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I actually have had this layout set up in my basement for years.  I could not find the layout plan and could not remember where I found it.  Still a mystery as I do not have the Model Railroading book.   Looking around the internet led me to the reference I listed in the original post,  but I don't have that either! 

RichBar posted:

I actually have had this layout set up in my basement for years.  I could not find the layout plan and could not remember where I found it.  Still a mystery as I do not have the Model Railroading book.   Looking around the internet led me to the reference I listed in the original post,  but I don't have that either! 

I think CTT or OGR did a story on a revision/improvement to it several years ago. 

William 1 posted:

Pretty cool layout design.  I see about 9' of track run to get up and over.  Not necessarily a negative,  but the grades are going to be a bit steep.

 Oh, I see you built it already, so you would know.

I started to ascend the trestle at point "A" to point "B".  Leveled off to point "C" where the descent started and ended at point "D".  I used the Lionel trestles. Have not had any problems.


Files (1)
RJR posted:

Joe, I hadn't seen that cover on "Model Railroading" before.  I have parts of 2 from about the early 50's or earlier.  Was one of the best books on model railroading ever written. I read it to shreds.

It was a great help to me when I got back into the hobby in 1990 or so.  I wish the diagrams were sharper -- guess the original materials were lost and they worked from a copy on newsprint.  

I love the simplicity of the insulated rail techniques.  No relays, no soldering (just lock-ons and wire)! 

Never saw the book as a kid -- wish I had.

Take care, Joe.

Last edited by Joe Rampolla

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