in the image does nothing . . . just turns and turns and turns . . . . I can't get at the other end at all as it is in a tiny pocket under the observation deck which is glued onto the car body. Post has to come off entirely as it intrudes into the area the Kadee gear box needs. So, I'm at a standstill with the passenger cars, which I thought would easiest as the couplers are already body-mounted and I wouldn't have a powered truck to fiddle with.