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Last month I got the bug to kitbash/scratch something. I have been interested in the PRR b70a theater car for a long time so another experiment using the PRR equipment drawings available online. I am using a failed K-line RPO kitbash (2020) as the donor car, for the frame, trucks, one end, grab irons and metal foot steps. The shell is scratched with styrene and the roof, my toughest challenge so far, will be wood. I used spray can scale coat 2 Tuscan enamel on the previous kitbash car. I like the color but it is too dark for a weather beaten car. I experimented with Rustoleum flat red and chalks and like the result so far. I will post a few pics soon.

Last edited by pennsynut
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Looks great! Can you share how you get the Rivet detail in the styrene?

Dj: I use one of two wheel tools with different separation and size perferation teeth. I recall finding them at Walmart or hobby lobby fabric areas. My best results have been measuring each individual section needed and adding a little so if I make a mistake I don't ruin and waste. Depending on the width needed, if there is enough to tape the piece down I will. Then I place the edge of a thin steel straight edge ruler just so for the desired location of the rivet detail. Of course several experiments are helpful. For my best results, I use the rough side of a 24 by 9 inch piece of masonite as my rolling surface because it allows the teeth to penetrate the .01 thick styrene. I will post a pic soon. Happy to share.

Edit: The large cutting board is heavy enough to discourage slipping. I found it necessary to really press down hard on the ruler/cutting edge to maintain the edge location. Riveting individual small pieces when possible is easier to work with. Hope I didn't go on too long. Cheers.


Images (1)
  • PXL_20220706_153017853
Last edited by pennsynut

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