I have a BNSF 2-engine lashup using one ES44AC (20-20090-1) and one AC4400CW (20-20009-1), and they have been running trouble free for a long time. Together with a non-powered AC4400CW to make a 3-engine unit, they head one of the trains I demonstrate for my guests.
I wanted to see the INFO on the two powered engines, so I tried to access them, but this resulted in "ENGINE NOT ON TRACK". I ran the lashup to a different location, but still the individual engines were not recognized.
I deleted both engines, added them back on, and was able to get the INFO on them. One of the batteries showed low, but the other was OK. Both engines ran fine individually, and I took a video of them running.
I recreated the lashup, ran it several times, and took a video of the 3-engine unit; they look great, and the engines ran great.
Out of curiosity, I tried to access the individual engines, and again had the "ENGINE NOT ON TRACK" messages! But the lashup was recognized and ran just as well as ever.
How can these two engines run fine individually, but after they are used in a lashup, in which they also run fine, they disappear as individual engines?