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I am using 2 of the Ameri-Builds Pedicini's Bakery kits to make a model of my grandfather's grocery store at 832 9th Street west in Huntington, WV. I have cut the kit walls apart so I can mix and match. The actual store is 24' x 48 'but I am forced to get a 36' x 36' result which will result in a 9" x 9" footprint. I had to bend the front door with window to achieve the inset door feature. I am using Squadron white putty to fill in the gaps. I want to install a floor internally between the first and second stories and plan to use a sheet of styrene. I also will have to use something to create the roof since I don't have enough of materials from the Pedicini kit. I am mounting on base of  9-1/4 x 9-1/4 piece of 1/8 sanded plywood.

My issues are this:

I am going to use the printed bricks since I have found the exact color match to what the original building looked like.

I want to install interior and exterior lighting. I plan on using leds from Evan's Design, they seem to work well and are easy to install. I don't know how to fashion and exterior light over the front door alcove other than just hang the led out to look like an exposed bulb??

I will put the second story wall pieces in place and putty the joint?? How to I maintain the brick texture at the joint?? Maybe a thin piece of styrene as a cover then painted??

I need to make a brick square column for the post in the front of the store?? I will have extra pieces of wall left over but they appear to be too thick to achieve the small column??

I have painted the interior white and then plan to use printed wallpaper and wood flooring to simulate a grocery store floor in the 1930s.

I am planning make the window from clear acetate and will frame around the windows including the large 5' x 5' ones with some small styrene strips to cover the cut areas.

I have 3 different airbrushes that I bought as a kit and have experimented with each to learn its capabilities. But I find that some of the painting has to be done by hand with a brush.

This embedded link is the Google street view of the existing building which is no longer a store but now is an apartment building.,-82.4696016,3a,75y,270h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1stDR2nvEIaQlfSQqaz2KWng!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1?hl=en



Images (3)
  • 20160116_081141[1]
  • 20160116_081157[1]
  • Pedicini's Bakery
Last edited by Quizshow904
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