All I get is 404 error upon attempting to use it. Hope it’s only temporary. It’d be a blow to the O gauge community if it’s permanent.
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@Mark V. Spadaro posted:All I get is 404 error upon attempting to use it. Hope it’s only temporary. It’d be a blow to the O gauge community if it’s permanent.
Same here. It's an excellent resource with lots of detailed information. I hope it returns...
This has happened before.
That's why I obtained old K-Line catalogs as a supplement to the site for the items of interest to me.
I hope it does come back. It was a great resource. Back when HSL was producing CD/DVD's of digitized Lionel catalogs (and others), I had hoped that they would eventually get around to K-Line, Weaver, and Atlas O catalogs.
Darn. I bookmarked that site just last week!
Oh! I haven't used it often, but it was certainly valuable when I did use it.
It was fun to look and and wonder what could have been.
They had a period previously when they disappeared and then came back. I'm guessing it's a monetary issue...
I created a spreadsheet with everything they had. Glad I did. Unfortunately it does not include the pictures; just listings the same way everything was categorized on the website.
I get "we could not verify the certificate: reason = wrongHost" which means the SSL certificate is an older style and my up to date browser is blocking it. But may apple tablet will display it. I have run across this on a few hobby sites over the last year. As they renew the site and regenerate the SSL it works again on the newer browser.
Internet archive is a wonderful thing: Legacy K-Line
I do not think that every page was saved so whenever the website is back up and running, be sure to save it with the archive so you can always go back and reference it
@Oscale_Trains_Lover_ posted:Internet archive is a wonderful thing: Legacy K-Line
Problem is, when you drill down to actually see an item...
@gunrunnerjohn posted:Problem is, when you drill down to actually see an item...
Some work, some don't, that is the issue with partially saving a website. For example, this LIRR one works!
Once service is restored, I highly recommend everyone saves as much as we can
@Oscale_Trains_Lover_ posted:Once service is restored, I highly recommend everyone saves as much as we can
If service is restored.
When/if it is restored, try using this to download the entire website.
I've done this with a couple other websites and it works. Best part, it's free!
What is does is it "scrapes" the website and downloads all the pages including media items and all the linked to pages.
However, if it links to a page not on the website and that page no longer exists, it won't collect it.
Go to:
The owner and administrator, Mojomark, is a member of OGR, but lists no contact info in his profile.
@Mark V. Spadaro posted:The owner and administrator, Mojomark, is a member of OGR, but lists no contact info in his profile.
He's not a member under that name.
Correction - he’s no longer a member under that name. When I posted, he was listed as an active member. That’s how I was able to report he had no contact info. So, he either terminated his membership, or, Admin. stepped in and removed him.
Addendum - this member terminated his OGR Membership; he was not removed by Administration.
@Mark V. Spadaro posted:Addendum - this member terminated his OGR Membership; he was not removed by Administration.
Probably didn't want to get hate mail about why the Legacy_Kline site was taken down.
I think they're really gone.
Ugh! What a shame. So much great info, so readily accessible. Poof!
@Mark V. Spadaro posted:Ugh! What a shame. So much great info, so readily accessible. Poof!
I would have captured it if I thought it was going to disappear.
I liked that website as well. Having scanned more than my share of documents, I think the owner of the Legacy site was purposeful to take down the site's content since only a few pages are in the wayback machine. He did ask for donations, what he did receive, probably did not cover the costs.
One brave OGR Forum member did scan the 2002 Catalogue. Thank you @dastrock !
K-Line 2002 Catalog Second Edition.pdf | O Gauge Railroading On Line Forum
Another demonstration of the digital world losing historic information.
Had a very pleasant conversation with Mr. Alan Arnold this morning. To summarize, he’s exhausted every means at his disposal to identify Mojomark through his OGR membership. The bottom line is there is neither a trace, nor whisper, of Mojomark ever having been a member, using Mojomark as a handle. Therefore, I couldn’t’ve seen a profile page listing no contact info. Ergo, to err is human.
@Mark V. Spadaro posted:Had a very pleasant conversation with Mr. Alan Arnold this morning. To summarize, he’s exhausted every means at his disposal to identify Mojomark through his OGR membership. The bottom line is there is neither a trace, nor whisper, of Mojomark ever having been a member, using Mojomark as a handle. Therefore, I couldn’t’ve seen a profile page listing no contact info. Ergo, to err is human.
He existed. A Google search has him mentioned a few times as a member of this forum. Mark Johnson was his name.
@MartyE posted:He existed. A Google search has him mentioned a few times as a member of this forum. Mark Johnson was his name.
Well...I am sure he "existed" however we can not find him under his name or under "mojomark". It is quite possible he is a member of this forum but under a different name. We do have a Mark Johnson as a subscriber however using his address and email as stated in his subscription account brings up nothing matching any member on the forum. Years ago folks were able to join this forum using unverifiable profiles. We had scammers and hackers on a regular basis posting things in the middle of the night. We spent years going through profiles (we still are doing this) and cleaning up accounts. I can assure you that if we ever had a "mojomark", we can't find any record of it. So...with that, one of you will have to find a way to get him to respond if you have an email address. There is the possibility that he may have passed away which could be a reason for the site to finally be taken down. Just speculation on my part as I don't know.
I was able to connect with Mark last night. He did not know the site was unavailable, but will look into it later this week to bring it back online.
If anyone would like to get in touch with him, please email me. I can pass along his email info.
That's certainly good news Alex, thanks for chasing this down!
Excellent work, Alex!
In order to preserve the website, once it's back online - accessible - I'm going to "scrape" the website using the FREE program I mentioned above. It may take a while to do so (couple hours). Hopefully all the pages will download. I'll try to remember to post here after it's scraped.