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1/09/12 - I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Erik Stott of Chicago, to the ranks of O scale importers. Erik has just escaped from a 'Windy City' mental hospital and has decided that he has no better use for his money now that he's free! Just kidding of course about the mental hospital, Erik is a well known O scaler and he has decided to establish Midwestern Model Works, with the intention of developing a line of high-end O scale diesel locomotive models. Not content with what has been offered thus far in the marketplace, Erik wants to offer the exclusive technologies he has developed both in his drive and lighting systems and package them in highly and correctly detailed brass models. Being familiar with Erik's dedication to excellence, I am personally very excited to see what will develop from his new efforts. Congratulations Erik and the best of luck going forward! Erik has already established a web site and you may view it by clicking HERE.
If George recommends Erik, He definitely has my business.
I always say "Brass is Class!" Smile nw2124
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Originally posted by jgtrh62:

are you wanting your unit(s) in Amtrak or Santa Fe, as some of them ended up as later in life?

Those were sure nice looking locomotives.



As delivered and painted (red nose). They are now on the Midwestern website. The ATSF modified the noses and one became a Maersk unit for s few weeks for some pics and then I think it was scrapped. If anyone is interested in them in Phase II Amtrak or ATSF they need to contact Erik.

Originally posted by rdunniii:
As delivered and painted (red nose). They are now on the Midwestern website. The ATSF modified the noses and one became a Maersk unit for s few weeks for some pics and then I think it was scrapped. If anyone is interested in them in Phase II Amtrak or ATSF they need to contact Erik.


Wasn't scrapped.
And the latest youtube I could find. Getting its original style nose back soon.
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