Carey - Thank you for the return message. Photos of Bernard Corbin's Burlington locomotives can be seen in the May 1958 "Model Railroader" and in Burlington Route Historical Society's "Burlington Bulletin" #36. He constructed more then 100 scratch built Burlington locomotives, as well as D&RGW, C&O, UP and Wabash locomotives. Somewhere - where, o where? - I saw a picture of his E5 and it clearly looked just like yours. Alas, I thought the picture was in Bulletin 36, but not! So I can't cite a photo of Bernard's Adams and Sons E5, but it most assuredly was (the heavy window frames were the memory trigger for me) - - - and I am pretty sure you have his E5, as Jim Seacrest and he were friends. It would appear that all the non Sunset CB&Q locomotives in the Seacrest collection offerings were Corbins.
If I come across the photo I saw of Corbin's E5, I will advise. He certainly dressed up the base model ! The photo may have been in the BRHS' ancillary publication, "The Zephyr".